RIP David McCullough
He brought history to life for me and was one of a handful of authors that led me to my love of history.
John Adams and 1776 are my favorites, but I enjoyed several of his other works
@DarkMina what an awesome surprise! I can't wait to read, McCullough is one of my favorite authors. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and especially your friendship. (My hubby says he wants to read too!!) #litsyfriendsarethebest
Usually can‘t go wrong with David McCullough as a historian/biographer, and this is no exception. Read if you want to know more about John Adams and early-day politicking in the U.S. — which caused rifts between him, Jefferson, and Hamilton. Abigail Adams is a strong presence as well.
I mentioned in my last post I‘ve owned this book also TBR for a long time, maybe ten years. Just now found this bookmark within!
Funny how other Presidents with the same last name have first initials to clarify, but both Bushes do not.
Finally pulling this out of the TBR after reading and enjoying bios on Abigail Adams and his good friend Benjamin Rush. I‘ve had this for probably 10 years — hate the tie-in cover, but I bought it at a yard sale. I always told myself I‘d upgrade to a nicer edition after reading this 😂.
John Adams was intimately involved in the story of the American Founding from beginning to end. Of all the Founding Fathers, Adams was the one who “got it done”. He ensured that Congress passed the resolution for independence. He helped negotiate American‘s alliance with France and secured desperately needed loans from Holland. As President, he ensured that America was not ensnared in the Napoleonic Wars, all brilliantly told by McCullough.
I feel this book captured the essence of the American Revolution and one of its Founders. A very insightful book. Very well researched. As always, McCullough bases his works on the letters and original writings of his subjects. This makes the people come alive and feel very familiar.
"In the cold, nearly colorless light of a New England winter, two men on horseback traveled the coast road below Boston, heading north."
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ McCullough does an amazing job bringing John & Abigail Adams to life, and aside from the Adams family, you really get a sense of the other founders as well. I don‘t know if I enjoyed this so much because of the subject matter (Adams is definitely my favorite founding father) or the author‘s skill, but I would assume it‘s both. I exclusively listened to this one, and highly recommend it, even if you don‘t think you‘re a biography reader!
The two on the bottom left & center are #currentreads which I hope to finish soon. On my plate for the week includes selections for #NFNov & #nonfiction2019 and my last book for #mgme #bbrc which also overlaps with a #pop19 prompt.
The Goodreads Award nominees are announced this week, so I may throw this forecast out the window then. 🤣💨
Thanks for the tag @Liz_M 😘 #7days7covers
Now tagging @JacintaMCarter 🤗 7 of your favorite covers each day for a week, no explanation needed. Tag a Litten each day to join in
Happy Independence Day, US Littens! I started my annual rewatch of this excellent mini series last night, it‘s become a July 4 tradition. Have a great day, everyone! 🇺🇸
#4thofJuly #IndependenceDay
“The longer I live, the more I read, the more patiently I think and the more anxiously I inquire, the less I seem to know...do justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly. This is enough.”
I did it. I‘ve FINALLY finished. It‘s taken nearly 3 months of reading to make it through this wonderful book. John Adams deserves far more recognition as a founding father, diplomat, and President. If the book ONLY mentioned his work establishing a new government 👇
My morning started with a furnace work, discussions about impending furnace replacement, and a cracked windshield. I was able to convince a local company to replace it so I could get to work ASAP, but it‘s proving to be a long wait in a chilly reception room. I hope to make some significant on my #buddyread #JARead before I go to work.
5. What is your opinion of John Adams, now that the book has ended? #JARead
4. What do you think of Adams‘ presidency? Was it successful, or was it unsuccessful? #JARead
3. Alexander Hamilton is portrayed as an instigator and an opponent of Adams. How does Hamilton change/influence how others feel about Adams? #JARead
2. We see new levels in the relationship between Jefferson and Adams. Earlier in the readings, we talked about respect between these two men. In this last section, what type of respect do the two men have for each other? How would you characterize their friendship as a whole? #JARead
1. How well do you think Adams handles his role as Vice President? Do you think he was a monarchist, as his contemporaries characterized him? #JARead
By the time I finished this, I felt so bad for John Adams that I just wanted to hug him and tell him I understand. McCullough writes such a powerful and in-depth look at Adams, righting the wrongs that have passed down in history. I appreciate looking at Adams in a different light now, not tainted by his enemies.
Current time for #24B4Monday , with my next book at the ready.
#catsoflitsy #Sundaymorning #MorningSun #JAread #coffeeandbooks #KAL
Em and Poe decidedly do not want me reading. Jumped into my lap as soon as I sat down for a morning read in the rocking chair.
Ending day two of #24B4Monday a little behind schedule, but oh well! I‘m getting closer to finishing this book and will hopefully get it done tomorrow (barring any life interruptions).
#Knowledge is power. And, understanding history helps us to better prepare for future events. My background is in history, so I often read history texts, such as the tagged biography, to get a better sense of struggles faced in the past. I cringe when I hear people say that history doesn‘t matter. That‘s a sore point for me. Just look at the US currently, and you can see ignorance in history leads you down a dark path. #Gratitude30
Next up in my readathon reading is finishing John Adams for #jaread . I‘m celebrating caturday morning with a sleeping #Zeke . #catsoflitsy
#Saturdaymorng #PostThanksgiving #coffeeandbooks #catsoflitsy
Finished up the Thanksgiving breakfast quiche, now enjoying Cranberry Irish Soda bread & cofffee in the morning sun. Beginning part 3 of Adams for #jaread, 6 weeks late but that‘s ok. Engrossing read, learning so much! Will finish all 632 pgs eventually! Poe photo bombed this pic! He likes the sun too. Tree up waiting for decoration. My son has been home all week; very thankful.
Hey, #jaread #buddyread friends...just checking in with everyone. I‘m still trekking away on the last part of the book and obviously missed the November 3 date to post questions. I was really off with my time to read this book! But, wanted to post to say that I have not forgotten. I think it‘s a fascinating book so far and have learned so much about Adams!
#JohnAfams #JARead #Buddyread #Education #TheEncoragementofLiterature
When writing the Constitution for the Commonwealth of MA (1779), John Adams added a declaration regarding the importance of education, entitled “ The Encouragement of Literature, etc.” No other states‘ constitution included such a declaration. It was the governments job to educate its citizens and to “cherish ” the arts and sciences.
#jaread Part 2 Discussion, Question 4:
This section includes many remarks and observations by Abigail. Do any of her remarks and observations stand out to you?
#jaread Part 2 Discussion, Question 3:
Adams‘ vanity is remarked upon a few times in this passage...he personally perceived vanity and vanity as discussed by the Continental Congress and his contemporaries. Would you describe Adams‘ mannerisms as vain?
#jaread Part 2 Discussion, Question 2:
During his second assignment, it becomes clear how Vergennes and Franklin feel about Adams. Do you agree with their assessment of Adams?
#jaread Part 2 Discussion. Question 1;
During Adams‘ first assignment to France, he better understands Benjamin Franklin. What are Adams‘ impressions? What are your impressions? How fairly or unfairly was Adams treated by the Continental Congress during his assignment to France?
I‘m so close to finishing the second section of this book, which I should have completed weeks ago! A very interesting book - and I‘m learning much from it - but it‘s slow going with other things taking place in my life that I‘m not devoting enough time to it. But, I will be posting Part 2 questions under spoiler. Jump in when you have a chance, @Lauram and @kspenmoll ! Sorry these are very late! #jaread
Enjoying a short break with a good book, hot tea, and a great view. 📚☕️🍂
#maps #seavogage #RevolutionaryWar #France
Map of sea Voyage Adams took when appointed delegate to persuade France to support our cause.His 10 year old son, John Quincy, joined him.They faced high winds, storms, chases by English ships,and engagement with an English ship.I really only knew Adams presidency; had little knowledge of his huge contribution in the founding of our country. If captured it was ordered by the King to hang him; no pardon.
#AbigailAdams #ARoomofMyOwn #Letters #JARead #buddyread
After the family receiving inoculations against small pox, they recovered at Her aunt‘s house. There Abigail had a room of her own for the first time, to escape to and read, write, reflect. She writes to John of her new found, discovery.
Trailing behind schedule, but still very much enjoying this big book!
Checking in with everyone participating in #jaread ...how are you doing? I‘m behind again so will not be posting questions until some time next week. Sorry!
Part I Discussion. Question 4 (last question). #jaread
With the information McCullough gives to the readers, how much do you think Adams contributed to America‘s independence, voting and the construction of the Declaration of Independence? Do you feel Adams receives or does not receive enough credit in other history texts?
Part I Discussion. Question 3. #jaread
Describe the relationship between Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
Part I Discussion. Question 2. #jaread
John and Abigail‘s relationship plays a role in this first part. Describe what you see of the relationship.
Part I Discussion. Question 1. #jaread
What knowledge did you have about John Adams prior to reading this? After reading Part 1, did anything about Adams surprise you?
Work has been crazy lately - and about to get even busier! So sorry the #jaread discussion questions are late! I‘ll pop them up for Part I this morning. They will be posted as Spoilers.
I‘m finishing up Part 1 for #jaread (a couple days late!). I‘ll post discussion questions in a couple days!
My cats are thrilled to have me home today and are taking full advantage every time I sit down. #Zeke has claimed my lap at the moment. Unfortunately, this book isn‘t a one-handed book. So, it‘s been interesting to find a place on the couch, that doesn‘t disrupt Zeke, and be able to see all the words. #catsoflitsy
1)Watching the movie Spotlight with hubby Saturday night. I stayed awake!!!
2) Going to Cape Cod to meet up with my brother & sister in law from CA , and 4 other sibs.
3) sorry, was a library book last month & it so did not matter that I do not remember the title!!!
4) tagged
5) will check them out & come back!!
#jaread #buddyread
Visited my son at college. At dinner I shared my excitement & tidbits from this book with both he & my husband. Agreed with my son when he said that now we need to add the Adams home in MA to our summer day trip list. 🙌🏻🙌🏻