Look at my new TBR stand… 🤦🏼♀️ it‘s already full so I have to work towards emptying it one book down as I just finished The Familiar which was a great read 📚📚🤣
Look at my new TBR stand… 🤦🏼♀️ it‘s already full so I have to work towards emptying it one book down as I just finished The Familiar which was a great read 📚📚🤣
Working on the tagged book for #sharreadathon one of our #litsylove members that sadly passed on to honor her memory. @sharread
Audiopuzzling. I was on the fence about this series after the first book, but I'm getting more into it now. Still more political intrigue than I can easily follow, but I like the character development.
Almost mistook this mantis for a leaf while audiowalking today. Luckily I figured it out before I put my foot down. (I like crunching leaves; I do not like crunching critters. I doubt they like it much, either.)
Thanks for the tag @JessClark78
#7Days7Covers #CoverCrush
Hmmmm..... @StayCurious have you been tagged yet?
7 covers, 7 days, no explanation
3/5⭐ The plot & characters are mostly still okay & interesting. I'm still invested in Lada & Radu getting a satisfactory ending. However, their respective obsessions (Lada w/ Wallachia, Radu w/ Mehmed) now feel very flat & lacking nuance. They & their circumstances are changing, but their main focuses & goals aren't evolving at all in tandem. I'm hoping events in this book have an appropriate complex impact on the conclusion in the next book.
“The shortest man, broad-chested and of middle years, gave her an ugly sneer. ‘I do not take orders from women.‘
‘My men do not have a similar problem.‘ Lada lifted a hand. The man fell, a crossbow bolt [aka, a quarrel] sticking out of his chest.”
#QuotsyFeb19 | #Quarrel
📷: Made with Typorama
Book 2 in the “And I Darken” Trilogy. The Dracul siblings are on their own paths in this book. Lada is ruthlessly fighting with her handpicked Janissaries trying to restore herself to her rightful throne in Wallachia. Meanwhile Mehmed sent her brother Radu to Constantinople as a spy. His time there disillusions him somewhat to the cost of war in the name of faith.
“That is the best we can do for our children, turn them into strangers with better hope than we ever had.” #AmReading Now I Rise by Kiersten White. #YALit #BookQuotes
#octoberstats 18 books read, 3 NF, and 7 audio. These are my favorite reads of the month!
With the current political nightmare in the US, Dracula reimagined as a woman who will stab a man in the heart without a second thought is the badass I need right now.
Our 3 MCs are off chasing their fortunes. Lada is on a mission to reclaim Wallachia and Mehmed to conquer Constantinople. Radu, hopelessly in love w/ Mehmed, serves as a spy for him rather than answering Lada‘s rare request for help.
Hist. fiction that reads like epic fantasy.
Lada Dracul is the badass heroine we all need. And I cannot wait to see what happens to Radu. I am really enjoying this series.
If you need me today...don't.
I plan on sitting right here all morning and finishing the second installment in Lada the Impaler's story.
So much better than the first one! I can't wait to see how Radu's story continues.
Morning reads with coffee!
I‘ve been doing so fantastic with my goodreads reading challenge. I‘m 6 books ahead so I just gotta stick with it and I‘ll be good! Also feel free to search for me on goodreads and come be my friend, id love to see what everyone‘s reading! My username is pxfabulous. #bookworm #currentlyreading #readingchallenge2018 #nowirise #bookdragon
Such a great book. Lada and Radu have gone their separate ways, Lada to fight for her throne and Radu to fight for the sultan. But once they get there (after a lot of murder, war and strategies) it‘s not what they thought it would be. Each sibling is given alternative chapters which creates an action packed, fast flowing book. Great sequel!
1: books and my puppy!
2: A nice tax- rebate! 💷
3: Dairy
5: Nope 👍
@MinDea #HumpDayPost
I think I enjoyed the first book slightly better. Maybe bc I like Lada and Radu together. They balance each other so well. But I guess that adds to the drama. Lada is still awesome and badass, but I was surprisingly more drawn to Radu‘s storyline this time around. I found the timeline of the parallel storylines not matching up a little jarring. But, overall still a wonderfully brutal read.
I loved the note on the box 😂😂😂 i always forget the cards AFTER i start putting tape smh. But GURLLLLL you sure do know how to tape a box. I would hate to live with you doing xmas 😂😂😂 there ant no peeking in those gifts! LOVE everything! Someone got the cat socks on here and i was “awww im jelly” i screamed sooo loved when i saw them in my box! #sockswap
1. Oh goodness where to begin. Mads Mikkelson, Lee Pace as Thranduil, Bendy-straw Cabbage patch (Benedict Cumberbatch), Viggo Mortensen, to name a few.
2. Blood Red
3. Now I Rise - at 471 pages
4. Katniss Everdeen, Laszlo Strange, Thranduil, and Aragorn
#friyayintro #nowirise #red #celebritycrush #fantasymarsteam #thranduil #aragorn #leepace #viggomortensen #madsmikkelson #benedictcumberbatch
I am so glad I stuck with it and kept reading I think the first time around it wasn't the right time.. A little over halfway through the the book and this are happening..
The follow up to And I Darken does not disappoint! Lada remains fierce and unapologetically her while trying to reclaim the throne of Wallachia. Her travels send her to unexpected places, and ultimately befriends characters that are quite the surprise. Radu and Mehemed remain also in the forefront with the fight for Constantinople, and their sly plan has unexpected consequences. It's a thrill from start to finish. #listyreview #yabook #nowirise
1. Nope
2. 28°F I do believe
3. Now I Rise by: Kiersten White. Seriously go read this series if you haven't already.
4. Estonia, Spain
5. ✋✋✋✋✋
@jesshowbooks #friyayintro #TravelDreams #NowIRise #KierstenWhite #WinterTimeReads #YABooks #Nosportsforthisgirl
Good lord this book has made me feel some feels. But this. . . I just can't even. #NowIRise #KierstenWhite #Booksthatgivemefeels #Lada #Radu #Yabooks #Strongfemaleleads #Ladathefierce #AndIDarken #Readthisseries #Readthisnow
So excited to be starting this! I 💜 Lada and her fierceness. #book2 #nowirise #andidarken #kierstenwhite #ya #yabooks #yastromgfemaleleads #femalescharactershwhokickass #ilovethisseries
This book was so much better than And I Darken!! I need Bright We Burn asap!!
I guess he just wanted revenge for not giving him attention 😂
Please tell me I'm not the only one that's gone through this 😂
After having like 4 ebooks as my current reads, I finally decided to start my first physical book of the year! "Now I Rise" by Kiersten White! And I brought my Mumei bookmark back to life–oh, how I missed it! I really hope I get enjoy this more than the first one. Wish me luck with this beast!
What physical book(s) are you currently reading?
#CurrentRead #CurrentlyReading #NowIRise #KierstenWhite #Fantasy #HistoricalFantasy #Mumei #Bookmark
My current #tbrpile and trying to figure out which one to read. Especially now that I've finished The Cruel Prince. #winkpoppymidnight #witchspyre #theretributionofmaradyer #theglitteringcourt #nowirise #lostgods #bookhaul #ya #youngadult #helpmepickmynextread #bookpile #tbr
Even though "And I Darken" wasn't my favorite because of the slow pacing—until the end, then it got better—,I decided to get this the other day and I'm pretty excited to finally dive into it and see if things get better—or worse!
Have any of you read this already? Do I need to prepare myself? ?
#TBR #ToBeRead #KierstenWhite #HistoricalFiction #AndIDarken #Dracul
This book is crazy! Mehmed seriously needs to die, Radu needs some love and Lada is just a crazy badass chick....I can‘t wait for the next one! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
My review for Now I Rise is up on my blog! http://angelerin.blogspot.com/2018/01/now-i-rise-conquerors-saga-2-by.html?m=0
My Christmas exchange gift🎄 so happy to have been gifted this, they know me so well!
Happy holidays Litsy friends! ❤️
✨I am #currentlyreading #nowirise by #kierstenwhite that I borrowed from the library. I absolutely loved #andidarken and I hope this one is just as good! If you‘ve read it, what did you think about it?🤔✨
I enjoyed this one more then the first in the series. There was more of a connection to the characters.
I am a little fuzzy on the first book though because I read it over a year ago. I will have to do a re-read when the 3rd book comes out.
So much action in this story! Parallel stories of two of the main characters from And I Darken, set in Eastern Europe around the tIme of the crusades. Makes me want to brush up (or learn anything of substance at all) about the major figures in the real history of the area who the characters are based on. I enjoyed this one more than the first and look forward to the last in this trilogy!
BUT HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE???? 😩😩😩😩 #nowirise #kierstenwhite #theconquerorssaga
It‘s been raining since about 4am, and I had to be awake at 6:30 because people were coming to work on our cable. Even though it‘s dreary as hell and I‘m in desperate need of a nap, at least I have a good nest going, and this book to keep me company (and awake) while I wait for the cable techs to be done. #nowirise #kierstenwhite #theconquerorssaga
After the night I had at work - screaming kids who pulled two shelves‘ worth of books to the floor and flung them around the room in addition to every board game we have, and who told me they didn‘t have to clean it up, and all while I was trying to head off a migraine - I‘m not even sorry about my wine (though I‘d rather have bourbon, these were open 🤷🏻♀️) and potato chips. #nowirise #kierstenwhite
Even though it would piss her off to no end to hear anyone say this — I find Lada delightful. #nowirise #kierstenwhite #theconquerorssaga
Well, I couldn‘t fall back to sleep. I also have no attention span to speak of this morning, so it‘s time to go back and forth between books. #nowirise #kierstenwhite #theconquerorssaga