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The Bricks that Built the Houses
The Bricks that Built the Houses | Kate Tempest
At a party in London, Becky meets a woman named Harry. They connect, they part, and they reconnect when Becky starts, coincidentally, dating Harry's brother. When Harry is forced to set out on the lam, Becky goes with her. But are they meant for each other? Or no good for each other at all? Love can be messy. Love can be a moral question. Love can be the same dull habit, and it's hard to know whether it's braver to stay or to run. But every love, Kate Tempest tells us, is a great love. And love animates her debut novel, rich with characters and restless in perspective, sprawling across London. Tempest delves deeper and deeper into Becky and Harry's worlds, examining their childhoods, their parents and siblings and uncles and friends, each with their own ideals and disappointments, all woven together in fluid, vivid prose with virtuosic highs and quiet refrains. The Bricks that Built the Houses is about being young, but being part of something old. It's about how we become ourselves, and to what extent who we are can be changed. Driven by empathy and ethics, it's a blazing and beautiful novel, wise but never cynical, generous and vigorous. Kate Tempest, a major talent in the poetry and music worlds, sits poised to become a major novelist as well.
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You know sometimes a book just doesn‘t really do it for you and you don‘t know why? I don‘t think this book was bad but I didn‘t connect with it, I got bored and couldn‘t feel invested in the characters, the writing style jarred for me which is odd cause I did think it was well written. It‘s like I thought it was good, I‘ve recommended it to my bf cause I think he‘d like it, I just didn‘t enjoy it myself.

Becky was great bi representation tho

TrishB I bailed on this one, just didn‘t keep my interest. 5y
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Debut novel by Ted Hughes Prize winning poet. Even if she's new to this it must be worth a read.

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"She looks like trouble." ? sounds about right!!!

mrozzz 🙌🏻 7y
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Just not for me at the moment. Have seen some of the authors performances on you tube and really wanted to love this. Couldn't connect with any of the characters though. May come back to it.
Maybe it's because it made me feel so old?!

minkyb I never remember feeling old but it has been happening more frequently. I don't like it! 7y
TrishB @minkyb no me neither! 7y
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Having a blast in Nashville! The top two books are from Parnassus, and the rest are from McKay's, which I found amazingly overwhelming!

melrailey Yes McKays can be very overwhelming. 7y
Mdargusch Nice pile of books 📚 📚📚📚 7y
Georgette73 Good choices!!! 7y
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"The doors are heavy, they demand a push with the shoulder and, like the best of us, they swing both ways."

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"To be a woman, you must struggle, like the ballerina struggles. You have to work hard. It is painful work. And when you do it right, it will look effortless. But where we're different from dancers, my sweet, is that we will never be applauded for getting it right."

#katetempest #thebricksthatbuiltthehouses #lillytales #qotd #women #feminism

kyrathomsen I loved this book ❤ So many amazing lines! 7y
MrBook Interesting pic! 7y
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After a long and stressful day, it's absolute heaven to curl up with my two favourite ladies, Tara and Kate

MrsMalaprop I enjoyed this book. Kate Tempest is so talented. 7y
Zelma What a cutie pie! 😻 7y
Kalalalatja I have only read her poetry, but I have been thinking about buying her novel for ages now! 7y
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On Thursday night, I saw Kate Tempest perform Let Them Eat Chaos in Brighton and it was the most powerful and energising and intense thing I have possibly ever experienced. It was utter magic. So screw the book buying ban. Screw my tight budget. This was an absolute necessity in my life 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 #BookMail #EverythingIEverWantedToBe #SpiritualExperience #KateTempestForPM

BookishMarginalia 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7y
TrishB I have this on the tbr! 7y
ReadingEnvy There are some performance videos of her on YouTube too. She's great! Seeing her live is 💃 7y
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LauraAndTaraAndBooks @TrishB ooh yay! Have you read any of her poetry? 7y
LauraAndTaraAndBooks @ReadingEnvy I've had her videos on repeat since I got back. New obsession!! Have you seen her live before? 7y
ReadingEnvy @LauraAndTaraAndBooks no but hearing the words in her voice change them in the best way... I had read the print and not felt the rhythm​ 7y
TrishB Not yet! The book was on special offer and looked interesting! 7y
LauraAndTaraAndBooks @ReadingEnvy yes I totally get what you mean! I'm not really that much of a poetry fan, but now I've heard her live, I would be really interested to read her stuff and channel her voice and intensity 7y
LauraAndTaraAndBooks @TrishB yeh I'm really hoping it's as good as I expect it to be. She's got a real magic touch with language and it'll be interesting to see how it translates into prose 7y
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Becky works as a waitress in her Italian uncle's place. It's where she meets Pete. It's a caff or a greasy spoon rather than a restaurant. But there are definitely scenes.

#scenesfromanitalianrestaurant #rockinmay

Cinfhen Sounds quirky and fun! I'm in! 7y
TrishB Another I've had on my kindle for ages! 7y
rockpools @Cinfhen 🤔Not my best description ever - I loved it, but don't know I'd describe it as fun. It's kind of a book adaptation of her album - you'd get a better idea of the tone at https://youtu.be/X6tu9AX3h9c 7y
rockpools @TrishB This month every thing I look at is on or to go on my tbr 📚📚📚📚😱 7y
TrishB I'm glad it's not just me 😂👍 7y
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Look what's just arrived. Really can't wait to read this book. #bookmail

ReadingEnvy Ooh she is on my list of authors I've never read but want to! 8y
Vikz @ReadingEnvy you should really try her work. If you like poetry then start with Brand new ancients. If you are put off by poetry. This book, being a novel, may be a good place to start. A good taster for the rest of her work 8y
ReadingEnvy @Vikz I love poetry and appreciate the guidance! 8y
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Kate Tempest has an impressive talent but this is an uneven work that needs a better editor. There are moments of startling clarity and sentences that jump right of the page and scenes (in a JobCentre, in a café) that are wonderfully, painfully real but these are often bogged down in over-elaborate metaphors and peripheral backstories. There is some great writing when Tempest keeps it simple and punchy and raw and let's her best characters speak.

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Day 13 of #riotgrams - pink covers! Here's my stack of pink with a monkey on top! @bookriot


What a talented young woman Kate Tempest is. I first saw her on tv when she was in Australia for the Sydney Writer's Festival 2016. I saw her on Q&A, an ABC current affairs talk show & I was impressed by her reserved, considered comments on the show and then by her amazing spoken word performance. The Bricks that Built the Houses is her first novel set in south London. Interesting, believable characters and a plot that hooked me in.

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Hammock, tea and company 😎❤️.

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About to start this beauty, on loan from a good friend.

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A rep for Tor handsold this. It's a debut from an extraordinarily talented author who is an acclaimed poet, playwright, rapper, & recording artist. I'm always on the lookout for new voices! #literaryloot #books

charl08 I love her music. Looking forward to reading this. 8y
Suzze Love to try new authors! 8y
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i love this book so much.

charl08 I want to read this. Like her music a lot. 8y
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Kate Tempest is an amazing talent. The Bricks That Built the Houses is a culmination of her award winning poetry and Mercury Prize nominated album Everybody Down. Highly recommend listening to the album to complement reading the novel #southlondon #sydneywritersfestival #london


Amazing voice, edgy and her poetry/rapping background show. Really well observed and beautifully drawn characters. The voice can take a bit of getting used to and needs attention when reading, but well worth the effort.

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Completely recommending Kate Tempest's beautiful novel, with its cast of warm, messed up, hopeful characters (and their families) as my #bestofoctober #booktober

(Pic inspired by @scripturient 's gorgeous colourful autumn photos 🍁🍂)

MaleficentBookDragon Love the photo 8y
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A love song to London, to home and to family, whatever screwed up mix of genes, love, circumstance and choice that may be.

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"You don't even realise it, until you're driving through it, watching all the things you've always known and leaving them behind.

They're driving past the streets, the shops, the corners where they made themselves. Every ghost is out there, staring. Bad skin and sunken eyes, grinning madly at them from the past.

It's in their bones. Bread and booze and concrete. The beauty of it. All the tiny moments blazing."

#greatfirstlines #booktober

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So much in so few words.

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Kate Tempest is a beautiful genius. The Bricks That Built the Houses is raw and gritty, and so sincere. It‘s a kick-start to the heart, and I fell in love with all of the characters in turn, their delicate idiosyncrasies and loudly beating hearts. Poetically charged, it will leave you on a high.

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Kate Tempest is my author crush of the year.

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Each breath is a thrown dart that has to be wrenched from the board before she can throw again.

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Heading off to the Sydney Writers Festival with this to keep me company. Kate Tempest has taken Sydney by storm!

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Nothing nicer than reading my book on my ferry ride home. Sydney Harbour enjoying a beautiful autumnal evening. Part II begins with a William Blake poem "Love to faults is always blind/Always is to joy inclined/Lawless, winged, unconfined/And breaks all chains from every mind."

Posemn Beautiful. 8y
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You give too much, they take too much, they want too much, or not enough, and suddenly you find yourselves emptied out and open-handed, grabbing for some more.

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Kate Tempest's prose is just as amazing as her poetry. Read this in almost one sitting.

balletbookworm Love her music, I totally have to get this 8y
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I love the color of this book so much. Also it has some killer opening passages. Really excited about it.

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LOVED it. I'll admit, I trepidatiously read the first couple of chapters, wondering how such an amazing poet & lyricist could mould herself into the novel form. But I really didn't want it to end! Made me v homesick for SE London. The Bricks will end up one of my best reads of the year, I reckon.

Megabooks How have I not heard of this book? It sounds amazing! 8y
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Um... Sooo... Y'know how the UK cover of Kate Tempest's first novel is very pretty? Weeeell, my friendly local bookshop put aside a copy of the limited, signed edition, which is even prettier. Look at those blue edges! 😍

Megabooks Gorgeous! 8y
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It begins: "It gets into your bones." Bought this yesterday and can't wait to read it. Look, she signed mine!

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REALLY excited to be reading the first novel by one of my favourite poets, artists and humans. A few chapters in and loving it. (This is the UK cover, btw.) P.S. If anyone knows KT's Everybody Down LP, you'll be intrigued by the plot...