Voss read-along hosted by Brona at This Reading Life. It‘s not to late to catch up!
Lucky enough to get an ARC of Fiona‘s new book - stunning!
My lunch times have been transported to another time & place. Late 1800‘s colonial Australia - Flinders Ranges in particular. Now I know where our next holiday will be…
When it‘s raining outside, this is as good as it gets!
Understanding Ukraine - https://bronasbooks.com/2022/05/01/understanding-ukraine-master-post/
Vale Frank Moorhouse 26/6/2022
Edith Campbell Berry will go down in history as one of the smartest, funniest, most idealistic creations in literature.
I wish I could remember who recommended this little gem to me so I could thank them profusely!!!
I haven‘t been here for so long, I‘ve almost forgotten what to do!
Reading a lot more poetry these days, especially First Nations voices. Powerful, angry, hopeful, truth telling.
On my blog this August #MobyDickReadalong
My plan is to read a chapter of the book then listen to the matching podcast episode from the Moby Dick Big Read.
For more details, please visit:
You and the tree come from a common ancestor. A billion and a half years ago, the two of you parted ways. But even now, after an immense journey in separate directions, that tree and you share a quarter of your genes.
The Overstory travelling through the Daintree #themedholidayreading
Sun and water are questions endlessly worth answering.
Exercising my right as an independent woman to enjoy my day off work doing the things I love to do.
Broadening my horizons.
Getting my weekend groove on - coffee, interesting book & my walking shoes (not in photo 😂)
That day, I actually became a normal cog in society.
Louise Gluck writes, ‘A room with a chair, a window,/ A small window, filled with the patterns light makes...the world// was whole always.‘
‘The inner west is also the only area in Sydney that grows less culturally diverse each time the Bureau Of Statistics takes its measures.‘
A new year with one month nearly done. I‘m reading more, blogging less & photography is still in limbo. Hoping to get back on track with the photography starting today.
Love Hess‘ illustrations to bits - which is really saying something - as fashion is not my thing at all !!
@DeweysReadathon #frankenfest #anzreadathon my morning coffee break with banana bread - colour coordination gone mad!
The perfect weather to start my #ccdare book for #frankenfest!
“If only I were there and she were here,” she sighed.
A run of dark coloured covers reflecting my current mood....thankfully this story is a thing of joy so far. Just what I needed.
My happy place....
Loving Andrew Miller‘s latest offering so far. But it‘s historical fiction with a twist of mystery set in England, with a nod to Napoleon, sailing & ships - what‘s not to love!
Reading my #ccspin book in style this weekend 😁
Ahoy! Colour matching my coffee & book again😂
When your lunch time read matches the teapot #iamreading #iamiamiam 😁
When it‘s cold & wet outside it‘s so nice to have a book that warms the cockles 😍
Where else would you start reading this but Kyoto! #holidayreading #injapan🇯🇵
I love it when the book you‘re travelling with becomes very real. Our train this morning continued onto Takamatsu (across the water to Shikoku. We stayed on Honshu). I kept thinking, ‘I know that name!‘
Reading Kafka again tonight made me realise why. A lot of the action in this book occurs in and around Takamatsu #smallworld #inMurakamisfootsteps
I love it when the book I travel with is a perfect fit - for my mood, the place I‘m in & for having such a lovely cover!
#coverlove #readinginJapan
Gorgeous end-of-summers day in Sydney town today. Time to stop & enjoy it with a coffee & a fabulous storyteller #readireland18 #begorrathon18 @Cathy746books
Love my #persephone #bookmark it feels right at home in this particular book
Love it when cafe accessories match the name of the book #bookserendipity #green #begorrathon18 #readireland18 @Cathy746books
Gorgeous summery morning to enjoy a coffee & interesting book #lovemylife #bookclub
Paintings by Shokoofeh Azar: The Poetry Night, Two Birds & Red Bird and Moon
Design by Debra Billson
After all, we all live in the future, even if it‘s a future where we aren‘t to be found anywhere upon the earth.
@nsenger Thank you for the #lesmisreadalong - as you know, I‘ve never read this before, or seen the movie or show...to be in the presence of such genuine goodness & humanity is humbling. Thank you 🙏🏽 #monseigneurbienvenu #iamreading #bookstagram #bronasbooks #slowreading #frenchclassic @penguinclassics
Finally getting my Iris Murdoch reading challenge stated!