I was blown away by the writing and storytelling. I like how it's told from three perspectives: victim, abuser, and witness. I think it made the whole thing more well rounded.
I was blown away by the writing and storytelling. I like how it's told from three perspectives: victim, abuser, and witness. I think it made the whole thing more well rounded.
Putney is a Lolita-esque story but continues on as Daphne is an adult, looking back on what happened to her as a child. This book takes you to uncomfortable places and is an emotionally difficult book, but it makes you think. I‘ve not read many books as brave as this.
For this Brilliant, Vivid, Uncomfortable but highly reccomended book!
(*trigger warning for some readers content is about sexual assults of a minor but nothing overly graphic)
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Another one of those “it‘s not you, it‘s me” bails. With such a short attention span lately, I‘m becoming more and more at peace with bailing (for better or worse). I love the taboo subject matter of this novel, but it tells more than it shows which is always a personal pet peeve of mine. It kinda reads like a debut. I‘m sure I would like it well enough if I finished it, but I need to move on to something that‘ll better hold my attention.
I was actually running early to a friend‘s party which is near this cool little bookstore (Word, Brooklyn) so I stopped in to pick this up and walked away with a membership as well. Gave some recos to the bookseller there and actually got over my introvert fear and conversed with several new friends at the party. A good night all around! 🤘🏻🎉📚☺️
My weekend is all booked! My reading nest is stocked and I‘m ready for a weekend crash course in August 21st releases. What are you reading this weekend? 📚❤️📚
I‘m finding this much more readable than I expected, and like the way that the narrative is actively engaging with the obvious Lolita comparisons being drawn (Ralph expressly distinguishes himself from Humbert Humbert), and I‘m intrigued to see where this heads in light of it being a more modern narrative than Lolita. Already I‘m feeling Daphne‘s perspective shift with hindsight and I can‘t wait to see what she does when armed with this.