If you like Helen Macdonald and Olivia Laing, then you will like this. I highly recommend this book.
If you like Helen Macdonald and Olivia Laing, then you will like this. I highly recommend this book.
A highly readable exploration of the experience of being mixed race in today's world. I highly recommend. Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for letting me see a copy of this book.
This book looks at our love of birdsong. it looks at birdsong, detailing the different bird songs, how to recognise them; looking at our current understanding of; the ways that birds use their song and the surprising ways in which they adapt and improvise their tunes.
I loved the experience of reading this book. I highly recommend this book as part of your #springathon reading diet.
As someone growing up at that time, this exploration provoked feelings of nostalgia. If you weren't there, then this discussion will give you an understanding of the origins of today's queer/lgbt+ movement. It is a highly recommended read. Thanks to the publisher for letting me see this book.
The title says it all. Campbell travels the world exploring how different cultures relate to snow and the cold. She examines how human culture and science have sought to explain the phenomena of snow and cold. I highly recommend this book.
This book is the story of three lives; the life of a bird species, the life of an individual human, and the life of a planet. It is a really enjoyable read.
‘Cold enough for snow is a quiet book. The writing is poetically beautiful. There are well-drawn descriptions of place. The discussions of art are thought provoking. Than
My #weekendread. So far, really good.
I know I have created magic to rival the greatest anyone has ever known #firstlinefriday @shyowlbooks @Lauredhel courtesy of wanderingwords.co.uk
Finally, catching up with old #netgalley #ARCs, starting with this one. #netgally. What are you reading?
My morning read/listen for #deweys24hourreadathon. How is your reading going.
I should be moving on to another read. But, I am addicted to this series. #deweys24hourreadathon
My first read/listen for #deweys24hourreadathon. Are you doing this #readathon? What are you reading?
Anna tried to listen.... She'd never bee good at banter. It was like a skipping rope whose rhythm she couldn't master enough to jump in with confidence P. 67
Good morning all. Here is my #snowy #morning #reading #amreading
Currently reading, thanks #NetGalley. So far so good
Another book that I read during my absence and loved. I was given an #arc via #NetGalley and loved it that much that I had to buy a copy
Sorry for my absence. Blame stress, migraines and a cold from hell. However, I am back to reading and am really loving this book. Thanks to all those who followed while I was away.
#Currentlyreading #NetGalley this is a really autumnal read
Reading this in preparation for the beginning of a new political year.
#WeekendRead #FridayReads #currentlyreading. I love the cover
Evening read. Feeling like a light empowering read to close the day. This #library find
My third book read. I really wanted to like this book. I am really glad that it's on the #manbooker Longlist. I think that the stories held within it need to be told and retold. But I found it hard to engage with it. I found that it's central focus, the underground railroad was present enough to get in the way but not present enough to make it an interesting feature.
I must admit that I feel really bad about dnf'ing this book. I love the fact that there is a gay relationship at the core of this book. I also really like that this relationship is treated so casually. The author just presents as a natural fact. But, I have been trying to read it for a week and keep finding excuses not to pick it up. But, really it is another cowboy movie written from the POV of a white guy. #manbooker
On about page 41. So far, It's really good. The characters are well drawn and believable. The language is structured in so that you get a strong sense of character while still being readable
My first Booker read. The shear mass of ideas; together with its non-linear form and shortness, made it feel very busy and overwhelming. At times, I felt lost, and disengaged, from the story and characters. Not a bad read, but not a satisfying one either. I can see why it‘s on the Booker list and I fear that it will be on the short list. However, I will feel really disappointed if it wins.
2nd #manbooker read. (I am trying to read the list) Not really looking forward to getting into this chunkster though
I was right. Last week was as stressful as the week before and ended with a heavy cold. No reading done. I watched a lot of West Wing though. This week is calmer if slightly snuffley. This book is making me feel better
This book really made me think about how read and write. It made me see how I could stretch and collapse the boundaries between; memoir, and academic writing.