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The Organised Mind
The Organised Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload | Daniel J. Levitin
Twenty-first century society is drowning in information, and the highest achievers are the most at risk . . . Every day we are bombarded with new facts, figures, stories, theories and demands on our attention. We expect our brains to process ever higher volumes of data but all this information comes at a cost. Relentless external pressure leads to information overload: absent mindedness, poor decision-making, lowered efficiency and even a suppressed capacity for creative thought. Understanding this pitfall is ever more crucial to surviving and thriving in the digital age. In The Organized Mind, neuroscientist Daniel J. Levitin investigates and explains exactly how we got here, from the early building blocks of language to why email is so addictive. There is an alternative to wrestling with all this information: Levitin demonstrates how to ease your mental burden by storing information in the physical world instead. Case studies and worked examples cover smarter decision-making, improving memory and attention, identifying what information is and is not important, and organizing your time, your space and your relationships successfully. By analysing how your brain works, The Organized Mind will help you function better, go further, and find more time to do the things you really want to do.
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#Readathon just finished and I am oficially asleep. Lovely weekend, great reads!

SW-T Welcome to Litsy 😊 5y
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My make work project the last 2 days! Everything (but a select few) is organized by author, series or publication date. What a job 🤯. I‘m really glad I did it though, cause now I have all my books in the shelves (none in boxes behind the chair anymore lol)! This will hopefully make my buying ban easier cause I can literally just go grab something & start to read, something I haven‘t really been able to do in a few years tbh! 📚💖🤯🎶

CoverToCoverGirl What a beautiful reading space! Your hard work has paid off! ❤️📚❤️ 6y
DieAReader Ty @CoverToCoverGirl 🤗. Now all I need to do is organize the rest of the room so I can sit in there to read lol!! That will be the project for the rest of this week lol!! 💖💖 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Eggs Well done 👏🏻📚❤️📚👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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It was SUPER slow at the library today, so I worked on organizing my goodreads. Of course I just saw stuff I missed. 🙄 I added “own” and “to purchase” shelves mostly because of Litsy swaps! They only have the books I‘d previously added to goodreads, but it‘s a start!
How do you (or don‘t you) organize your goodreads?

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Squeaked it in just under the wire! Such a dense book but so interesting. I‘m not sure how much I‘ll actually retain but I found myself nodding along emphatically with each new revelation. Also, I love this example demonstrating that correlation does not mean causation. Though I now blame global warming on pirates.

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Desperately trying to finish off all my in-progress books before the end of the year and I‘m down to one left... I only have about 200 pages to go but Bookout says it‘ll take me 8 hours since I‘m averaging 2.3 min/page. I think I‘ll be able to squeeze it in, but just barely.

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Excuse my handwriting but I wrote down this weeks pic challenges because guess what? I keep forgetting and hate going through my pictures everyday! 😅

Why can‘t my mind remember things besides grabbing my book before I leave the house?!? 😂🤣

DGRachel At least you remember to grab a book! 7y
Ash.on.the.line @DGRachel that is pretty important! 😆 7y
Cinfhen I LOVE this 🙌🏻❤️🤗👍🏻😍 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great idea!!!! 👏🏻👍🏻❤️ 7y
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A day late on getting my #DecemberTBR picked... It‘s a big stack with two TBRs from last month, a #ListyBuddyRead, 14 from my Scribd pile (3 audios, 5 from last month, 6 new for this month), one new pre-2017 TBR as I continue to try to #readmyowndamnbooks and a Christmas book that I‘ll definitely be picking up. I worked it out - if I can read 189 pages a day, I can make it through them all!

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The books are about to get shelved! My favorite part of moving! I have a library here, and I'm so excited about it! It's not huge, but there IS enough room for a few more shelves in it!

LauraBrook Lovely! And glad to see you're there and settling in. 💖 7y
britt_brooke Yay! Looking forward to the the finished photos! 7y
LauraBeth 🙌🙌 7y
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Hollie Your library is gonna rock! 7y
RanaElizabeth So jealous for your soon to be filled library! 7y
Lizpixie It's not the size that matters, it's what you stuff into it! My library is tiny, but it's perfect. I'd been waiting for my own space for 40yrs, it's sooooo good to put down a book and know it'll still be there when I go back.🤗 7y
Foragingfantasy Love it!!! 7y
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Dear Goodreads,
"Select all" should mean ALL, not just the first 30.


Lcsmcat Amen. So be it! 7y
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I've been seeing these Goodreads Shelves organization posts... here's my 2 cents... these aren't totally accurate since I sometimes forget about a category I've created, but they give a rough idea. ☺️#goodreads #goodreadsshelves @dariazeoli

bitcheslovebooks Were you able to find me on Goodreads? 7y
Avanders @bitcheslovebooks I am so sorry!! It's been a craaaazy week, but yes I will add you today! ☺️☺️☺️ Thanks for following up. 🙃 7y
Debiw781 I like having my shelves broken down too. I didn't do that when I first started though 😳 7y
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Avanders @Debiw781 me neither... I've added shelves as I've gone and just accept that older books may not be fully "categorized" ? 7y
Debiw781 @Avanders When I stumble on them, I categorize them 😂 7y
Avanders @Debiw781 Sounds like a good plan to me! 😂 7y
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Let's give a huge Litsy shout-out to the woman of the day, @BookishMarginalia ‼️It is due to Gloria's amazing organizational skill and generosity with her time and talent that over 400 of us have big smiles on our faces today! Many, many thanks to the heart and mind behind #SummerSantaGoesPostal! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🎉🎉🎉💕💕😍

rockpools Thank you Gloria! 🎉👏🎁👏🎉 7y
TrishB Thank you ❤💝 🎉 for making so many people happy! 7y
Matchkim You are completely amazing!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much! 7y
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shanebeth I didn't participate, but it's been so fun seeing everyone's posts! great job!! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💜 7y
Smangela Thank you Gloria! I have definitely been on cloud 9 all day! 7y
Lidia Completely agree! Thank you @BookishMarginalia 🤗👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7y
Scurvygirl It's been so fun to see everyone opening their gifts! I might have to participate next time! 7y
Hollie @shanebeth @Scurvygirl you should definitely participate in the next one, it is so much fun! 7y
MaleficentBookDragon 👏👏👏❤️💙💜 7y
ScientistSam You are fantastic and amazing, and we are all so grateful! 👏👏👏 7y
CouronneDhiver She's the BEST! 7y
OrangeMooseReads 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 7y
robinb Thank You!!! What a wonderful event! ❤️ 7y
peaKnit Yay!!🎉🙌🏼👍🏻 7y
melrailey Thank you!!!! 👏 7y
MrBook 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
kspenmoll So wonderful! 🙌🙌💃🏼💃🏼🎉🎉💚💙💜 (edited) 7y
Hooked_on_books Isn't she amazing? 7y
Graciouswarriorprincess She is fabulous! 💕👍🏻💕😍 7y
Gissy 👏👏👏👏👏❤ 7y
Dragon 👍😀🎉 7y
stacybmartin Yay - she is amazing and has made Litsy even better! 💜 7y
Zelma Agreed wholeheartedly! 👏👏👏💕💕💕 thank you, @BookishMarginalia 7y
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I love this TBR space in the new apartment! It's still not done yet (I'll finish filling up the shelves tomorrow because let's be real I need an entire bookshelf for my TBR stack, none of that artful half-empty nonsense here), but I love the fairy lights and the lineup on the dresser. It all looks so cozy.

LeahBergen Lovely!! 7y
valeriegeary This is perfect! 7y
AlaMich It looks very cozy and welcoming 😊 7y
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vivastory "Artful half-empty nonsense" spoken like a true bibliophile! 7y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag Gorgeous 😍 I love those ladder type bookshelves! Enjoy your new place! 7y
LauraBeth Lovely! 😍 7y
LectricSheep @vivastory I know you feel me. I see bookcases in catalogs that have like a dozen books in them. Why can't they show me how many books the shelves hold?! That's all I need to know!! Who cares how many tiny succulents it can display?!?! 7y
vivastory And they display half of them with cover facing out to give the illusion they are fuller than they are 😠 7y
LectricSheep @vivastory Man. What a niche problem we have discovered. 7y
vivastory Haha before Litsy I would have thought I was the only one 7y
jencleoncio Awww that's so so pretty and totally cozy 😍♥️😍 7y
LauraBrook Right? What kind of crap is that? Who has the space for face-out nonsense?!? 7y
Robothugs That is so pretty! 7y
LectricSheep @LauraBrook Lol yes another club member! ❤️ 7y
RealLifeReading How lovely! 7y
Reecaspieces Awesome! 7y
ValerieAndBooks It does look cozy!! 7y
CouronneDhiver Ooo! I should totally hang lights on the dresser too. 7y
DebinHawaii Nice! 👍📚📚 7y
Zelma This whole conversation is cracking me up! ? especially "artful half-empty nonsense" 7y
elkeOriginal This photo, your caption, and the comments from @vivastory and @LauraBrook are perfection 👏👏👏 7y
Jinjer I love this!!! 7y
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I don't journal,but my planner could basically be one because it contains my whole life. In addition to any appointments, it has: my weekly meal plan; what I'm reading at any given time; birthdays/anniversaries; and a general to do list for every day. It's a giant scrawling mess- mainly because I just use whatever pen is nearby to write things down. #notebooksjournals #riotgrams

DoubleLane Teach me your planning skills (I usually just write everything on my arm) 7y
Leigh0906 @SapphiresHaze I wish I could! I had a teacher in the fourth grade that made everyone in class keep a planner with all of our assignments and AR books, and the habit stuck (and spiraled out of control 😝)! 7y
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Ready for some light bedtime reading! #talknerdytome

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I really liked this one. It's not Real Simple if that's what you're looking for. But it does discuss how your brain functions and how to work with it to be more organized. It improved my abilities to stay on top of my job. It isn't perfect - last part dragged a bit. But overall I found it to be really useful.

Look what Macy's is using to sell shoes.

CrowCAH Awesome! I see they have them ziptied so people like us don't try to take them! Lol Though, it doesn't look like they have titles... 8y
Gonerogue @crowCAH I think they have brown paper over their covers. 8y
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Booklover problems: moving to another city, 5 boxes already filled with books (half of the box or they'll get too heavy😳😓) and still not nearly enough! In comparison.. my clothes and shoes will probably fit in 2 boxes 😆

That's what you get for moving on 😆 but I'm ecxited to start over ❤️

Cinfhen Good luck with your new move 🙂 8y
QueenAnne @Cinfhen thank you! 😁 8y
Notafraidofwords Good luck! 8y
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pppooraikul A chance to organize your bookshelf once and for all! 😁 (Just kidding. I believe it'll get out of hand again in no time...) 8y
QueenAnne @pppooraikul hihi I'll give it a go, but that's a lifegoal I'm afraid I'll never be able to check off 😝 even packing them get's out of hand 😝😝 8y
ScorpioBookDreams The movers wouldn't speak to me after all the boxes of books they had to move. They were so sick and tired of it by the end! 😂😂😂 8y
QueenAnne @ScorpioBookDreams hihihi! Oh dear, I feel a family feud coming on! 😉 my poor movers 😝😝 8y
ChasingOm Good luck! I just did the same thing!! 🙃 8y
QueenAnne @ChasingOm thank you! Really? How did you manage? 8y
ChasingOm I buy banker's boxes -- they're the perfect size to stay liftable (and they have nice tops), but there were a LOT of them! 😂 8y
annkuch13 Exciting! Good luck on your move! I'm getting ready to move across town with my 12 bookcases worth of books 😓 I feel your pain! 8y
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