Feeling rather sickly today 🥴 “Guilt” at being in my bed has no room here … there is only room for this 📖from my TBR pile.
#Bedandbooks #ABookaDayKeepstheCootiesAway #ReadingSolvesEverything #EducateThyself #Booklover
Feeling rather sickly today 🥴 “Guilt” at being in my bed has no room here … there is only room for this 📖from my TBR pile.
#Bedandbooks #ABookaDayKeepstheCootiesAway #ReadingSolvesEverything #EducateThyself #Booklover
I admit to being uncomfortable through a lot of this book, but I think that‘s a good thing. It‘s important for white people to consider the position our skin color puts us in, the history behind that, and the advantages it gives us.
I appreciate Dyson‘s reading list suggestions, as well as the section of ways we personally can offer reparations to our black community.
It‘s not easy to read and you will feel confronted, but I‘d recommend this⬇️
This is a beautiful book, written to white people by a black man, showing the depths of white supremacy and racism in the US. It‘s written with love and respect but also doesn‘t pull any punches. I can‘t help but think, though, that the people who need this message the most are also the least likely to be willing to receive it.
Academic and theologian Michael Eric Dyson calls upon white America, and particularly fellow Christians, to face difficult truths about our past and present to make a way to a brighter future, not just for some, but for all. Through data, personal (heartbreaking, anger-inducing) stories, biblical admonition, and recommendations for further reading, Dyson pleads with fellow Christians to not be bystanders but to both call out injustice & search⬇️
No matter how many anti-racism books you read, you will always come across new ways of expressing something that make you think even more deeply and clearly about something. This is an interesting thought on long-standing white affirmative action. A better way to explain what I‘ve often tried to but without these right words. The examples are great too.
A lot of folks want to skip this part.
#friYAYIntro #blacklivesmatter
1. Tagged - extremely affecting. I tagged almost every page because of its power.
2. Here‘s a great list: https://www.buzzfeed.com/natashajokic1/racial-injustice-documentaries-and-movies
3. ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)
4. Not stay silent when people I talk with aren‘t allies. Donate to bail fund organizations. Support biz owned by POC.
On the eve of Martin Luther King Day, I wanted to listen to this sermon to white America. It wasn‘t easy and I hope that means I heard.
Thought provoking! I want to read more of Dyson's books.
I loved this book. I kind of want to press it into the hands (or better yet, the ears, because it‘s perfect as an audiobook) of every white person I know.
The writing is beautiful, and Dyson‘s explanations and examples are clear and relatable. If you‘ve ever wondered what white privilege means, or how to tell the difference between prejudice and bigotry, this book is for you.
Great month of reading for me. Lots of good books, but I narrowed it down to my top 4.
Everyone should read this book. I highly recommend it as an audiobook as well. There were so many powerful messages that left a very long lasting impression on me. In our current political climate here in the US, the author does an excellent job of shining a light on the race problem and how we can come together to bring about change.
Regardless of your race, religious beliefs, or political views, you should read this book.
Please read this book. Buy it tonight and start it ASAP. Each and every one of us should read this and live it. #valueable 6 ⭐️s out of five. It‘s not pleasant, but like some other things we need for our health, this too is required. #mayMadness. #NewToMeAuthor. #2
Essential reading especially in Post-Trump America
Great listen for Black History Month.
Wonderful prose, interesting stories but ultimately nothing new or noteworthy.
First book of 2019. Definitely recommend the audio version ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I definitely believe this book is a sermon for White American, literally. This books reads like a Sunday morning church service. The book is even broken down as such (ex: Calls to Worship, Sermon, Hymn..) This book covers the setbacks and setups, Black Americans face everyday. He draws attention to crime, poverty, and the institutionalization of racism. Overall, this was a decent book, however he was preaching to the choir (see what I did there?!)
I challenge everyone to read Dyson's sermon to white America. The book is at once a non-revisionist history lesson, a master class in compassion, and an uplifting call to action. Even if you're super duper woke, we all need a refresher course from time to time. If you audiobook, do that, because the author narrates. #Audiobooking #Audiobooks #Libby
Enjoyed is not the right word, though I did at times. It was more like bad tasting medicine that is helping to heal my sickness. It is good to read hard things.
I just watched Dyson at Aretha Franklin‘s funeral. He called Supreme (President) Cheeto “You dopey doppelgänger of desperation and deceit.”
I listened to this book last year and I need to read more with that kind of wordsmithmanship!
Powerful reading 📖 I have this on hold several times at library, determined to finish it this time.
Just another week in post racial America...
Wow! This powerful group of sermons as essays is intelligent, compelling, and brutally honest. Dyson‘s beautiful prose calls out white America, challenging us to do better in an empathetic and loving way. If all Americans would read this book, our world would be a better place. #MountTBR #resistreads
5⭐️the reactions of some family members who saw me reading this book greatly disturbed me. While a good number of friends, co workers& some family were interested in the need to read this book&my thoughts on it, some of my closest family scoffed at it or turned down my thoughts on this topic. ❤️ It is one of my goals to encourage these family members to put aside their pride& look into the issue of Racism and of Whiteness. Please read this book.
There‘s so much truth in here. This is another book I found myself wanting to markup with my highlighter. Seriously, everyone should read this.
#catsoflitsy #Phoenix
“How can we possibly change our fate? How can we possibly persuade our society that we deserve to be treated with decency and respect? How can we possibly fight a criminal justice system that has been designed to ensure our defeat? How can we possibly combat the blindness of white men and women who are so deeply invested in their own privilege that they cannot afford to see how much we suffer?⚫️⚪️ PLEASE READ THIS BOOK, my white brothers&sisters➡️
I would suggest everyone read or listen to this powerful little book. The history and struggle is important, and relevant. Dyson ends his sermon by explaining things white Americans can do to help, including places to donate, people to follow on social media, and books to read. I'm going to have to borrow a physical copy of the book so that I can track down some of suggested reading.
This book isn't easy to listen to, but it's important.
“Justice is what love sounds like when it speaks in public.” #resistreads #ownvoices
Been eyeing this one forever. I love how he has formatted it like a sermon. Beautiful and challenging so far, seems perfect for a quiet Sunday morning. #MountTBR #resistread
A relentlessly powerful little book. This was thought-provoking and uncompromising, a timely reminder of how potent the legacy of oppression and the ubiquity of white privilege are in our country. A beautifully reasoned and fiery indictment of white complacency, fear, and hate as well as an impassioned plea for us to acknowledge and uplift the value of black lives, black bodies, black thought. An important read, and one I will not soon forget!
Yep. #requiredreading
"Democracy might well be a wounded bird incapable of flight without the poultice of black forgiveness pressed to its wings. When we confront racial catastrophe, black folk insist on fighting back. We have given this country the spiritual will and the moral maturity it lost in the bitter divorce of principle and practice our nation can only reach its best destiny when that recognition grounds our shared culture and existence."
Beautiful and heartbreaking so far. An unapologetic call to action.
This is not an easy book to read. You will need to be extremely disciplined to just listen to what the author is trying to say. Fight your inclination to try and make up excuses or debate his words. Just listen and absorb his point of view. There were a number of chapters that were educational to me and I found the ending chapter with his numerous book suggestions extremely helpful.
"By overdramatizing the nature of your personal actions you sidestep complicity. By side-stepping complicity you hold fast innocence. By holding fast to innocence you maintain power."
A sermon, a history lesson, a takedown, a plea....read this, and prepare to be uncomfortable with its truth.
This. Read it. (Or listen. The audio is fabulous)