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Yule: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for the Winter Solstice
Yule: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for the Winter Solstice | Llewellyn, Susan Pesznecker
34 posts | 14 read | 18 to read
Yule—also known as the Winter Solstice—is celebrated when nighttime has reached its maximum length, and there is a promise of brighter days to come as candles are lit and feasts are enjoyed. This guide shows you how to perform rituals and work magic with the energy of rebirth and renewal that comes with the return of the light.  • Rituals • Recipes • Lore • Spells • Divination • Crafts • Correspondences • Invocations • Prayers • Meditations Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials explore the old and new ways of celebrating the seasonal rites that are the cornerstones of the witch’s year.  
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Thank you so much for the *amazing* #yuleswap package @DinoMom - I love how much thought you put into this and really appreciate it. I'm headed outside now to burn the "yule log" I created (more like a cedar bundle. Lol) and read a bit more about yule from the book you sent. Again, thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness!

@BookwormAHN @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Fantastic! Happy Yule! ❄️ 9mo
BookwormAHN 🩵🤍🩵 9mo
DinoMom Glad you like it. Weird question were the candle in the package? I had a couple sets and found on the floor behind my desk and hoping it didn‘t fall out of your box? 9mo
CuriousG @DinoMom No there weren't any candles in the box. You already sent so much though. Truly, I love it! 9mo
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#Naturalitsy #Midwintersolace

What are you doing to celebrate the 1st day of winter? Wishing you and yours rest and relaxation over the longer nights, looking forward to the renewal of spring. 🕯❄️🩵❄️🕯

IndoorDame A little physical cleaning during the day today to welcome the new season, and a small candle ceremony tonight to celebrate the return of the light. Are you celebrating? 9mo
AllDebooks I've had a lovely, relaxing day wrapping presents and listening to the BBC Christmas collection of short stories. Waiting on my youngest daughter to come home, then we're having a snacky feast and candlelit night x 9mo
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One of my favorite things about December is more time to snuggle up and read. #huey #catsoflitsy

peanutnine 😻😻😻 9mo
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This is the Llewellyn Sabbat Essentials for Yule. It's full of myths, folklore, recipes, craft projects, gift ideas, Rituals and other fun things to get you ready for the pagan season 🌲
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks #WinterCosyBookBingo @PuddleJumper #WinterReadathon @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES @DieAReader

Andrew65 Sounds interesting 🎅🏼🎅🏼🎅🏼 2y
TheAromaofBooks Looking great!! 2y
DieAReader 🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻 2y
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Thank you for this lovely surprise Christine! That tea smells amazing ! And I love the combination of Yule and Christmas!!! 😘😘😘😘I am grateful for you!

TheBookHippie The tea is my favorite!!! 2y
Chrissyreadit @TheBookHippie im very excited to drink it!!! 2y
TheBookHippie Enjoy friend!!! ♥️ just wanted to send a tiny cheer to you! 2y
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Chrissyreadit 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 you are so much better at the tagging than I am. 2y
monalyisha Thanks for the tag! 2y
wanderinglynn Thanks for the tag! 💜 2y
slategreyskies Thanks for sharing! 🌙✨ 2y
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I was underwhelmed. There was a lot of repetition, it was poorly edited (so many typos and errors), and the prose was dry. It felt like a bad textbook. Bailey wasn‘t impressed either.

ladym30 What a sweet face!❤️ 3y
Cathythoughts Lovely pet❤️ 3y
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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One of my #HolidayTraditions is going to a family member‘s early music Christmas concert. They always sing a song about wassail so I was psyched to see an actual recipe for it in here! Not sure what Covid will do to my concert plans this year, but maybe I‘ll try out the recipe if I can‘t be there in person. #WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers @StayCurious

Crazeedi Our neighbor gave us some of his cider this year, and I froze some so I could bring out and make wassail for Christmas!! Just got a jar out 2 days ago. Merry Christmas my friend! 3y
IndoorDame @Crazeedi ooh I bet it‘ll be amazing with fresh cider! Merry Christmas to you too! 3y
Crazeedi @IndoorDame I'm thinking it will be!❤ 3y
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#FestivePhotoChallenge Day 15 #FestiveRead

When I searched for books on Yule I didn‘t find a lot to choose from, but this turned out to be a good overview. Sort of a how to guide for celebrating the winter solstice for the modern Pagan, with a bit of history thrown in for context.

#WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers @StayCurious

jenniferw88 Good to know - it's my #bookspin for December (if I get to it!) 3y
IndoorDame @jenniferw88 awesome! It was actually a surprisingly fast read for nonfiction so you definitely still have time 😄 3y
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I‘m not a Wiccan, but it was lovely to read for different ideas. A lot of them were group oriented, though, and I‘ll have to do more research into the origins, but this book is a good starting place!

#wintergames #wg21 #mistletoemaniacs #tisthereadson #dashingindecember #averymerryreadathon #wrapitupreadathon

TheSpineView Awesome! 3y
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I got my #wintersolsticeswap package @staci.reads - thank you! My husband would like to know if things are wrapped so I can open it and he can throw away the box. It drives him nuts when I have boxes laying around (doesn‘t bother me either way.)

Amandajoy I forgot to tag y‘all @Chrissyreadit & @sprainedbrain 3y
Chrissyreadit 🤍🙌🤍🙌🤍🙌 3y
staci.reads Yay! That got there fast! There is only one unwrapped item because I couldn't figure out how to wrap it. Feel free to open it up. 3y
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A very festive #bookspin and #doublespin result! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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My Yule aesthetic #wintersolsticeswap
Everyone is welcome to share their seasonal aesthetic- for fun and or swap partners to see! I May make more- just for fun!

Gissy So pretty 😍 🎄 3y
Chrissyreadit @Gissy share your vision/aesthetic 3y
Gissy @Chrissyreadit I‘m not so good in create a collage😳Let me ask a friend to help me☺️ 3y
Insightsintobooks I have no idea what my esthetic is for yule... I like warmth lol.. 3y
Chrissyreadit @Gissy @Insightsintobooks even one picture could be fun! But this is no pressure! I just love imagery! 3y
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We aren‘t even to Samhain, and @mklong and I are still knee-deep in #BasicWitchSwap, but my good friend @Chrissyreadit is hard at work on more witchy fun!

The magic doesn‘t end in October! Anyone interested in a swap themed around Yule and Winter Solstice? We are preparing a Midwinters Yule Swap.

Any thoughts or questions? Would you like to be tagged to sign up? We are looking at signups starting 11/1, so there will be short turnaround. 🖤

KatieDid927 😱 Yes please! 3y
MsRadioSilence I would be so down!! 3y
mklong Ooh fun! I‘m afraid I spent all my money on Basic Witch, so I may have to sit this one out. I would be 100% up for co-hosting a Beltane swap next spring if you are up for it 3y
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sprainedbrain @mklong we could just do the entire wheel of the year! 😂 I‘m going to have to adjust my package size in that case. Or get a second job. 3y
mklong LOL, I mean, I‘m a big fan of Mabon too 😂 3y
Insightsintobooks Ohh fun!! 3y
Chrissyreadit @sprainedbrain @mklong I‘m a little to happy to celebrate all of them 🖤🖤🖤🖤 even if it‘s budgeting a little more 🌛🌝🌜 3y
bridge12 I would love this!!!! 3y
wanderinglynn I‘m interested, providing there‘s enough time for me to shop, package, & ship. Shipping to/from here is usually 10-14 days. 3y
mklong @Chrissyreadit @sprainedbrain I think we are VERY bad influences on each other! 🖤 3y
sprainedbrain @wanderinglynn I think it‘s doable… we are thinking 12/18 for opening day, just in case we want to incorporate anything from the gifts in to celebrating. We would have matches out by 11/8 at the latest. 3y
BookBosomed1 Please tag me when sign ups are ready. 3y
Chrissyreadit @mklong @sprainedbrain 😘bad influences in all the best ways 3y
Gissy Yes! 3y
wanderinglynn That does seem doable. 👍🏻 3y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego So down for this, I've already started "window shopping" on Etsy. 3y
MeganAnn I‘m so very tempted by this!!! 3y
MaleficentBookDragon That sounds wonderful. 3y
Avanders I‘ve already told Chrissy, but yes, I‘m super interested! ♥️🎄❄️ 3y
erank58 YES!!! Please include me in any info you post to litsy 😊 3y
monalyisha Oh, fun! I‘d like a tag. 😊 3y
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The magic doesn‘t end in October! Anyone interested in a swap themed around Yule and Winter Solstice? @sprainedbrain and I are preparing a Midwinters Yule Swap. Any thoughts or questions? Would you like to be tagged to sign up? (Tentative Nov1 sign ups open)

LapReader Is it international? 3y
TheBookHippie Yay!!! Yes I‘m in! 3y
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BookBosomed1 I am in! 3y
BookwormAHN I'm in 😺 3y
BeeMagical @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Chrissyreadit OOOOO!! Yes!!🖤 Exactly what I was looking for this season!😻 3y
Soubhiville Yes please I‘m interested! 3y
KatieDid927 😱 Yes please! 3y
j9brown Sounds fun! 😄 3y
DinoMom 🙋🏻‍♀️ 3y
Insightsintobooks Oh yes please! 3y
Avanders I‘m so happy to hear you‘re doing this!! ♥️♥️♥️ very interested in signing up 🎄🎅🏼❄️ (edited) 3y
Chrissyreadit @Avanders 😘🥳😘🥳😘 3y
wanderinglynn 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️ 3y
TheBookHippie You still thinking of this?? Hope so!!! 3y
Chrissyreadit @TheBookHippie signups ops tomorrow- for only 6 days. 3y
TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit I‘ll be watching !!! I sent you a box it came back I sent it back out 😂😂😂😂 so let me know it should be there in a week. It‘s been on a scenic tour 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤯 3y
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Fun and quick non-fiction about Yule. I was slightly distracted reading this since this was the first time I read anything on my kindle. But overall it was an enjoyable read. Maybe not as in depth as others but still worth the read. #merryreaders #wintergames2020 @Clwojick

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“In Germany, it‘s customary to eat lots of greasy pancakes on Winter Solstice, then leave a few on the table to feed the Winter Hag. What if you forget to leave them?...The oversight makes her so angry...that she‘ll hunt you down, slice open your belly, & take the cakes right out. Why all the grease?...It makes the belly so slick that the Hag‘s knife slides right off — & no matter how hard she tries, she can‘t harm you or take your pancakes away!”

Lreads Yikes! 😳 4y
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The note on this package said “Seasons Greetings! Here is some book mail to brighten your spirits and lift your holiday. Merry Christmas & Have a magical Solstice! Xoxo, A Secret Litten”

Littens! I do not know which one of you lovely humans sent these to me, but I am so thankful! You truly brightened my spirits & made me feel cheerful. What a wonderful Yuletide gift. Thank you so much. 🎄♥️❄️📚✨ #thankyou #christmascheer

witchyreader13 Ooooh! I'm gonna have to check out that Old Magic one! 4y
Palimpsest What a nice surprise! Old Magic Christmas is on my to read list and was thinking of listening to it on audible, but it‘s not on there until the 23rd! Enjoy your books! ☺️ 4y
Crazeedi That is just the best, secret santas are so special, and you deserve it! Enjoy the books, they look good!! 4y
MoonWitch94 @abooknerdsparadise @Palimpsest Its SO interesting! I‘m enjoying it! @Crazeedi Thank you! ♥️ 4y
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StayCurious Hahaha! +6 5y
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Around Thanksgiving, I made the cranberry cordial recipe from the tagged book. It‘s steeped for a few weeks, and this is the final product! I added edible glitter dust to make it shimmery. It‘s so pretty!

Can‘t wait to make some Yule-tini‘s over the holidays!

Soubhiville Wow, gorgeous! 5y
merelybookish Beautiful! 5y
Redwritinghood Sounds great! 5y
rather_be_reading omg 😍 5y
rather_be_reading u shud share the recipe and u will also get winter games points 5y
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I‘m making cranberry infused vodka, a recipe from my Yule book. There is something so visually appealing about a recipe matching the book cover it came from!

It‘s supposed to steep for 3-4 weeks, but it‘s already such a vibrant color after only 5 days, I might strain it much sooner. #HolidayRecipes : Shared, attempted and from a book +35 pts


rather_be_reading wow tht is super cool!! 5y
rather_be_reading 36pts🤶 5y
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I‘m home early from work today because of the snowstorm. Now is the perfect time and setting to get into this Yule book!

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A nice little introductory book on Yule from Llewellyn‘s Sabbat Essentials series. It‘s quite helpful when planning out activities during Yule, and preparing for the Winter Solstice. I already used one of the recipes this weekend for cranberry infused vodka and can‘t wait to try it.

#WinterGames #TheFilthyAnimals #HolidayRead

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#SelfieScavengerHunt I have a collection of Steinbach nutcrackers, my Phantom of the Opera one is a favorite!

#WinterGames #TheFilthyAnimals

wanderinglynn That‘s one of the coolest nutcrackers I‘ve seen! 5y
Clwojick Awesome! 😍 5y
Gissy 😍❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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alisiakae @wanderinglynn @clwojick @Gissy Thanks! I'll try to include some of my other ones in book review pics this month. I usually find them at our Tuesday Morning store for a fraction of the regular price. Although he doesn't look too happy to be in a pic with me. 😂 (edited) 5y
marleed I love to look at Nutcrackers. This one is awesome! And cute pic of you! 5y
Clwojick My best friend also collects nutcrackers and she would FREAK OUT over this one! ♥️ 5y
rather_be_reading 16 pts☃️ 5y
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I‘m up before the rest of the house this morning, and enjoying some quiet reading time before all the girls wake up post-sleepover. I can‘t wait to use the stovetop potpourri combo suggested in this book later today when we are decorating the house!

#TIL: Ancient Druids harvested mistletoe at Yule, believing it to be a holy plant with protective qualities.


Clwojick 4 pt 5y
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Starting to get into the Holiday mood! 🕎 🌲 🕯

#TIL The Saxons used the term Mōdraniht “Night of the Mother‘s” or “Mother‘s Night” to describe the dark nights of this time of year.


TiredLibrarian Do you know of any good fiction about Yule and the winter solstice? My library has Christmas books up the ying-yang but no Yule fiction. 5y
alisiakae @TiredLibrarian I don‘t know of any, unfortunately. Same goes for Chanukah books...my hubby and daughter are Jewish and I was looking for a YA novel that took place over Chanukah and couldn‘t find a thing. 5y
Clwojick 4pt 5y
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Only a few days away and yet again I find myself without anything planned.

alisiakae That happened to me this year, too. And I even bought this book to try to plan. ☺️ Didn‘t even crack it open. 😳 6y
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And what I wanted the most!! This made me so happy!!! #sss @iread2much @Avanders

iread2much 😄 yay! 6y
Avanders ♥️🎄 6y
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Getting into the holiday spirit over here! Got my sweater, holiday socks, book on Yule rituals, plus four different shades of red!! Can you spot them all ? 😂

Moray_Reads Love the socks! 8y
thec0zy @Moray_Reads thanks!! I love fuzzy socks 💕 8y
DivineDiana I sure can! 😉 8y
Christine ❤️ 8y
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Fun and interesting read in preparation for the Winter Solstice and Christmas 🌬❄️🌲🌞🎄☕️⭐️

MrBook Belatedly, welcome to @Litsy ! We hope you enjoy your stay 😊👍🏻. 8y
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