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Othello | William Shakespeare
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Othello (Revised) | William Shakespeare
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Thank you for this #Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView 😊

1. Iago from Othello. He is so detestable, ruining people‘s lives just because he can. Yet he is also so clever and Machiavellian, I find him fascinating to read about.

2. This is a toughie! Usually, I care more about the characters than the plot. Still there have been books where the plot was so good, I was fully invested even if the characters were a bit bland (“Children of Time” comes to mind).

TheSpineView I totally agree with you on Children of Time. Thanks for playing! 4y
Palimpsest Iago, nice choice! 4y
RaeLovesToRead Children of time has some great characters.... granted they are all spiders but still... haha 😂😂 4y
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DaveGreen7777 @Palimpsest Thank you! 😊 4y
DaveGreen7777 @RaeLovesToRead HA HA! True, the spiders like Portia and Bianca were fun to read about. 😁 But the human characters in Children of Time had me like... 😴😴😴 4y
RaeLovesToRead Totally... Team Spider all the way!!! 😂😂 4y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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I‘ve started both “Othello” and ‘Black Tudors‘ this week (and will continue to dip into ‘The Shakespeare Book‘)! I‘m hoping to read the Classic play through the lens of greater historical understanding (Instead of “revisionist history”, I like to think of it as “relevatory history”! )🎭


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Othello | William Shakespeare
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Othello (Revised) | William Shakespeare
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Librarybelle Good choice for Cyprus! 4y
BarbaraBB I am going to read that one too for Cyprus, smart! 4y
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Othello (Revised) | William Shakespeare
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squirrelbrain I just read Othello recently - only my 2nd Shakespeare ever.... I was surprised how much I understood (and enjoyed!) 4y
jenniferw88 @squirrelbrain you must have escaped lightly at school then - I had Macbeth x 3, Romeo x 1, The Sonnets x 1, Hamlet x 1 and The Tempest x 2! 😂 And that doesn't include the ones I did at uni! 4y
squirrelbrain I didn‘t do A-level English though, so would have done a lot more if I had, I‘m sure! 4y
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jenniferw88 @squirrelbrain 😂😊 I had to redo my A-level year as was unwell whilst sitting the exams first time round. 4y
squirrelbrain Even so, that‘s still a lot! 4y
Cinfhen I recently listened to Hamlet ....NOT A FAN @squirrelbrain @jenniferw88 4y
jenniferw88 @Cinfhen yeah, if you're just starting to read Shakespeare, Hamlet is probably not the place to start! I'd recommend The Tempest, as Caliban's lines always make me laugh & it's also shorter than Hamlet! 4y
Cinfhen Thanks for the suggestion 😘 4y
jenniferw88 @Cinfhen if you've read Brave New World by Alduous Huxley, The Tempest is the play that the title comes from! 4y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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Boek 1 van 2020 is uit! ? Othello, een van de klassiekers van Shakespeare, is neergeschreven als theaterstuk en daardoor vrij lastig te lezen. Ook worden er heel wat personages opgevoerd die de leesbaarheid niet altijd ten goede komt. Na meermaals terugbladeren, raak je dan toch wat bekend met de personages en leer je het verhaal appreciëren. Aanrader voor wie zoekt naar een andere manier van proza-schrijven. ?

Othello (Revised) | William Shakespeare
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All I‘m saying is that if I had known about audiobooks in college, maybe I wouldn‘t have gotten a C in my Shakespeare class. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Listening and reading along really helped me engage in the play, and Shakespeare has always been really inaccessible for me. The full cast narration didn‘t hurt. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

ljuliel I do that sometimes too.. read along with the audiobook. It helps with the concentration sometimes. 5y
Daisey This makes perfect sense to me. I love listening to full cast versions of plays, but sometimes it is hard to keep track of characters and stage directions. Following along in print as I listen is my favorite as well. 5y
hes7 I‘ve had that same thought! If I had known about audiobooks, I would have been an English major that actually read the books. 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 5y
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Ppl sure liked to murder each other in Shakespeare‘s day, didn‘t they? This is definitely a gripping story, even as we know well ahead of time how things are gonna go. Appreciate the tiny bit of almost feminist commentary & that, while there‘s a good deal of racist shit said about Othello, he‘s presented to us as just as human & 3-dimensional as anyone else. But yeah...everyone was just killing everyone over anything! Use your words, folks! 4/5 ⭐️


Dangerous conceits are in their natures poisons, Which at the first are scarce found to distaste,
But with a little act upon the blood
Burn like the minds of sulfur.


Trifles light as air are to the jealous confirmations strong as proofs of holy writ.

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When remedies are past, the griefs are ended
By seeing the worst, which late on hopes depended. To mourn a mischief that is past and gone
Is the next way to draw a new mischief on.
What cannot be preserved when fortune takes,
Patience her injury a mock‘ry makes.
The robbed that smiles steal something from the thief;
He robs himself that spends a bootless grief.

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This month‘s Shakespeare selection! I read Othello once as a teen and barely remember it, but I do know I was obsessed with the name Desdemona for a while after 😊🎭 #nowreading

Othello | William Shakespeare
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Guys. Maury, nay, Jerry Springer couldn‘t have come up with a better show! Are we really supposed to only hate Iago when Othello was carried away THAT far, THAT quickly with SO little provocation!? What fools these mortals be... #RoryGilmoreChallenge

Othello | William Shakespeare
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Day 10 - #Jealousy #AugustABC

These are books that I have read and enjoyed that have jealousy as a theme.

Eggs Nice 👍🏼!! 5y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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#GreenEyes are often associated with jealousy - the green-eyed monster. And Othello is probably the best known tale of jealousy.

Image shows Chiwetel Ejiofor as Othello and Ewan McGregor as Iago in 2007 Donmar production.

#JulyColdplay @Eggs

Eggs Well played👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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“Good name in man and woman, dear my lord,/Is the immediate jewel of their souls:/Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing;/'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands:/But he that filches from me my good name/Robs me of that which not enriches him/And makes me poor indeed.”

#QuotsyJuly19 | 4: #Gone

📷: Made with Typorama

Othello | William Shakespeare
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“O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-ey‘d monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on.”

Othello | William Shakespeare
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I listened to the audio version with a full cast and thoroughly enjoyed this tragic play.

#audiobook #AudiobookSync

Eyelit That cast!! Sounds awesome! 5y
Daisey @Eyelit It was! Definitely recommended. 5y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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Rude am I in my speech, And little blessed with the soft phrase of peace; For since these arms of mine had seven years' pith, Till now some nine moons wasted, they have us'd Their dearest action in the tented field, And little of this great world can I speak, More than pertains to feats of #broil and battle, And therefore little shall I grace my cause In speaking for myself.
— Othello Act I, scene 3

Othello (Revised) | William Shakespeare

Such a tragedy


I listened to this play. The audio book version was fantastic and well casted for the different characters. It will really fun and a neat play. I normally love Shakespeare but I hadn‘t read Othello yet and I‘m glad I did.

Othello | William Shakespeare
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So, if you have access to Overdrive, the website https://www.audiobooksync.com is doing a summer audiobook program called SYNC for teens! Each week, two books are available for free download into Overdrive!

Happy listening!

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Othello | William Shakespeare
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“O, beware, my lord, of jealousy;
It is the green-ey'd monster, which doth mock
The meat it feeds on.”

#marchintothe70s #jealousguy

Oil canvas painting by Solomon Alexander Hart.

Cinfhen 🏆🤓🙌🏻💚#NailedIt 6y
merelybookish Perfect! 6y
gradcat Yup...very good choice for this...👍 6y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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Teaching this on Friday, so I should probably re-read it 👓 #shakespeare

MrBook As you know, I love #Shakespeare! 😎🙌🏻 5y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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So we went to see out first #shakespear adaptation at Dubai Opera and IT WAS AMAZING. Loved every minute of it!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 can‘t wait to book some more 🤗😊

Othello | William Shakespeare
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Opening night!

Othello (Revised) | William Shakespeare
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Book #3 One of the things that impress me the most is that when the right word did not already exist, Shakespeare made it up!

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Othello | William Shakespeare
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Day 13: Your favorite writer

William f****** Shakespeare!!! He's my main boo.

#williamshakespeare #Shakespeare #bookchallenge

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Othello (Revised) | William Shakespeare
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1. Iago
2. Shave your eyebrows (who needs ‘em) 😊
3. Combatting global warming
4. Apple
5. Local election results from today‘s run-offs
6. Occurrence
7. Over
Thanks—this was fun!

Nu-Bibliophile You're very welcome and thank you for playing😀 6y
AmyG Yes....I almost chose that for #3 6y
Bklover 4 and 6. Yes!!! to both! 6y
gradcat @AmyG @Bklover Hey guys...glad to find out I have something in common with you!! 😊❤️ 6y
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Othello (Revised) | William Shakespeare
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Book: Othello
Author: George Orwell (1984)
Movie: One Day
Food: Orange 🍊
#manicmonday #letterO @JoScho

JoScho 🧡🧡🧡 6y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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I didn‘t use to like Othello, I found it too hard to read, but now I‘m older I think it‘s one of the best! And I think Iago is one of the best villains! There is so much psychological drama! The characters are so interesting and damaged! Amazing speeches! Othello is brilliant!

gradcat And to think! Iago has inspired so many villains! 6y
zsuzsanna_reads I find I am only now starting to appreciate Shakespeare. 6y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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#NoFemmeber #jealousguy
Definitely a jealous guy here....

Centique I was thinking of Othello too... great minds think alike 🤗🤗 6y
Cathythoughts 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Aargh, I was thinking of this too! 6y
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Cinfhen Clever💡💡💡💡 6y
batsy Perfect! 6y
TrishB @Centique @erzascarletbookgasm great minds 😁👍🏻 6y
Billypar Oh yes...big time! Excellent choice 👏👏 6y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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When you accidentally spill your water on your brand new copy of Othello and it physically hurts 😩😭💔

Caroline2 😔 6y
Schnoebs 😭😭😭 6y
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DivineDiana I feel your pain. 😟 6y
rachelsbrittain Oh nooooo. This is the worst 😣 6y
Tamra Thank goodness it‘s only water! 6y
TrishB 😢 6y
Jas16 Oh no! 6y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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I've never taken the trouble to read a play before seeing it but this really enhanced the experience. I story of jealousy, hatred, betrayal, and race as iago (mark rylance in this production) hating his general othello lies and flatters him into the famous final encounter with desdemona. A brilliant play brought to life in a wonderful theatre.

Cathythoughts Sounds an amazing experience 💫💫 6y
Lindy I also like to read plays before seeing them. Maximize the experience. 👍 6y
i.z.booknook I saw this production too!! Mark Rylance is my favourite and I thought they did a really good job! Fabulous play! 😍 6y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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On the train home from our day in London where we saw this play by an up and coming playwright starring mark rylance - i love the globe it is so atmospheric and this was a brilliant performance.
I will post my review of the play separately. Not my best selfie.

LeahBergen Lucky you! 😍 6y
saresmoore Wonderful! 6y
Oryx Would love to see a play there. I've done the tour, which was so interesting, but next time it'll have to be a play. 6y
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andrew61 @Oryx the standing tickets are only £5 so subject to the weather it is worth going. 6y
Leftcoastzen So happy for you ,sounds wonderful! I dream of getting to the Globe!! 6y
batsy Fantastic! I would love to experience the Globe someday, as well 😊 6y
Cathythoughts Lovely picture 👍🏻 6y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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Getting ready to see Othello at the globe!! Been on my bucket list to see it performed here 🧡

LeahBergen Lucky you!! 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
thewallflower0707 Have fun! 6y
Megabooks Awesome! 6y
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Moray_Reads I've always wanted to see something at the Globe but I've never managed it. Enjoy! 6y
Trashcanman Have a blast 6y
TheKidUpstairs I saw Othello there years ago! Enjoy! 6y
CoffeeCatsBooks Seeing a performance at The Globe Theatre 🎭 was one of my favorite things on my London trip! 6y
vivastory Enjoy! 6y
RealLifeReading How awesome! 6y
Leftcoastzen That is wonderful! 6y
squirrelbrain Have a fab time! 6y
DaveGreen7777 One of my favorite plays ever! Hope you enjoy the performance! 😀 6y
sprainedbrain Awesome! 6y
Reviewsbylola Omg, so cool!! 6y
Susannah Oh wow, the production has Mark Rylance as Iago, doesn‘t it? I‘ve heard the characterization is a bit different from what we commonly see. Please post your reaction to the show. I‘m eager to know what you thought. Have a wonderful time! (edited) 6y
ephemeralwaltz How cool!! 6y
Cathythoughts How exciting! And how lovely you look 💕💕 6y
batsy Awesome! Hope it was a fab experience ❤️ 6y
youneverarrived @Susannah sorry it‘s taken me ages to reply but yeah Mark Rylance was Iago and he was definitely the stand out. He had the audience laughing with some of his lines, I think usually Iago is played in a more serious way? But he was pretty funny at times. It was a brilliant production. 6y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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Iago, the manipulative villain.
#deviouscharacters #readingresolutions

batsy Iago! The worst 😡 6y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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Starting The Taming of the Shrew today, but I was curious if anyone else has seen The Sourcebooks Shakespeare Series? I discovered this one while reading extra info. on Othello. The focus is on the different ways the play has been acted throughout time, in scenery, actor delivery, and intention. And there‘s a CD to listen to the same scene delivered in a variety of ways by different actors. Fascinating! #ShakespeareReadalong

Blueberry Sounds interesting. 6y
LectricSheep !!!!! This sounds super useful in a teaching setting. Thank you for the heads up!! 6y
merelybookish I have not heard of these but yeah super cool. Helps to see how the cultural moment can shape how a play is staged or what gets emphasized. 6y
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Lcsmcat Cool! Thanks for sharing. 6y
readinginthedark @merelybookish It does! Some of the speeches were given emphasis to inspire war efforts. Even though the scene with Iago and Emilia about the handkerchief seems like background, it‘s been shown either playful or abusive, which completely changes the feel of those two characters! So fascinating! 6y
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Othello (Revised) | William Shakespeare
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So much history! Paul Robeson's Othello continues to be the gold standard.

CarolynM If you haven't read it already, I recommend 6y
MisterWhitaker @CarolynM oooh good rec! Thank you! 6y
CarolynM 👍 6y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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This is my second time reading this since college & the pages just flew by with mounting dread. I feel like this is Shakespeare's domestic thriller, not just in terms of violence at home, but in terms of geopolitics, looking at the rot in so-called civilised local Venetian society vs the demonised outsiders like the Turks & the "savage" places like Cyprus. Class, hierarchy, gender, & the racialised "other" are all in tension with each other. ⬇️

batsy There's layers of complexity in this early modern play that I'm hard-pressed to find in some contemporary novels about race... There's something devastatingly universal about Othello's plight where jealousy & love are concerned, but you can also see how his position as outsider makes him even more insecure & susceptible to Iago's evil manipulations. I feel like Iago is the embodiment of nativist, patriarchal ideology that is still relevant today. 6y
batsy And once again, Shakespeare shows how gender violence & patriarchy works while giving us women who prove to be surprising & independent, if not in their lives which are so circumscribed, at least in their thoughts & actions. My second read has really shown me that this is a masterpiece, but it's rarely seen as such among his tragedies, I think. But 5 ⭐ from me :) #ShakespeareReadAlong @readinginthedark 6y
ClairesReads Absolutely one of my fave works from Shakespeare 6y
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Notafraidofwords This is my favorite of his. Iago is my favorite villain. So well crafted. 6y
batsy @ClairesReads @Notafraidofwords I had a lot of admiration for it but on this reread something clicked and it really grabbed me. I agree; well-crafted & Iago is truly something! 6y
Notafraidofwords @batsy I have to reread it. I think what I remember the most all of Othello‘s questioning of his wife. But, also now looking back—he so easily believed iago. As if women so easily betray their husbands. 6y
batsy @Notafraidofwords This is a recurring theme in his plays. All of the men believe it with just a single insinuation! It's infuriating and really shows how masculinity at the time was grounded in insecurity about their "property" ? 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Great review! 👏 Makes me want to read it! 😊 6y
youneverarrived Great review 👍 6y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm Thank you; look forward to seeing what you think if you read it :) 6y
batsy @youneverarrived Thank you! 😘 6y
TrishB Lovely review 👍🏻 6y
batsy @TrishB Thank you! :) 6y
Suet624 Oh darn it. Are you really going to entice me to read this? It seems so. 6y
batsy @Suet624 Only if you enjoy Shakespeare 😁 6y
LeahBergen Great review! I haven‘t read this since my teens. Hmm... reread? 🤔 6y
RohitSawant Such a stunning and insightful review! 6y
Leftcoastzen Need to re-read , smart fella that Shakespeare. 6y
Reggie Wow!!! Great review!!! 6y
Qchambers Lovely review! I feel like I need to read this ASAP 6y
Centique Wonderful review S! 😍 This is my favourite Shakespeare play. It feels like Iago is the archetype for so many villains in future literature. He‘s so brilliantly done and Othello and Desdemona too. I read it so long ago, I hadn‘t considered then just how complex that portrayal of racism/patriarchy was - you‘re so right! 6y
readinginthedark Wow, way to summarize what really stands out about Othello! 6y
batsy @Leftcoastzen That he is! Each play is its own universe. 6y
batsy @Centique Thank you, P! 😘 I was quite surprised by how rich this play was in that regard. It's really something. Iago made me *so* mad but I was impressed by his audacity, I have to admit! 6y
Ms_T Such a great review! #Stacked 6y
batsy @Ms_T Thank you! 😊 6y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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Went to this absolutely incredible performance of Othello at Shakespeare in the Park last night. It rained so hard, they had to stop twice for the actors to take shelter and for the crew to clear the stage of water, but it was so worth it!!!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Sounds great despite the rain! 6y
ScientistSam @Riveted_Reader_Melissa it was! One of if not the best performance I've seen there over the past four years or so! 6y
DivineDiana So happy for you! What a fantastic experience! 6y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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Unbearably hot, sticky Sunday afternoon... Beer, Shakespeare, then maybe a short nap 😁

(Just a month late to the #ShakespeareReadAlong)

Sophoclessweetheart What a gorgeous edition 😍🙊 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I feel lethargic this afternoon 😕. Cold beer sounds good! Enjoy! 6y
batsy @Sorceryandswords Thank you :) The Pelican editions have different background colours for the tragedies, histories, comedies; they're all lovely 😍 6y
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batsy @erzascarletbookgasm Thanks! :) I know right, I feel the same... I plan to do as little as humanly possible today 😂 6y
BiblioLitten What a beautiful edition. 💜 A perfect way to spend a hot afternoon. Drink. Read. Nap. Repeat 6y
Cathythoughts Hey ! Are you on the beer too ?! Cheers @batsy 🍻 6y
Ms_T Sounds like a great plan 😄 6y
Kalalalatja Sounds like a plan! We are going to have a really hot day in Denmark too, 30 degrees, which is not normal 😅😅 6y
Tanisha_A If this makes y'all feel better - it's 43 °C the place I am at. 😶 Thankful to being lucky to have a cool house. And, that sounds like a perfect afternoon. Enjoy @batsy! 😀 6y
TrishB A great plan 👍🏻 6y
batsy @Ms_T @BiblioLitten @TrishB It has turned out to be a good plan indeed 😁 6y
batsy @Cathythoughts Cheers! 🍻 6y
batsy @Kalalalatja Oof! That's hot! When is it usually the hottest time of summer in Denmark? August? 6y
batsy @Tanisha_A Oohh my :( My sympathies. Is this hot spell meant to drag out for awhile? 6y
RohitSawant Terrific plan! 🍻 6y
batsy @rohit-sawant 🍻😊 6y
Kalalalatja @batsy yes, end of July and August, but we still feel lucky if we get around 25 degrees. We have had insane weather the last month, warmer than Southern Europe! 😮 6y
Tove_Reads I just had a beer as well, because can you really have a bbq without beer? I think it‘s a universal law or something... 😜 6y
ephemeralwaltz Gorgeous cover!!! I love Othello and that beer which I recently tried! 👏👏👏 6y
batsy @Kalalalatja Gosh. The climate around the world is undergoing some serious shifts 😕 6y
batsy @Tove_Reads Oh yes, it is! Perfect combo, always. 6y
batsy @ephemeralwaltz Thank you, and I'm fond of that beer as well 😊 6y
ReadingEnvy After trying to be out and about on our hot sticky Saturday this is how I will spend my Sunday too. 6y
batsy @ReadingEnvy The best plan 👍🏽 6y
readordierachel Sounds like a lovely Sunday! (Except for the hot sticky part) 6y
Tanisha_A @batsy The rains should have arrived by now! But nature has her own mood, considering what we have done to her. 😶 6y
batsy @ReadOrDieRachel It was ☺️ 6y
batsy @Tanisha_A Yes, so true. So much devastation. 6y
saresmoore Hot, sticky climates are good for three things: reading indoors, chilled alcohol, and siestas. I believe you‘ve achieved the trifecta! 6y
batsy @saresmoore Indeed, my friend! That's what got climates were made for 😁 6y
batsy @saresmoore Hot climates, even 😳 6y
saresmoore Ha! TFW...you catch a Litsy typo. 😳😱I‘ve edited so many posts and comments, even if I know no one will ever see them corrected. #peaceofmind 6y
saresmoore P.S. I‘m pretty sure my brain had autocorrected that one. 6y
batsy @saresmoore The edit option for comments isn't available on Android phones 😭 6y
saresmoore WHAT. That‘s just blatant phonism! 6y
batsy @saresmoore Right? Solidarity with the underphones📱 6y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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I found these on Hoopla today! The top one was Episode Fifteen or something in the series, and I would not recommend it. The lecturer basically summarizes Othello in his own words for the whole thirty minutes. 🤷🏻‍♀️ The bottom one was about Shakespeare in general rather than a specific play (for Episode One). It was interesting! I‘ll probably keep listening to that series. #greatcourses #ShakespeareReadalong #oncealitstudentalwaysalitstudent

cornfedwellread This seems cool! I've been interested in the Great Courses, but the prices have been a bit of a deterrent. What's Hoopla? The only Hoopla I know of is the arts and culture section of a local paper, and I'm pretty sure that's not what you're talking about. 😆 6y
emtobiasz There‘s also one on Hoopla about classic mystery stories; I‘ve enjoyed the first few of that. @therealdealbeall Hoopla is a digital book/music/movie borrowing service that some libraries subscribe to for their patrons. Check with your local public library! 6y
KatieanneF @therealdealbeall they have the longer courses available on audible for 1 credit. The shorter courses are a lot less expensive- some are less than a dollar. I‘ve listened to a few and I think they‘re great! 6y
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cornfedwellread Thanks @emtobiasz and @KatieanneF ! I'll have to see if my library has Hoopla, and I'll check out audible for some of the courses. :) 6y
readinginthedark @therealdealbeall Sorry, I just saw your comment! Thanks @KatieanneF and @emtobiasz for pickin‘ up my slack! All I have to add is that if you‘re paying for them, make sure you listen to a sample first. There are a few of these professors I can‘t listen to for any length of time. 6y
cornfedwellread @readinginthedark No problem! Thanks for the tip :) 6y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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This was so intense, dramatic, and frustrating. Yet, it‘s my favorite Shakespeare tragedy so far. The villain was so villainous, the grief so total. Also I both rooted for and felt invested in Othello, Desdemona, and Cassio throughout. Looking forward to switching back to a comedy 😊


readinginthedark Interesting that it‘s your favorite! But you‘re right...Iago is the ultimate villain! 6y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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Just a few days until the start of one of my all-time favorite NYC Summer traditions - Shakespeare in the Park! This year's productions are Othello and Twelfth Night and I can't wait 🎭

batsy Oooh, fun 💫 6y
readinginthedark I love Shakespeare in the Park! It‘s a big deal here in St. Louis as well. 6y
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