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Sisters One, Two, Three
Sisters One, Two, Three | Nancy Star
After a tragic accident on Martha's Vineyard, keeping secrets becomes a way of life for the Tangle family. With memories locked away, the sisters take divergent paths. Callie disappears, Mimi keeps so busy she has no time to think, and Ginger develops a lifelong aversion to risk that threatens the relationships she holds most dear. When a whispered comment overheard by her rebellious teenage daughter forces Ginger to reveal a long-held family secret, the Tangles' carefully constructed web of lies begins to unravel. Upon the death of Glory, the family's colorful matriarch, and the return of long-estranged Callie, Ginger resolves to return to Martha's Vineyard and piece together what really happened on that calamitous day when a shadow fell over four sun-kissed siblings playing at the shore. Along with Ginger's newfound understanding come the keys to reconciliation: with her mother, with her sisters, and with her daughter. At turns heartbreaking, humorous, and hopeful, Sisters One, Two, Three explores not only the consequences of secrets--even secrets kept out of love--but also the courage it takes to speak the truth, to forgive, and to let go.
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#MarchMadness #ANumberInTitle #ANumberInTheTitle

I realized that I can count to ten with numbers in titles from my stacks, so go big or go home. 🏆These are with from my read pile (1, 2,3 = the tagged book, 4, 6, 8 & 10) or my #TBR stacks (5, 7 & 9)

Eggs Clever 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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This wasn‘t bad, but I definitely hoped it would be better. The main character clearly has undiagnosed generalized anxiety disorder, and having the book told from her perspective was a bit draining. It flashed back and forth between the past and present, but not as cohesively as it could have. And up until around the 80% mark, it just felt like a humdrum story about dysfunctional families. But the ending picked up and got a bit more interesting.

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1️⃣ Last night I was putting DVD‘s away and a shelf collapsed burying me in a movie avalanche. 🤦🏻‍♀️
2️⃣ Tea and a (don‘t judge me) chocolate pop tart. 🙈
3️⃣ Disappointingly, kinda dull. 😕
4️⃣ A back massager that my hubs uses.
5️⃣ 5‘ 4” too tall for the petite section, too short for regular pants to look good. 🤷🏻‍♀️

#HumpDayPost @MinDea

Aims42 Preach it on being 5‘ 4”!! I have to get every pair of pants hemmed up 6y
GypsyKat @Aims42 I didn‘t mind it so much when I used to wear heals with everything, but I mostly wear flats now so it‘s a total pain. 6y
Stacy_31 I‘ve never had a chocolate pop-tart, but the s‘mores ones are sooo good. 😛 6y
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GypsyKat @Stacy_31 They s‘mores ones are my hubs favorite, but I like either the chocolate or the cinnamon ones. 😉 6y
Lreads No judgement! I‘ve been eating peanut butter and jelly half sandwiches for breakfast! 6y
GypsyKat @QuietlyLaura Yum! I love peanut butter and jelly! 😁 6y
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Doing some #AudioCrafting or #AudioPainting today. These planters are going to take me a few days. 🎨

Cathythoughts Beautiful 6y
Caterina I hope you share the finished product! I think they‘ll look great! 6y
Laura317 I‘m loving the stripes! Yes, please do share the completed projects. 6y
tracey38 Oooh, summery stripes! 👍 6y
GypsyKat @Cathythoughts @Caterina @Laura317 @tracey38 Thanks all! I‘ll share more pictures as I go, and I‘ll definitely share pictures of everything finished! 😊💗 6y
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I‘m starting this audiobook this morning. I can‘t resist books set on the New England coast.

laundry_piles New Englander for life! 6y
GypsyKat @laundry_piles I used to summer on the Massachusetts coast, just south of Boston. So beautiful there. 💗💗💗 6y
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I thought this one looked interesting, and it‘s on sale with an Audible deal! Couldn‘t pass it up. 😉
#BookSale #KindleSale #AudibleSale


Ginger is only 13 when a tragedy strikes her excentrenic family vacationing on Martha's Vineyard. The event affected all her siblings in various ways. One sister left the other spends her days engrossed in her family. Ginger has become an intense worrier and it's pushing her daughter Julia away. Told in alternating chapters from present day back to that summer Ginger must come to terms with the past.

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My current TBR 📚❤️💯😍

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Surprisingly good for a #kindlefirst pick (although I have no idea which month). Not sure if a sequel is planned but i definitely found myself wanting more after the ending.

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Ahhh! I hate it when all my library holds come in when I‘m in the middle of a book I‘m enjoying. Here‘s the push to finish in the next couple days so I can dig in to the next two.

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Does anyone else struggle with starting a new book after finishing one? I find that I usually have to restart it at least once if I didn‘t get far in enough in because I forget that I‘m reading about new characters, settings, and plots. It doesn‘t help that the last book I read was long and took me a couple weeks to finally get through 😕. (Preschooler has FINALLY discovered legos in the background)

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Listened to this on audible and enjoyed it...

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I never had a sister, although I always wanted one. I do, however, have a lot of sister related books. #bookswithsisters #booksacrossoceans

mellisarock My daughter feels the same way! She's got 3 brothers! 😘👭 7y
Purrfectpages @mellisarock I'm an only child. Grass is always greener! Lol 7y
mellisarock Right?!? 7y
Birdsong28 There is also this book for sister related book 7y
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I thought this book was good! It was a really interesting story about family relationships and independence. It definitely kept my interest and I really liked the characters. It was a book that just flowed together well between last and present and came together nicely in the end.

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I loved these characters, particularly Glory. Great read!

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Some among us need more time and space to become ourself. One of the hardest lessons love teaches us is the necessity of letting go. We all deal with life's tragedies in our own way, our essence being formed in those most difficult moments. This book explores family bonds, eccentricities and muddled memories in the aftermath of tragedy. 🌟🌟🌟🌟⭐

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Day10 #AprilBookShowers #siblings I realized after I pulled these sibling-centered books from my Goodreads *read* stack that with the exception of The Nest, the rest feature sisters. There are varying degrees of function & dysfunction (& some crazy pants) here, but there are strong sibling/sisterly bonds within the pages. I went mostly with more recent reads, but I just had to include my favorite bookish siblings-the Bennets of P&P (& Eligible.)😀

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Centique Hmmm I have 3 sisters.... who sometimes keep secrets......might have to read this one!! 😋 7y
BethFishReads 👍P&P!!!!! 7y
CherylDeFranceschi ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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I got this book for free several months ago and just decided, on a whim, to read it. I really liked it, but I do have a thing for "Beach Books" so I knew I would.

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Spent a quiet Friday night finishing this book. It was a slow burner at the start, but I grew to really care about the three sisters (quirks and all). I liked that their relationships with each other and the people around them were realistically messy and complicated. I also loved the twist at the end. An interesting, emotional, and compelling read about how an already extremely dysfunctional family manages to survive a terrible tragedy.

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Lunch time reading.

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Everyone else is saying January was an awesome reading month for them, and here I am with my measly five books! Mostly bc of 900+ page David Copperfield and also due to taking care of my husband after his surgery. Crappy reading month for me! Grateful that I did squeeze in my one nonfiction for the month. Glad to be done with January and already know that February will be much better. #readjanuary @RealLifeReading

rockpools David Copperfield sounds like an amazing achievement, all on its own! But here's to a better February. 8y
RealLifeReading David Copperfield! That's a feat in itself! 8y
DebinHawaii David Copperfield is like 4 books! 😆Hope February is a month that gives you more reading time. 📚👍 8y
kspenmoll I only read 5 books too😍. I read slowly & there was so much going on in all aspects of life. Here's to February! 📚 8y
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This was my #kindlefirst pick for December. It's a pretty typical dysfunctional family drama, but I was sucked in. It was quite sad at times. The story of a sad family who harbored a big secret. I enjoyed it. It's nice to focus on someone else's drama during these sad winter months. My S book for #LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia

BookishMarginalia 👍🏼👏🏼 8y
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That moment when the two books you are reading simultaneously cross paths. My current audiobook is Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald and I'm at the part where Scott is writing The Great Gatsby. ❤

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#readjanuary #bookandsnack Lately my favorite snack while reading is dark chocolate. These are the two things that help me through the depressing winter months the most. I really think the dark chocolate helps my mood. I just have one square a day. At least 70%. @RealLifeReading

Lindy I'm a one-square-of-70%-a-day person too. 😊 8y
Laura317 Dark chocolate with a cup of hot, black coffee = Bliss 8y
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Everyone loves to read about a family more messed up than their own! This book has plenty of family drama as the chapters alternate between the Tangle family in the 1960s and focusing on the sisters in present day. Family oddities and secrets fill the pages after a tragedy occurs during a summer on Martha's Vineyard.
It's between a pick & a so-so because I would've enjoyed more character development.

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"It was odd how often this happened, Ginger and Mimi retaining different slivers of family memory. It was almost as if the recollections had been split down the middle and doled out: you get this, I get that, so no one would be privy to it all."
This is so true! None of my siblings seem to remember events/people the same. Everyone has their own unique memories.

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Finally starting December's Amazon Prime book pick 📚

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An emotional read that left me with a tangle of happy and sad when it ended.

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Plenty of secrets, drama, tragedy, & angst for the Tangle family in this well-told novel, a look at how our families & the experiences that we share with them can shape us in different ways for all of our life. Paired with homemade Tangy Lemon Sorbet for my blog book tour review. (link to full review & recipe??) "Why do you always make lemons out of lemonade?" Mimi to worrywart Ginger. (I say make lemonade sorbet from lemons instead!) ?????

RealLifeReading Ooh lemon sorbet sounds so fresh and summery 8y
Cinfhen Gorgeous photo❤️brightened my morning 😍 8y
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UwannaPublishme Mmmm...I could got for that sorbet right now. 😍 8y
DebinHawaii @RealLifeReading Yes! I think it's a good way to find some sun in the winter too. 😀👍 8y
DebinHawaii @Cinfhen Thank you! Your comment brightened my day! 🌞 8y
DebinHawaii @UwannaPublishme It's pretty yummy--a good combo of tangy & sweet.🍋 8y
Dragon That looks so yummy 😋 8y
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"Far as she could tell, the amount of unhappiness in the house remained unchanged. It was just distributed differently." The Tangle family in this book is aptly named-they are quite a tangled bunch. Finishing it up over a leftover soup lunch, trying to unravel all of the secrets & drama. Still not sure what my food pairing will be for tomorrow's review post. Maybe comfort food for all the angst! ??

Laura317 Soup looks yummy! What kind is it? 8y
DebinHawaii @Laura317 It's Spinach & Cheese Tortelloni in Light Broth. It's my variation of a Giada recipe from Food Network-super easy & good. If you go back a couple of my posts to yesterday, I put the link to the recipe up in comments there. 🍲❤️ 8y
Laura317 @DebinHawaii Awesome! I'll look for it. Thanks. 8y
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My free December Prime Reading pick

Desha I chose that one too for December! ☺️ 8y
kyraleseberg @Desha Thanks to Litsy my TBR is going sky high, but I'm going to make it a point to read my Prime picks within a couple months ...hopefully! 😜 8y
Desha I know...my TBR is crazy too...plus I'm planning to do three reading challenges this year....! Hopefully I will get to my prime books sooner rather than later lol 😜😍❤️📚 8y
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I found this book to be a really captivating look at a family shaped by their painful past. Though they were all changed by past events, they all reacted in completely different ways. Even their memories of things that happened when they were young were vastly different,. The day of the original tragedy is remembered vividly and uniquely by each sister. Ultimately this is a story of love, loss, family and healing that I really enjoyed.

tammysue Sounds interesting. Adding to tbr thanks! 8y
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I was burned out from writing catch-up reviews yesterday & spent New Years Eve at home nursing a cough, hiding from my neighbor's' backyard NYE party, comforting Max w/every loud firecracker bang, & watching old movies. This is my first book of 2017, started this morning for a Tuesday book tour blog review. Not sure yet what the official book-inspired dish will be but here it's paired w/my breakfast of English muffin w/strawberry jam & tea. 📚🍴

BethFishReads Yum! Sorry about your cold, hope you're feeling better 8y
Mimi28 Hope you feel better! 8y
DebinHawaii @BethFishReads @mimi28 Thank you! It's more annoyance than anything. It's super windy here so it has kicked up my allergies/asthma-now I just need to stop it from becoming another round of bronchitis. 😀👍 8y
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BooksForEmpathy Hah! Hiding from parties thrown by my neighbors is something I can relate to... you're in good company! Your breakfast looks so good, too! 8y
kyraleseberg Haven't started this yet but it was my Amazon Prime book pick for December. 8y
DebinHawaii @BooksForEmpathy It's hard when we share a common area backyard! 😁 @kyraleseberg I am not too far into it but enjoying it so far. 👍 8y
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#TuesdayTBR So I'm going to try to finish up The Guineveres to go back to the library tomorrow, I'm reading Sisters, One, Two, Three for review, Seinfeldia is a library e-book I'm 1/2-way through, & finally I'm finishing up the Bakery Shop Mystery Series (foodie cozies) before reading the 5th book-Fudge & Jury-for review. Slightly ambitious for the week but some quick reads in this stack. Sadly Hag Seed goes back to the library unread yet again.🙁

Donna_sBookMinute Those cozy titles, though . . . 😂 It's actually fun seeing how their creativity comes into play with the titles. 8y
DebinHawaii @Donna_sBookMinute Yes, I love how fun they are! 😆👍 8y
BethFishReads I too love the cozies 8y
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Family secrets...the exploration of the motives for keeping them and the repercussions of having them. As the story unfolds, and the secrets are revealed, I found it quite easy to keep reading. Do I think the reasons were valid? Not really; but I came away with an understanding of why Glory perpetuated a culture of lies in her family. This is definitely a book in which I didn't particularly like the main characters, but I did find them believable.

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Amazon Prime allows me to get a free kindle book for December. Any suggestions? Any kindle owners read any of these? thanks ♡

Laura317 I haven't, but I picked the Original Dream just for the cover. 8y
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My pick this month for #kindlefirst

Looks interesting!

christineandbooks There are several this month that look really interesting! I haven't chosen yet... 8y
sprainedbrain @christineandbooks yes, it was a good month! 8y
Felso It was hard to choose this month. 📚 8y
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Samwise_Gamgee I chose the same. 8y
ElizabethAndino What is kindlefirst? Haven't heard of this! 8y
Jerdencon @sprainedbrain I picked this one too! @ElizabethAndino if you have an amazon account for kindle they give you a free Ebook beginning of every month. 8y
Clare-Dragonfly @Jerdencon @sprainedbrain I think the free book is just for Amazon Prime members. If you don't have Prime, you can pick from the same books, but they're discounted. 8y
sprainedbrain @ElizabethAndino As the others said, it's one of the extra benefits of being an Amazon prime member. Each month we get to choose from several new books before they are released to everyone, and we get the one that we choose for free. 8y
ElizabethAndino That's fantastic! Thanks for the info! 8y
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