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Joined June 2016

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This was messy, real, raw, unflinchingly honest and heartbreaking, but in the end there was hope and a sense of healing. It was also beautiful, thought provoking, and utterly crucial, this book needs to be read, by anyone and everyone. I smell a giveaway coming, this is one where I‘ll be pushing it on everyone I know, unapologetically.

Bklover This sounds interesting! 7y
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Do you need a vacation but it isn‘t happening anytime soon? Me too, but after reading this gem of a book I feel as if I‘ve had a refreshing holiday in Rome, it provided an absolutely lovely escape from reality and transported me to the sunny streets of Italy.

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This was a sweet, uplifting read about what happens when you step outside of your comfort zone, totally feel good and gorgeous, but with some surprises along the way.


If I had to describe this book in one word it would be hilarious, it was so funny and had so much sass. Melody is so quirky and adorable and is the perfect character to lead such a whimsical new series. It‘s a total escape from reality and immersing myself in Melody‘s wacky world was the most fun I‘ve had in awhile.

Cutaway | Christina Kovac

I really enjoyed this unique viewpoint and approach and found myself easily caught up in this hard hitting, competitive environment. There was just a hint of romance that added to the story instead of detracting from it, along with political intrigue and corrupt cops, totally juicy. If you‘ve ever wanted a peek at what really happens before the cameras roll in a newsroom, check this out. Hint; it‘s not as glamorous as you think.

Fourth Monkey | J D Barker

Barker‘s writing is fluid and sharp at the same time, it held me tight in it‘s menacing grip throughout and weaved some stunning twists and turns along the way. This was a down and dirty, nitty gritty read that was an easy five stars for me, no hesitation. Preorder this one, it‘s not available until this summer, but I think it‘s one that everyone will be talking about, don‘t miss out!

ReadingOver50 I just found out about this yesterday. It looks great! 7y
Novelgossip So great!! I can't recommend it enough. @ReadingOver50 7y
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I found myself wondering what the hell was wrong with me for being so enraptured by this twisted family. This will definitely be one with strong fans and those on the opposite side who can‘t stomach the unsettling story or even buy into the plausibility of it actually happening. I‘m honestly right in the middle, I can see both sides. If you‘ve read it I would love to know how you feel!

NovelVisits I feel very similar to you. It was a fast read and fun in its own way. However, I felt like the central premise left too many questions unanswered. I reviewed it today on my site! 7y
Novelgossip @NovelVisits I'll go check yours out! 7y
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Never Let You Go | Chevy Stevens
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The insight into a troubling abusive marriage was authentic, chilling and disturbing, so beware if abuse is a trigger for you. I loved how the mounting tension resulted in a heart pounding climax, my anxiety was through the roof but I love when a thriller makes me feel like that. If, like me you‘ve been living under a rock and haven‘t read Stevens before AND you consider yourself a fan of thrillers, pre order this one, its remarkable.

Alfoster I agree! I'd never read her before either (right there with you under the rock)😀 but I loved this one too!😍 7y
Novelgossip Haha I have no idea how I missed her before! @Alfoster 7y
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Pretty Little World | Elizabeth LaBan, Melissa Depino
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The idea of a communal family intrigued me right away, maybe because it‘s so far out of my own comfort zone and something I would NEVER consider in a million years. Six friends and neighbors decide to go ahead and take a chance after one family wants to move in order to have more space. This was such a compulsive read for me, I was surprised by how quickly I was wrapped up in their lives.


My nerves were shot by the time I finished, this was a highly addictive read and I seriously keep wondering what took me so long?! Had I read this last year it would‘ve definitely made my top reads of 2016 list. The only good thing about waiting so long is that Hall‘s second novel is already available!

RadicalReader @Novelgossip so happy I discovered your litsy account you have some incredible reviews on books you have read 7y
Novelgossip Thank you so much! If you ever want my full reviews my blog is www.novelgossip.com @RadicalReader 7y
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Games People Play | Owen Mullen

loved that Charlie was a PI and not a cop, it brought a refreshing and unique perspective to the book. Though the story is full of a fantastic cast of characters I connected with Charlie the most. He‘s complex, full of a variety of issues that really humanized him. The setting of Glasgow was beautiful and played nicely alongside the plot, it was tense and tightly wound and ended up going in directions that I wasn‘t expecting.

Rupture | Ragnar Jonasson

This is another classic murder mystery with an icy Icelandic twist, so very perfect for a winter read. As always, the characterization is deep, rich and complex which adds another layer to the story. I can‘t say enough good things about this book or the author, just go ahead and read this series already.


This was a highly addictive and provocative read for me, a real page turner about the quest for perfection and the obsession that goes hand in hand with it. I was blindsided by one of the major twists and the smaller ones threw me for a loop as well. I can‘t wait to see this play out on the big screen as Ron Howard is directing, I think it‘ll be fantastic! Again, this seems to be a really polarizing read, you‘ll either love it or hate it.

Alfoster Loved it❤! 7y
tammysue Great review, added! 7y
Novelgossip Oh yay @Alfoster I've mainly seen people say they didn't like it! @whatshesreadingnow I hope you like it! 7y
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RadicalReader @Novelgossip absolutely love the incredible versions that author transform books into movies and have all the book fans drooling with anticipation 7y
Novelgossip I think the movie will be great! @RadicalReader 7y
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I‘ve read Wyer‘s romantic comedies in the past and really enjoyed them so when I heard she was delving into the world of thrillers I was totally interested. Would the same author who wrote such heartwarming and fun books deliver a chilling and compelling thriller? Yes, yes she would. I was blown away by Little Girl Lost and am now in complete awe of the talented Carol Wyer.

RadicalReader @Novelgossip what was your favorite moment from this book? 7y
Novelgossip Oh gosh that's a tough question! I think when everything started to come together and I had an AHA moment! I had been confused for awhile before so it was great when it all clicked @RadicalReader 7y
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In Her Wake | Amanda Jennings

I really would love to discuss this one in depth but I believe that it‘s such a fantastic reading experience if you go in blind, so I‘ll finish up here and leave you with this; if you want a uniquely haunting, seamlessly plotted, touching and compelling read, look no further.

MyNamesParadise I actually own this book and it's on my TBR list!! 7y
Novelgossip Oh awesome hope you enjoy! @MyNamesParadise 7y
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Corrupt Me | Jillian Quinn

While the plot is heavily centered around
Izzie and Luca‘s love story, I loved all the mafia stuff going on as well. The danger, the FBI involvement, the gambling, is all exciting and added some awesome suspense to the story. As a fan of well wrapped up ending, I totally appreciated the epilogue which answered all of my pending questions and even surprised me as well. I just have one question for Jill, when is book two?!

Aftermath | Clara Kensie

This is a dark YA novel, there is no tidy happy ever after here, but it‘s real and raw. I loved the emotional journey this book took me on and and there were some shocking turns that I was not expecting at all. Even though the topic was really difficult Kensie wrote this in a very respectful manner and raised awareness about an unfortunately realistic subject.

Sirens | Joseph Knox

Often times crime fiction is described as dark and gritty, but Sirens almost redefines those words. The city of Manchester provides a perfect backdrop for the plot, its bleak atmosphere adds to the dangerous and deadly criminal underworld. Knox is a superbly talented writer and this book is paced absolutely perfectly. I was utterly absorbed by every single page of this book and any crime fiction fans will not want to miss this admirable debut.

jackeyoh Im sold! Thanks for the rec! 7y
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Good Me, Bad Me | Ali Land

This was a powerful read for me, one of those books that stays with you long after you turn the last page. Milly in particular is still lingering in the back of my mind, clearly she captivated me even if I‘m still not quite sure exactly how I feel about her. Good Me Bad Me is a unique story and one that left a lasting impression on me.

MyNamesParadise I'm glad to here this is a good one!! 7y
Novelgossip I really liked it! @mynes 7y
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Ragdoll | Daniel Cole
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Super excited to read this!!

MyNamesParadise Eager to read your review!! 7y
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DEAD GONE | Luca Veste

I really liked Veste‘s writing style, it‘s smart and sharp and he juggled various viewpoints and timelines like a pro. There are some parts told from the point of view of the killer and I love getting to see a peek inside their depraved minds. He‘s a ruthless serial killer and he immensely enjoys toying with not only his victims, but also the police. This is violent and at times a bit gory, so it‘s definitely not for the faint of heart.

Lipstick & Lattes | Tracy Krimmer
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Can't wait to read this beauty, I LOVE the cover! 😍 #bookblogger

britt_brooke Nice photo. 📷👌🏻 7y
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The River at Night | Erica Ferencik

There is such an ominous undercurrent running throughout the book, clearly you know things are going to go south, but even after the first catastrophe, I found myself waiting on pins and needles for the next thing to go wrong. This had me on the edge of my seat the entire time and I was holding my breath one minute, then gasping out loud as Ferencik slapped me with another surprise. There were as many twists and turns as the river itself.

MyNamesParadise Excited to hear how good it is!! 7y
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This starts out slow and it took me until about a third of the way through until I actually started to get into the story. Some action begins at this point, but unfortunately it never reached an exciting level for me. The plot itself was predictable and I had things figured out quickly. There was really no suspense hanging over the story either which I would expect in any mystery novel. Two crucial elements failing for me left things very flat.

Megabooks Great review! 7y
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I found this book to be a really captivating look at a family shaped by their painful past. Though they were all changed by past events, they all reacted in completely different ways. Even their memories of things that happened when they were young were vastly different,. The day of the original tragedy is remembered vividly and uniquely by each sister. Ultimately this is a story of love, loss, family and healing that I really enjoyed.

tammysue Sounds interesting. Adding to tbr thanks! 7y
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Caraval | Stephanie Garber

You‘re always wondering what is real and what is just an illusion, afterall it‘s a game meant to puzzle and confound. I was pleasantly surprised by all the plot twists and turns and Garber meticulously crafted this in a way that left me reeling. The ending was fantastic and had me craving more and not wanting this wickedly delicious game to end. This book will undoubtedly be HUGE in the new year, preorder it now!

Right Behind You | Lisa Gardner
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Merry Christmas to me! 🎄🎅🏻🎁Dutton Books sent me some amazing #bookmail 😍

Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough

Let‘s get to that ending. I mean, come on who could have seen it coming? I‘m not even exaggerating when I say that I threw the book across the room. (Then snatched it right back up again so I could reread it) #WTFthatending A hashtag has never been more appropriate. It was so shocking and dizzying that hours later as I write this I‘m still dumbfounded in a totally satisfying way. Get a copy ASAP before someone spoils the ending.

MyNamesParadise I believe we already talked on Goodreads about this 😏. I'm glad the ending had a positive effect on you! I can't say the same for me 🙊😭😭 7y
Novelgossip We did! I totally see your POV and have seen others agree with you. @MyNamesParadise 7y
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The Twilight Wife | A.J. Banner

I‘ve seen some complaints about the ending being a little bit too neat and tidy, but I love that, I hate loose ends in books. As things for Kyra spiraled out of control towards the end, there was a pretty killer twist and in hindsight I could definitely see how some could have possibly guessed what it would be, but I truly did not see it coming, which always impresses me and leaves me a satisfied reader.

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The Gift has the same awesome sense of paranoia that I loved in The Sister and I again found myself looking over my own shoulder. There are several smaller twists followed by a big whopper that left me breathless. By the last twenty percent of the book you would‘ve had to prise it out of my cold dead hands to get me to put it down. Fans of The Sister will not be disappointed and if you haven‘t read that, what are you waiting for?

MyNamesParadise I actually own The Sister so I'll be sure to get to that soon! 7y
Novelgossip It was excellent hope you enjoy it! @MyNamesParadise 7y
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The Marriage Lie | Kimberly Belle

The momentum never let up, the only part that wasn‘t fraught with tension was the opening chapter and that just laid the groundwork for what was to come. The whole time you‘re not sure who to trust or what to believe, it‘s a real guessing game. Filled with plenty of OMG, did that really just happen moments, this one kept me up late at night. The ending was utterly perfect and gasp worthy, I so love a well executed, surprise ending.


This is perfectly paced, the beginning discloses enough to draw you in, and then when you‘re around seventy five percent in, things start to come to a head and there is no way you‘ll be able to put it down. The ending is explosive, shocking and completely unpredictable and oh so satisfying. Put this on your radar for next year and clear a day on your calendar so you can devour Everything You Want Me To Be for in the manner that it demands.


Abbott‘s writing style is razor sharp and intense and there was an underlying sense of dread throughout, which undoubtedly made me give her a pass for a so so “twist”. If you‘re already a fan of Abbott‘s then you‘ll enjoy this I think. Or if you want to read a very dark book about the competitive world of gymnastics, give this a try. But if you want a surprising mystery, this isn‘t it.

ScrappyMags I just thought that soooo many people were in on it was just completely unbelievable. Nobody says anything?? Ugh.. Jumped into unbelievable for me. 7y
Novelgossip I totally agree, it wasn't very plausible at all. @ScrappyMags 7y
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All the Breaking Waves | Kerry Lonsdale

This is so much more than a typical women‘s fiction novel, it seamlessly blends genres in a style that is uniquely Lonsdale‘s own. There is suspense, magical realism, drama, deep family histories, and romance. Somehow this all works perfectly and even though I don‘t normally read much with a paranormal aspect, it added something special to the story here.

A Suitable Lie | Michael J. Malone

This book is exquisitely crafted and tightly plotted. Watching a dysfunctional relationship was much like watching a car accident in that I couldn‘t look away even if it was painful to watch. This book is truly special and unforgettable, I was moved to tears more than once but there were also moments of joy and laughter. I can‘t recommend it more highly and I only hope that my review conveyed how highly I regard both this novel and the author.


I don‘t often feel compelled to reread a book but I really want to here. This really needs to be a movie, these characters deserve to be brought to life. The ending and beginning of this book was utterly perfect, it had one of the best opening chapters I‘ve ever read. And the twists were unexpected and totally unpredictable. I can‘t recommend this one enough and I can‘t wait to read what Whitaker comes up with next.

Nerdy and the Dirty | B T Gottfred

My biggest gripe, (and I have many) is that there was so much shaming going on. Fat shaming, slut shaming, nerd shaming, it went on and on. Then, everyone used the word retard or retarded as an insult all the time. Even the adults! Why? This is not ok, it‘s disgusting and totally insulting.

Home | Harlan Coben

Plot wise, this was classic Coben; pacey, action packed, and nail biting. In his true fashion, the ending had the big twist followed by several other turns that left me breathless. The ending left me stunned but it was utterly perfect. Coben is an absolute master. His books have everything a good mystery/thriller should, he nails every single element. Can I rate this one higher than a five?!

His Kidnapper's Shoes | Maggie James

This was an emotional and heartbreaking read! At the age of twenty six, Daniel finds out that his mother isn‘t actually his mother. He‘s always wondered why he felt a lack of a connection between his mother and himself. So it all makes sense in a way, but then there is so much that doesn‘t make sense to him. This book is the story of a completely broken pair of people who have experienced pain and hurt that is unfathomable.


My one small issue with this was the involvement of the police, specifically Holden Hunt. He just didn‘t seem to handle the investigation properly.However, I didn‘t really care all that much because everything else about the book was so fantastic! I was able to easily suspend my disbelief and shove my doubts to the side. The ending more than made up for my moments of doubt, I never saw it coming and was stunned

MyNamesParadise I own a few of her books but haven't read them yet! I'm glad this one was good! 8y
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Gone Without A Trace | Mary Torjussen
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Can't read to read this one! Thanks @BerkleyPub for the #bookmail #bookblogger

MyNamesParadise Is that part of a series or a standalone? I've heard it being advertised! Like on Goodreads. 8y
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All the Breaking Waves | Kerry Lonsdale
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I was lucky enough to somehow receive two copies of this beauty! I'm giving one away #onmyblog come enter! #giveaway #bookblogger

Bostonmomx2 Awesome, thanks for the chance. I read another one of hers, Everything We Keep, and loved it. 8y
Novelgossip I loved that one too! The sequel is out next summer. Good luck! @Bostonmomx2 8y
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Cut to the Bone | Alex Caan

After the beginning, I really wasn‘t all that impressed by the plot. I figured out the plot twists easily and in any mystery that‘s always a huge letdown. The investigation took a few sharp detours that just seemed to serve no actual purpose. Add in a ton of technical talk relating to computers that was boring and I really had to power through this. It wasn‘t a bad book, Caan is a good writer and I would probably pick up one of his future books.

The Bird Tribunal | Agnes Ravatn

This book is on the short side but it sure packs one hell of a punch. The ending left me with a sense of peace that I didn‘t even realize I was craving. I don‘t recall ever being quite so absorbed by a book before and I believe this is due to never being sure what would happen. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys dark settings, fascinating characters with secrets,and writing that enraptures you and transports you to a chilling location.

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Love Literary Style | Karin Gillespie

If the entire blurb alone wasn‘t cute and fun enough, the part that compared it to Legally Blonde totally sucked me in. That‘s such a fun movie and I was definitely intrigued by the idea of a book in the same style. I‘m so pleased to say that the comparison is absolutely accurate!


I read this one at warp speed, partly due to the fact that Marsons is oh so tricky and writes brief chapters that make me keep saying, oh just one more chapter. Before I know it, it‘s after midnight, but honestly I didn‘t care, I had to find out what was going to happen next. Full of plenty of bombshells and shocking revelations, this one was a true page turner and extremely hard to put down.


This book had so many dark undercurrents running between the pages and I was unsettled and creeped out the entire time I was reading it. Anna‘s cold indifference and stark paranoia really chilled me, in fact I found myself looking over my shoulder even though I read this book in the comfort of my own home. I was quite wrapped up in Anna‘s sad and strange little world and was keen to find out what the tragedy was exactly.

Faithful: A Novel | Alice Hoffman

I feel that Hoffman is a talented writer, I just had such a hard time reconciling her beautiful writing with this gratuitous and predictable plot. As much as I wanted to connect with the storyline and Shelby, the only time I felt a true and honest moment with her was towards the end when she had some poignant and lovely scenes with her mother. Overall, this one was a flat disappointment for me.

We Are Still Tornadoes | Susan Mullen, Michael Kun

This was so fresh and charming, filled with heart and humor, and though I think it‘s simply perfect for the YA crowd, this thirty five year old loved it as well. My only small complaint is with the ending, it just seemed a bit rushed, but with the direction that it took, I completely understood why it ended in this manner. Please don‘t let that stop you from picking this one up though, it was still very much worth the read.

Eek! Halloween! | Sandra Boynton
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Taking part in a really fun readathon and hosting a challenge on my blog tomorrow! #allhallowsread