At first, I felt sorry for Hannah what with her dad being a piece of shit, but quickly I started to hate her. The twist was stupid because really? Disappointing. And that ending? 😡
At first, I felt sorry for Hannah what with her dad being a piece of shit, but quickly I started to hate her. The twist was stupid because really? Disappointing. And that ending? 😡
I got sucked into this right away! This sure kept me wanting to read! And the twist!!! I didn‘t see it coming at all, but to be honest, I usually don‘t. Hannah was extremely obsessive, and there was plenty to not like about her, but I still felt badly for her and wanted her to find Matt. I couldn‘t believe the way her best friend, Katie, was treating the whole thing – I did not like that at all. I will stop there. Dont want to give anything away.
Getting ready to start this one. Hoping it is as interesting as the blurb on the back makes it out to be!
Hannah Monroe's boyfriend is gone. She comes home one day and every trace of him has been removed from her phone, house, social media, etc. It's as if he never existed. The beginning drew me in but was very slow until the very end.
This book really kept me guessing till the end!
#book2school (A Book That Kept You Guessing)
#bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bibliophile #books #fiction #thriller #bookblog #bookblogger #withoutatrace
Hannah comes home one night and finds her husband has disappeared. It‘s as if he never existed. This is a very chilling story that will leave you breathless.
#maybookflowers (Missing) - Gone Without a Trace
#bookstagram #bookblogger #bibliophile #books #thriller #fiction #missing
Day 3 of May book challenges!
#maybookflowers (Unreliable Narrator) - Gone Without a Trace
#rockinmay (Back in The USSR) - Crime and Punishment
#maytasticbooks17 (Throwback Third) - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban
#bookishmayflowers (Paranormal) - The Mediator
#bookstagram #bookblogger
I put all the entries from the #GONEBABYGONE giveaway into the random name generator and @rach_simone won! Thanks to everyone for participating. I'm rolling out giveaways all weekend so stay tuned! 🎉📚😘
GIVEAWAY #6: Next up: a mystery and a finalist for the Pulitzer! To win, make a post about a mystery you love, use the hashtag #GONEBABYGONE, and tag me in the photo. Do this by 6Ppm EST (April 22nd), and I'll randomly select one winner. (US only, sorry.) Good luck! ❤️🤘🏻📚
Review + Blog Tour + Giveaway
Taking it easy today, finishing up the last half of this one and hanging with the pets while hubs works on some shelves. I have no idea where this book is headed! #catsoflitsy
As I sit here reading and waiting for the Easter get together happening this afternoon (and the banoffee pie I made for said event) I find myself craving these fab poppers from last weekend's New Mexico trip. They had Gouda, raisins, and pine nuts, y'all! I will definitely be attempting these myself one of these days.
This was more blah than great. I felt sorry for Hannah at the start but I soon began to go down the pretty speedy slope to 'wtf woman! Calm that shit down'. Some good parts but lots more bad parts. Really thought I'd enjoy this too 😞
Hannah's boyfriend has disappeared. Every item, picture, text.... gone as if he were never there. As she searches for Matt, someone is watching her.
An unreliable narrator at best, I still couldn't help but be intrigued by Hannah. As the story progresses, you find that things are not all as they seem. There's a saying "It isn't paranoia if they really are out to get you". It feels fitting. 5☆'s
This was a main character I hated, but couldn't stop reading. Will definitely be on shelves if you liked Gone Girl read this.
At first, I thought this was a straight-up psychological thriller. As more of the story was revealed, it became more than a thriller. I tried really hard to like Hannah but couldn't. I think if she were a real person, I wouldn't like her either. I recently attended a workshop on adverse childhood experiences & this book fit right in with what I learned. It's an interesting exploration of how incidents in our childhood can affect our whole lives.
I received an arc of this book and I have mixed feelings. I found myself unsympathetic towards the narrator for a variety of reasons throughout the book, though I kept reading because I wanted to know why her boyfriend left her. I saw some of the reveal coming early in the book but on the whole I was surprised by the last 100 or so pages of the book. I think I'll be mulling my feelings over on this one for a while.
This one doesn't come out until April, but I'm loving it so far and can't put it down. #PenguinRandomHouse
Just started and not sure what is happening but if he's gaslighting her this is crazy! Looks like I won't be getting any sleep until I find out. *dives back into book
Can't read to read this one! Thanks @BerkleyPub for the #bookmail #bookblogger