Library pick of the day from one of my scholars. I love everything about library day to include photographing every book that I see.
Library pick of the day from one of my scholars. I love everything about library day to include photographing every book that I see.
Read this book back in jr high or high school so 14 years or so ago lol i enjoyed it again! Cant wait to read the next one.
I don‘t know if it was the audiobook narrator who got on my nerves or the characters themselves but I had trouble connecting with this book. It seemed to me like it was trying to be Obsidian, but missing the charm and character development. Maybe my expectations were too high, but I was disappointed.
Is a book club if two a thing?
Starting a buddy read with @RagingMuggle
Off to a good start in August, I‘ve already finished my #BookSpin read!
I think I read this back in high school, but it didn‘t really stick in my mind. I liked it, though it‘s not in my YA top 10. Interesting to have a paranormal thriller romance centred on fallen angels though. I‘m giving the sequel a try, but it‘s a bit more eye-rolling so far 😒, plus their relationship is kinda creepy imo 👀
Well I'm back home from Albany. It was a long, painful tirering day. I did end up going to a B&N in a mall. Got the tagged book. I believe @AsYouWish has talked about this being a really good series. We were also able to get some clothes for the boys... that means it wasn't a waste of a day. Just glad to be home.
@ElizaMarie @jb72
I have to say this was not only a quick read but an engaging one as well Patch and Nora are characters you‘ll want to take the journey with. Yes, it‘s a wee bit predictable but even so worth the read.
Before I started this book I was afraid it was going to be a typical YA where the girl is falling in love with a boy who seems to be bad news and subsequently makes dumb decisions all around. And then I kind of liked it.
To a certain point and then it just went awry. My prediction came true. The actions of Nora didn't quite make sense anymore. At one point I found it even worse. I was able to read through it.
TBR since ?; 391 pages.
#HorrorStory #Hush
Not sure if they need to be quiet or if it‘s the sound their wings make, but it better be hush hush 🤫
Today's theme of book recommendations is 'angels' 🖤 I have a huge love for YA books based around angels.
#RepeatAWord #BoundTogetherJune
I thought of this books title, as a possible read, but according to my GoodReads account it never made it on the TBR.
20 Ready for my first #bookspinbonanza
1 Cilka‘s Journey
2 Things get better
3 I am Malala
4 Hush Hush
5 Funhouse
6 Games with the dead
7 The Daily Struggles of Archie Adams
8 Daughter
9 The Blind
10 The Secret Garden
11 Close to Home
12 The Last Anniversary
13 Good Omens
14 They stole my innocence
15 I see You
16 Lolita
17 The Chrysalids
18 The Maze Runner
19 The boy in the striped Pyjamas
20 The Virgin Suicides
Some are from my 15 in 15 🥰
Patch may seem human, act human, but he is definitely not human.
#BookHunt #ScavengerSaturday #Round3
Library #bookhaul
I got my #bookspin and #doublespin picks as well as a few other fun reads.
I don‘t even know where to begin, but simply to say I am madly in love with this book!!! It is everything I wanted and so much more!!! It is the story of Nora and Patch, who are forced to be lab partners (BTW: why is it always lab partners?). Patch is dark and mysterious and hiding a big secret. Nora becomes very curious about the deep v-shaped scars on Patch‘s back and begins to investigate what is really going on. I highly recommend this book!
Did you guys hear about the HUSH HUSH tv show coming out? And the ONE OF US IS LYING movie?
I was desperate to devour this book, I loved it, I need a Patch in my life. The twists in it were unexpected and I lived the character development in it. It definitely has a dark theme to it, as well as a forbidden romance, however I did think a few things were used too much, such as the use if Levis jeans... however I really enjoyed this book, and cant wait to read the next one soon, but now I think I'm going to read something a big different.
So I have a party tonight, and only a few chapters left of Hush Hush... is it bad if I take my book and finish it at the party?! 😂
#Introvert #Problem #BookDragon #TeenageLifeIsHard
I need a Patch in my life. Like right now please. Only 10 chapters in and I love this book !
So I have read Hush hush and I must say I was fairly disappointed. The Characters are flat and the story predictable. There was no fire, no sparkle no WOW. I was able to finish it, but took a bit of effort.
I finished reading Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick yesterday and just WOW! I‘m so in love with this book I thought it was very very good I‘m in love with Fallen angel books like for example halo,Fallen etc.I just love them so very much,I already knew I was going to enjoy Hush Hush and well I did,I really love patch so very much.I didn‘t expect someone to be the bad dude at all it was such a huge shocker,Overall I totally recommend!!
Happy Reading!
Okay so I stared Hush Hush last night and WOW this book is so very good so far I‘m in love with Fallen angel books and I‘m definitely going to enjoy this so yah.
I loved Hush, Hush by Becca Flizpatrick it was amazing. I was hooked on this book 13 pages in. I loved the story between Patch and Nora. I had a bad feeling about Jules and Elliot from the beginning I knew something was off. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series this book gave me what I like to call "book hyperness" rush. #RavenclawPrincess913 #ravenclaw_princess913
Refreshing young high school read. Just what i needed for a quick day read (all afternoon) couldn't put it down!
I haven't read this since I was 15 and it's giving me ALL the feels.
3.5 stars. This book started out slow for me but got better toward the end. The “main”? Villain surprised me. Not sure if I was into it enough to read the sequel.
Even though I just finished this book for the second one time I‘m still blown away by it. It‘s honestly so amazing.
Totally going to do this! Thanks for hosting @TheReadingMermaid . I'll start off with rereading Hush, Hush. Any other recommendations? #bookaweekchallenge
Omfg that was so good!!! Such a rollercoaster!! I can't figure out words to describe what I am feeling. So happy Nora and Patch got together, like about time!! Really surprised Jules was behind all of it and Elliot wasn't (still dont have good vibes about him).
I am struggling with this book. The lead character keeps thinking she's gonna solve murder cases by asking awkward not subtle questions.
Also the characters never get a chance to get their words out. Always dancing around the issue then running away.
And why does the best friend hate patch so much based off a bad vibe and maybe a dream she had but is fine with the guy who is involved with a murder case and tried to beat up her best friend??
Una gran historia de amor, no tan común dentro del romance. Tiene otros tipos de personajes y otro tipos de aventuras. Lo cual lo vuelvo mí entretenido y original.
@LoslibrossegunMili en ig: reseña completa
"All this time I've hated myself for it. I thought I'd given it up for nothing. But if I hadn't fallen, I wouldn't have met you"
#hushhush #fallenangel #sacredoath #forbiddenlove #nora #patch #nephilium