Oh Anne... if you only knew...
Oh Anne... if you only knew...
"It's an odd idea for someone like me to keep a diary, not only because I have never done so before, but because it seems to me that neither I- nor for that manner anyone else- will be interested in the unbosomings of a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl."
The crewman laughed. "No, ma'am, I don't guess so. It'd take a lot more than an old berg to do damage to the Titanic."
"Like God in the Bible, they looked at what they had made and found it very good."
I'm not ready for what's to come later ?
"How will we ever get out of this labyrinth of suffering?" - A. Y.
I missed the Herondale, Lightwood, Fairchild, and Carstair families! I love all of them with my soul. While I was reading this I forgot how much I missed Will and I'm so happy to see him again (but also sad bc he's getting old 😭)
"Do not let those who cannot see the truth tell you who you are. You are the flame that cannot be put out. You are the star that cannot be lost. You are who you have always been, and that is enough and more than enough. Anyone who looks at you and sees darkness is blind."
Not gonna lie, I cried during this part.
I get beyond sad when Will and Tessa are mentioned. Or are present in what's going on
"Why are you guys so sure I can do this?" I said, struggling to hide my frustration.
"Because you're Jacob." Emma shrugged.
"I never said you could do it," Enoch said. "But it sounded more interesting than bookmarking atlases with Millard all day."
Who else read this book? Did you enjoy it?
"Charlie, we accept the love we think we deserve."
"Human touch. Our first form of communication. Safety, security, comfort, all in the gentle caress of a finger, or the brush of lips on a soft cheek. We need that touch from the one we love, almost as much as we need air to breathe. I never understood the importance of touch, his touch... until I couldn't have it."
"To be fair, though, anything can be optional if you're creative enough."
Even though it took me over a month to read this I really enjoyed it!!! I'd like to thank Cassie for giving us such a good ending after having taken us on a rollercoaster of a ride!!
IM NOOOOOOOT OOOOOOOKKKKKAAAAYYY IM NOT O-FUCKING-KAY!!!!!!!! < Just going to leave it at that. TBH I REEEAALLY WANTED A PATCH AND NORA SEX SCENE AT THE END. Have ya'll heard theres going to be a Hush Hush movie?!?! So excited!!!
Omg. Talk about plot twists!!!!
Patch finally said I love you!!! My heart!!!
Omfg that was so good!!! Such a rollercoaster!! I can't figure out words to describe what I am feeling. So happy Nora and Patch got together, like about time!! Really surprised Jules was behind all of it and Elliot wasn't (still dont have good vibes about him).