Great, easy read. I enjoyed getting the story from the perspective of each sister. They both had problems, but in the end they realized what mattered most.
Great, easy read. I enjoyed getting the story from the perspective of each sister. They both had problems, but in the end they realized what mattered most.
Started reading this book and loved that it takes place in Atlanta because I am familiar with many of the places it mentions. Then on page 64, my hometown of Macon was stated as being the home of one of the characters‘ ex-boyfriend! Love it!
First of all, I really LOVE the way how Emily Griffin has written the book in a dual perspective and that too of the sisters. The book really surprised me in the prologue itself, do read it to find out. I liked the book very much. It isn't rocket science, just a quick simple read. The characters and the story keep you hooked and is a quick paced page turner. You'll really like the characters, at least I did.
#theindianbookworm #ya
Considering how nuts my month was, I‘m impressed I read eight Books in August. Favorite was First Comes Love and Letters to the Lost. There were quite a few duds too. Oh well.
While both characters had things about them that drove me nuts I found myself thinking about them and the story while I wasn‘t reading it. Always a good sign, right? I liked the look into different types of love and was satisfied with the ending.
Yesterday I took advantage of an audio book. I got out of the the habit of these for a while but forgot how great it is to 🎶 listen while you work🎵
I‘m really enjoying this book- I‘ve read a few of Giffin‘s other novels & love the “reality” of them. They don‘t paint picture perfect lives & she isn‘t afraid of a cringey situation.
And I re-covered these pillows to go out in our ALMOST FINISHED 3 seasons room 😍😍😍 it‘s finally coming along!
I listened to this audiobook, and now i think i've found a new favourite author! This was a great book that gave me all the feels. It is a story about family, friendships and love. It deals with issues such as motherhood, marriage, and the right to live as you see fit. Five stars for this one. I have borrowed two more audiobooks of hers from the library.
@A_planNerd Thank you! Thank you so much for the fantastic #cupidgoespostal gifts! The books look great and I love the mug and everything! You put together a great themed box!
@Avanders @BookBabe @MrBook
I love to read Emily Giffin's books when I need a light, breezy read! ☺️
I'm loving all the Litsy-versary posts. I joined about a year ago this month myself. It's been the most fun addiction. In the spirit of paying it forward, I'm going to #giveaway this stack. To enter, tell me your favorite contemporary love story in the comments. US Only please! Enter by 12 PM EST on Friday. Small Great Things and First Comes Love are ARCs. #Readitforward
I picked this book because I've previously enjoyed the author's writing. I kept waiting for the hook. Kept waiting for something to happen. Nothing ever really did. A couple unloveable characters became halfway likable. The last chunk did get interesting and hold my attention. But that's about it.
Fun read and authentic exploration of sisterly dynamics as lives change and diverge over time.👯♂️
I ended up really liking this. Many find Josie and/or Meredith unlikable but I can see so much of myself in both of them. They are total opposites-like my sisters and I.
Meredith's POV is harder to connect with, but there is so much packed into her story. I loved Josie's personality but her story was a little harder for me to believe. The slow reveals are what made the story stand out to me-more depth. The end surprised me!
#LitsyAtoZ #LetterF
#currentlyreading! (I don't always have great luck with Emily Giffin books, so we'll see how this one goes.) But that's not what I want to tell you all! 👇🏻
Guess what: I got a Brooklyn Public Library card today! Not that I don't love my own library here in NC because I truly do--but looking thru the digital stacks at big ole' BPL made me feel like I now have a credit card with no limit. They have sooo much.
I. Am. So. Excited. 📖🎧📖🎧📖🎧
I loved Something Borrowed and Something Blue but almost every other Emily Giffin title (including this one) is a relentless slog through Nicholas Sparks-worthy depressing drama. The main character in this book gets shafted by life so hard so many times I was frankly surprised at the end of the novel she still retained the ability to walk.
Found this at the library because I couldn't find anything available on my TBR list. Three siblings, one dies and everyone's life changes. Or does it? Good poolside read
I liked this book, but I didn't love it. 2 sisters have yet to cope with the death of their brother 15 years prior. Many of their decisions in love and life have been altered by this family tragedy. I took issue with Meredith the most, she was so ugh about everything. Lighten up girl, your life isn't so bad 🙄
My boo bear had surgery today to remove several malignant tumors. She's having a really hard time relaxing, so the rest of the night is cancelled and I'm just gonna snuggle her and start this book instead 💜🐶
I have most of Emily Giffin's books (and I've read them all), but this one I borrowed digitally from my library. I really enjoyed it; I don't have much time to read, but I would try to pick it up every chance I could during the day.
I kept thinking I knew how the story would turn out, but happily it's not as predictable as it appears. If you like Emily Giffin's other books, you'll enjoy this one too. Easy read, and a nice escape.
Two very different sisters struggle with their lives 15 years after the death of their beloved brother.
It was a pretty depressing story, with a few glimmers of hope and happiness sprinkled throughout.
It was okay, but pretty boring and predictable.
Nope. Wesley teases you because he's a dick.
Haven't posted for a while so I need to catch up! Just finished this on audio and it wasn't my favorite Emily Giffin, but i did like it!
After their brother dies, Meredith and Josie have to learn to deal with their grief. But fifteen years later, neither sister is happy with her life, but fears it's now too late to make a change. I don't read many romance novels, so this is a fairly new genre for me. The two main characters are fairly complex, but I wish the secondary characters were more developed. There aren't many surprises, but a few reveals add depth to the story.
I definitely found myself invested in the story, but admittedly that could be because I wanted to check it off my list for the year today. Josie & Meredith both got on my nerves, and I found the men in their lives to be underdeveloped as characters.
I'm a quarter into this one and I don't like either sister.
I think I felt the same about the Something Borrowed girls. Definite pattern.
I know by now that you can't control your life, no matter how hard you try. That inevitably people leave and disappoint and die. But there is one constant, one thing you can always count on: that not only does love come first, but in the end, it is the only thing that remains.
But there is one constant, one thing you can always count on: that not only does love come first, but at the end, it is the only thing that remains 💙
When all your holds come in at the same time but your commute is only 5 minutes! 😂😭😱 what do I listen to first?
This was my first Emily Giffin book and I am definitely going to read more of her books ! First comes love is a nice light read about family and love. Must read when you want a break from your hectic life and need girly read time . 👩🤓
This book wasn't nearly as lighthearted as her others and there was very little character development. I thought one sister's story was quirky and the other's was just annoying. But I couldn't stop reading it because I related WAY too much with one sister. I feel like I learned some things about myself and I love that even a so-so book can still make an impact.
Emily Giffin always does a good job exploring complicated relationships between women. But I didn't particularly care for either of the main characters this go round.
I've read all of Giffin's other books and usually really enjoy them as no-brainer, palate-cleansing types, but this one really missed the mark for me.
The negative: One sister is dumb and selfish, the other is cold and bitchy. I didn't care about anyone in the book except Daniel. The plot was all over the place.
The positive: It was a quick, easy read.
If there's a "Then Comes Marriage," I will not be reading.
Whoa, whoa. There will be no ill-speaking of Publix. 💚💚💚 Side note: This is for my book club. Not my selection, though I usually enjoy her books. This one? Not so much, but I shall power on ....