I will ride the high of this book haul for MONTHS. MONTHS I TELL YOU
I will ride the high of this book haul for MONTHS. MONTHS I TELL YOU
Cross posting my Goodreads review here: I was so excited for the topic and perspective this book was marketed to have. Some bits of the writing really had such charm and warmth - others were dry. After reading the first 70ish pages (I‘m debating DNF-ing altogether), the takeaway I have on the authors writing is that it seems like he took a bullet point list of facts and dates and just translated them into paragraphs.
7 pages in and already so excited to read all these stories ❤️ #tastemakers #botm #foodhistory
Good lord this one took me for a ride! Finished in a day. Couldn‘t put it down
What category does this book go in? Enjoyed it, but wouldn‘t read again
The first book in a while to make me full-on sob. Losing my mom a few months ago made this one extra hard but so worth it. If you can handle getting your heart ripped out I would recommend!
About 2/3 of the way through and so in love with the writing. How do sentences make you ache?
Who else‘s husband has the UNCANNY ability to speak the moment I start reading, despite hardly uttering a word any other time of day
Slow start but ohhhhhh is it worth it! Great twists and a fitting, spooky atmosphere. I love how the island felt like a character in itself
Liking it but not totally in love yet. Maybe I‘m not built for high fantasy without the spice! 😜
16 year old me thought this was such a bore. Now I‘m falling in love with all of them. Maggie Gyllenhaal is wonderful too
Cozy day 😍
4/5⭐️ liked the pace and twists. I felt the claustrophobia of her mind. The formatting of the book was strange. Spoilers: this was a fun, fast thrilled read until the supernatural stuff at the end. That kind of spoiled the whole thing. Also as the loose ends we‘re being tied, nothing was really explained on why the orchestrator chose the person who did the killing.... everything was fun until the main dots weren‘t connected 🙄
Is the lack of margins visually assaulting to anyone else? Why is any book printed like this? 20 pages in and already annoyed
Finally picking up speed! I‘m seeing the allure now 😍 yay for cozy sheets and bedtime reading
Only 100 pages in. Does it pick up? The hype is not matching the book so far 😫
Seemed rushed. Found 5 different spelling/grammar errors I would expect an editor at a publisher like Little Brown to catch. Was the pace crazy to match the podcast/digital/twitter pace or just a rushed story? The ending was hazy. Fun quick thriller with some issues
Didn‘t expect a book on genetics to make me laugh out loud 😊
Who has read this one? Kinda slow beginning. I need encouragement to keep going
Alright people. I don‘t get it. I heard so many *magical* thugs about this book and it‘s just feeling meh to me. Am I crazy?
About 30% done. Loving it so far. Dark and creepy 😍
Anyone else listened to these KL Slater books? The lead up and final "twist" just don't match for me. I love the tension and build up but the big climax point falls flat. Anyone else? Or am I picky and need to calm down?
So in love with this series! I'm new to fantasy - can anyone recommend a similar series? I've already got my eye on the Throne of Glass set...
Liking it so far. Can't figure out whose story this actually is..... But pupper wanted in on the reading 😊
Good ole' thriller 😍
Just some light bedtime reading with the pupper 😍😘🎃👻🐶 couldn't find my actual book in the app ☹️
I just finished All the Ugly and Wonderful Things and here I am running into Cassiopeia again!! #smallworld
The writing feels like the way I narrate life to myself in my own head. Loving it so far😊😊
Absolutely fantastic! I just devoured this book. It's the perfect balance of thriller and science fiction. The best part is it's not a sci-fi book for sci-fi's sake: it uses the genre to tell a poignantly human story. Cannot recommend it enough!