#MarchMagic #MCOlderThanYou She‘s 99 she‘s older than everyone! This book was so popular at a time , I haven‘t read it.
#MarchMagic #MCOlderThanYou She‘s 99 she‘s older than everyone! This book was so popular at a time , I haven‘t read it.
I‘m reading far too many books right now — this epic, along with four others borrowed on my Kindle from the Nashville Public Library (“Between the World and Me,” “Educated,” “Leading Men” and “Plays Well with Others”).
To those who told me how much you love this book, I am so sorry, but this book was not for me. I must be in the minority! Lucy Marsden tells all...literally. It was a struggle for me to get through the long passages. I was also a little thrown off course when Gurganus told the stories of others, sometimes in the first person.
Thanks to @cherinium for cheering me on for the #OLCWTARead ! Questions will appear soon!
We‘re approaching the end of #OLCWTARead ! I have about 130 pages to go, so will post final questions either Tuesday or Wednesday, depending upon when I finish. 🙂
Pushing through a little bit more of this book this afternoon. #SebastianKitty is curled up for a nap. #catsoflitsy
Finally! I don't think I have ever been so happy to finish a book! The book contained moments that I enjoyed, but overall, I couldn't wait to be done. I really think I would have bailed if it weren't for a #buddyread. #OLCWTARead @librarybelle, thanks for keeping me going, so I can say I finished it!
I‘m still pretty behind on the #OLCWTARead schedule, but I did want to put out a couple general questions for Book Three. There will be two posts under the spoiler. We‘re scheduled to finish this book June 25, so hopefully I‘ll be caught up by then!
So...I miscalculated how long it would take me to finish Book Three of Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All. I‘m not done! Sorry...questions won‘t appear until later this week. I‘m juggling this plus a couple other books with looming deadlines, so this fell a bit behind. #OLCWTARead
#OLCWTARead participants - we‘re finishing Book 3 tomorrow. I will post discussion questions sometime on the 12th!
Boom Two questions will pop up under the Spoiler! #OLCWTARead
Tomorrow (the 29th) begins Book Three of the #OLCWTARead . I will have questions for Book Two up sometime tomorrow, most likely towards evening on the US East Coast!
#13inThree update...9 hours down, 4 to go. Tomorrow, I plan to finish I‘ll Be Gone in the Dark, as well as Book Two in the tagged (and pictured) book for #OLCWTARead .
Every page in this book was such a chore to read. This was my second attempt to read it and I just couldn‘t. It made me so #tired just to get through one page. I‘m a #buddyread dropout.
For the #OLCWTAread, I was very much struggling with the storytelling style. I decided to switch to #audiobook, and it was a great decision! I needed something new for my commute, anyways. Listening makes the unusual format easier to digest. The narrator does a great job of sounding like a little old woman telling stories, although there are some strange sound quality/audio editing bugs that can be a little distracting.
Ya'll, I'm struggling with this brick. I just can't get in the rhythm of this writing!! I'm almost to the end of Book 1 and not sure I should continue. Can anyone tell me if the narrative changes after Book 1 or is it like this the whole way through?!?
I‘m getting ready to post some questions from Book One of the #OLCWTARead . They will appear under the Spoiler tag.
May 15 begins our reading of Book Two! Discussion questions for Book Two will appear on May 28.
I have some catching up to do to stay on track for the #OLCWTAread. I'm really struggling to get into this. The narrative is not easy to follow, and feeling the pressure of being behind is not helping. I have the day off work, so I'm hoping I can settle my mind and get into the rhythm of this book. At least it's beautiful outside right now, and my porch is inviting.
I made it to Book Two! Not an easy read, and I did read parts with a furrowed brow.
For those participating in the #OLCWTARead , I will post a couple of questions during the day tomorrow. May 15 starts the Book Two reading.
Spending some Mother‘s Day snuggle time with my oldest #Zeke . Hope to finish the Book One segment of #OLCWTARead before I head to my parents‘ house to spend a Mother‘s Day afternoon with my mom. #catsoflitsy
Starting now! #OLCWTAread
This has not happened in months - #Vladimir decided to lay on my lap this morning. He hasn‘t done this since I adopted Sebastian, so I‘m soaking in the moment. I took the day off to go to the DMV to renew my license, but I‘m not moving this cat for anything. I‘ll just keep reading for the #OLVWTARead while Vladimir sleeps and keeps my lap warm. #catsoflitsy
Ready to crack this open for the #OLCWTARead .
To anyone reading along - book one section will be discussed May 14!
My copy is a used copy I picked up years ago. When I opened it a couple weeks ago, I found this bookmark from a long ago Borders in North Carolina. Love finding non-living and non-gross things in books!
#bookmail today! The tagged book is for the #OLCWTARead and the others are selections for #GARBingo. #GreatAmericanRead #GAR #MakeAmericaReadAgain
All are #blameitonlitsy purchases from #thriftbooks.
Bookmail! It makes me #smile! 😁
I‘m also now officially ready for the #olcwtaread !
I also found an interesting and creepy true crime I just had to have. #favoritegenre
And finally - my #whodunitbymail arrived.
#hopintospring #aprilbookishmadness
We‘re a week away from starting the #OLCWTARead ! Grab a copy of The Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All and join us! I‘m tagging everyone who had expressed interest, as a reminder. We‘ll have informal discussions at the end of each “book.” Very excited!
My copy of this #chunkster arrived for next month‘s readalong and I can‘t wait! (It is quite dense 😅 I have to say) #OLCWTARead
I just wanted to post about a readalong/buddyread that @Librarybelle is hosting. It begins May 1. I‘m really looking forward to this one! 🎉🎉🎉 I just ordered my copy from Better World Books for $4.30. Praying I don‘t regret buying a used book yet again. 🤣🤣 #OLCWTARead
Thanks to the rave review from @Kaye , a few of us wish to read the Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All. We‘re doing a #buddyread starting in May! There are five books in the novel, so we‘ll read a book every two weeks, with a brief check in at the end of each reading time to talk about the book. Reading begins May 1. Use #OLCWTARead with your posts so we can keep up with everyone‘s posts.
All are welcome to share this post and join us! 🙂
The oldest Confederate widow has a lot to say... #tiredoftalking #aprella
I‘ve always thought this was (one of the) #bestTitle(s) around. #booksandshelfiesM18 @Amabear
I have soooo many used books that I could gather them all into one pile for a photo! Here is a small sample of my used book collection. #usedbooks #augustofpages #augustphotochallenge