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Tales from the Perilous Realm
Tales from the Perilous Realm | J.R.R. Tolkien
100 posts | 28 read | 2 reading | 29 to read
Never before published in a single volume, Tolkiens four novellas (Farmer Giles of Ham, Leaf by Niggle, Smith of Wootton Major, and Roverandom) and one book of poems (The Adventures of Tom Bombadil) are gathered together for the first time. This new, definitive collection of works which had appeared separately, in various formats, between 1949 and 1998 comes with an illuminating introduction from esteemed author and Tolkien expert Tom Shippey as well as Tolkeins most celebrated essay, On Fairy-stories, which astutely addresses the relationship between fairy tales and fantasy. The book is the perfect opportunity for fans of Middle-earth to enjoy some of Tolkiens often overlooked yet most creative storytelling. With dragons and sand sorcerers, sea monsters and hobbits, knights and dwarves, this collection contains all the classic elements for Tolkien buffs of all ages.
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So, l finally agree with my boss a different arrangement of my shifts. From today, l should have more time to dedicate to my passions.
I expect this will positively impact my activity on Litsy too 😁

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I went ahead and finished the book before it went back to the Libby ether. Setting aside the various essays about the nature of fairy stories, this was a treat. Roverandom was my favorite. #fellowshipofTolkien

I‘m still plowing through Emma and Sea Wife for #joyousjanuary as well as one of the books from my #readordonate stash.

Daisey Roverandom is a fun story! 8mo
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I finished Roverandom this evening. I‘ve read this one before, but I didn‘t remember the details, just the adventure to the moon. It was a fun little story of a dog, magic, and some adventures.


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Time to read a chapter of Roverandom! This little dog is about to go on quite an adventure.


Roary47 Oh man… I‘m so behind. I was hoping the weekend I would have been able to catch up. 8mo
Daisey @Roary47 You‘ve made a lot of progress! I think the poems are a pretty quick read compared to finishing Return of the King. 8mo
TheAromaofBooks I'm really enjoying Roverdam's adventures!!! 8mo
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I almost forgot to share a word today, but then as I was reading the last few poems in The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, I came across this one. I‘ve heard brock as a name, and apparently that usage comes from its meaning as another name for a badger. Also, if you start looking, there are several fictional badgers with brock as part of their name.

#WeirdWords #WeirdWordWednesday #FellowshipOfTolkien

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When will I learn to skip book introductions?!? Pages and pages about Tolkien and #fairies (or faeries) when all I want to do is read about Tom Bombadil! #newyearnewbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🧚❤️📚 8mo
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Tales from the Perilous Realm | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Alan Lee
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@Daisey I know I'm going to love this book. If this opening extract from Tolkein's lecture, On Fairy-Stories, is anything to go by 😊

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Saturday morning #BreakfastWithTolkien!
I caught up on a few days of poetry reading this morning. It‘s hard to choose which pages to share because these illustrations by Alan Lee are all so amazing! I‘m always amused reading the fun poems supposedly written by hobbits.

#FellowshipOfTolkien #BookAndBreakfast

AllDebooks I'm starting today 8mo
BarbaraJean 😍Thank you for sharing some of the illustrations when you post! I‘m sad I‘m not reading it in print this time around—alas for the need of a digital version while traveling! 8mo
JazzFeathers There are so many great illustration, but this one in the picture, for some reason, is one of my favourite. 8mo
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Tales from the Perilous Realm | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Alan Lee
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Here we go 😁

@Daisey l told you l got this because of you 😂

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I missed the designated hour for the Tolkien Birthday Toast, but I‘m offering a toast anyway, raising a mug of my Yuletide Toddy tea, as I begin The Adventures of Tom Bombadil.

The Professor!


JazzFeathers 👏👏👏😁 8mo
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It‘s time for the Toast to the Professor and to start our next Tolkien readalong! These poems are an interesting collection, and I‘m looking forward to reading them again.

#FellowshipOfTolkien #reread

CatLass007 Enjoyed listening to this today. 9mo
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BethM Great illustrations! 9mo
Roary47 Awww… my books haven‘t come in yet. I hope my library ebooks will look that clean. 9mo
Roary47 ⬆️ Sorry I‘m a high school teacher “clean” means nice or really good. 😅 9mo
JazzFeathers You know @Daisey I was so jealous of your edition if these work that l got it too 😜 8mo
Daisey @CatLass007 @BethM @Roary47 @JazzFeathers I do love this edition! I absolutely bought it for the Alan Lee illustrations. When we get to some of the other stories I have a book with illustrations by Pauline Baynes. 8mo
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repost for @Daisey:

In looking through these short works to develop a schedule, a daily one was going to be difficult with the variety in length and format. So, I put together more of a weekly schedule, while still completing all of them in January. Looking forward to starting these on January 3!

I‘ll tag everyone on my current list; please let me know if you want to be added or removed.

original post:

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In looking through these short works to develop a schedule, I decided a daily one was going to be difficult with the variety in length and format. So, I put together more of a weekly schedule, while still completing all of them in January. Looking forward to starting these on January 3!

I‘ll tag everyone on my current list; please let me know if you want to be added or removed.

#FellowshipOfTolkien #Readalong #BuddyRead #ReadingSchedule

CatLass007 I think it looks like a good idea. 9mo
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Roary47 Nice! 9mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Thank you!! 9mo
BarbaraJean This looks great—thank you! 9mo
Daisey @CatLass007 @Roary47 @TheAromaofBooks @BarbaraJean Looking forward to continuing to read with all of you! 9mo
CatLass007 I look forward to reading with all of you!!📖🩷 9mo
Cortg You can remove me. Happy Tolkien reading! 9mo
Roary47 I‘m hoping the books I ordered will be in soon. However, my library does have the first one. 9mo
Andrea313 A bit late, but feel free to add me! 9mo
Daisey Not late at all! We‘re starting these today on Tolkien‘s birthday! I‘ll be happy to add you to the list. 9mo
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repost for @Daisey:

#FellowshipOfTolkien readers,
I promise we haven‘t forgotten about continuing to read Tolkien‘s work, but we have forgotten to share specific plans. We're going to read some of Tolkien‘s shorter works starting January 3 (his birthday). We‘ll start with The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and then plan to read Farmer Giles of Ham, Roverandom, and Smith of Wooton Major. All are included in the collections pictured.

Daisey Thanks for sharing! 9mo
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#FellowshipOfTolkien readers,
I promise we haven‘t forgotten about continuing to read Tolkien‘s work, but we have forgotten to share any specific plans. We are going to read some of Tolkien‘s shorter works starting January 3 (his birthday). We‘ll start with The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and then plan to read Farmer Giles of Ham, Roverandom, and Smith of Wooton Major. All are included in the collections pictured as well as other editions.

CatLass007 Thank you! I will definitely plan on these shorter works starting January 3, 2024! 9mo
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BarbaraJean Sounds great—please keep me on the list! Will there be a chapter-a-day type schedule? 9mo
Roary47 How exciting! Thanks for the tag! I‘ll need to finish Return of the king in the near future. 9mo
BookwormAHN Fantastic, I just bought that box set 🤍 9mo
TheAromaofBooks I've read Farmer Giles but not the others, so I'm definitely in!! 9mo
BethM Love it! We‘re now at the point where I‘ve not read any of it! 9mo
Daisey @BarbaraJean Yes, there will be a schedule, but I don‘t have my copies with me while visiting family, so it will probably be shared right as we‘re starting. 9mo
Clare-Dragonfly Please remove me from the list—I don‘t have any of those and don‘t have the energy to acquire them. 9mo
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This is a charming collection of short stories and poems by Tolkien. I really enjoy imagining young hobbits listening to “The Adventures of Tom Bombadil.” Sam‘s poem about a Troll arguing over a pile of bones makes me smile (it is the same thing he recites to Frodo, Merry, and Pippin under Bilbo‘s trolls in Fellowship). “On Fairy-Stories” was a more complex read and reminded me of the parts of Tolkien with which I disagree. #tolkien

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Tales from the Perilous Realm | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Alan Lee
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I have a complex relationship with Tom Bombadil. My brother and I have very differing opinions on his absence from the LotR movies. BUT if I am going to listen to this at least my environment should be picturesque. #tolkien #fellowshipoftolkien

Tales from the Perilous Realm | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Alan Lee

This is a nice collection of Tolkien's lesser-known works, and his essay, "On Fairy-Stories."

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Finished this a few years ago but it's such a pretty edition still ❤️

Tales from the Perilous Realm | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Alan Lee
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Look at my #bookmail 😍

I read this with the #Felloship of Tolkien a few years ago. I think @Daisey had this beautiful illustrated edition and l envied her ever after.
Now l have my own 😈😜

Daisey This edition has lovely illustrations. Yay for new books! 3y
JazzFeathers @Daisey l'm in love with it 😍 3y
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I started my day with a bit of extra Tolkien reading time, but then I got wrapped up in my work for the day and forgot to post. I enjoyed rereading this story after so much other reading. It‘s an interesting perspective on some of Tolkien‘s possible thinking about the creative process.

#FellowshipofTolkien #TolkienReadingDay

JazzFeathers I've been thinking about getting a nice edition of Leaf by Niggle. Yours is illustrated 😻 What edition is it? 4y
Daisey @JazzFeathers This is from my copy of Tales from the Perilous Realm. It has wonderful illustrations by Alan Lee. 4y
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No way I‘m keeping up daily with a challenge this month, but here‘s another combination catch up post.

Day 5: The forest prompt also reminded me of “Leaf by Niggle” and the symbolism of an artist creating an entire world through a painting of a tree in a forest. 🍃

Day 6: Along with The Fellowship of the Ring, there are a few poems that mention Tom Bombadil.

#MiddleEarthMarch #YearofTolkien

JazzFeathers I'm soooo behind on this too. But l still mean to try and catch up. 6y
Daisey @JazzFeathers I‘m enjoying thinking about it, but I‘m also having a hard time coming up with connections that aren‘t directly from the story point mentioned in the prompt. So, my participation might be pretty random. 6y
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Tolkien's publisher here in ltaly has just been acquired by a new company. This new publisher is doing a great job in relaunching the professor's work. New translation are being made. And isn't the new look beautiful?

#YearOfTolkien #Tolkien

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#MarchInBooks #shelfie

I definitely need a new Tolkien shelf...


TK421 You know that you are doing something right when you need a bigger Tolkien shelf.😊 7y
JazzFeathers @TK421 😂 True 😆 7y
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So technically Tales from the Perilous Realm is over, but l'll use the extra days to read the extras on my editions 😄


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Another batch of Tolkien stories (and an essay) complete! To think over a year ago I was vaguely sure I'd get around to finishing Return of the King eventually, and now I've spent every day for the last 7 months blazing through his catalog. I regret nothing.

I'm super excited to move on to the Histories now and get back into Middle Earth.

#lotrchapteraday #yearoftolkien

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I finished the rest of the essay “On Fairy-stories” this morning. I enjoyed and appreciated the variety in this collection, including short stories, poems, and an essay. “Farmer Giles of Ham” and a few of the poems were probably my favorites. The illustrations by Alan Lee in this edition are also amazing.

#LotRChapterADay #YearofTolkien

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"Fantasy (in this sense) is, I think, not a lower but a higher form of Art, indeed the most nearly pure form, and so (when achieved) the most potent."

This was quite an interesting look on what Tolkien considers to be fantasy.


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“If fairy-story as a kind is worth reading at all it is worthy to be written for and read by adults.”

I really enjoyed this section of “On Fairy Stories” and appreciated a lot of what Tolkien had to say about fairy stories being for readers of all ages.

#YearofTolkien #LotRChapterADay

JazzFeathers I loved this part too. I think it's particularly relevant for us readers of fantasy. Have you ever been asked why on earth do you read fantasy? 7y
Daisey @JazzFeathers Honestly, I don't think so. Most people just can't comprehend how much I read in general, let alone all the different types of reading. My family always encouraged me in everything I read. 7y
JazzFeathers @Daisey l've been asked many times. When LotR film trilogy came out and a friend of mine discovered l'm a fan, she asked me, "But what does that kind of story even tells?" I mean, could l tell her LotR in two minutes? So l told her about the One Ring. When l was done, she said, "So when do we go see the film together?" ? 7y
Daisey @JazzFeathers That story is great! Did you convince her to try reading any of it too? 7y
JazzFeathers @Daisey No. Sadly, she never read the books 7y
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I caught up on my #lotrchapteraday reading today! From Farmer Giles to today's chapter. My brain is mush, lol.

I really enjoyed all of it though, but I think my favorite is Smith of Wooden Major. I love stories that center around the mysterious will of the Fae.


JazzFeathers Smith of Wootton Major is my favourite too. It reads like a foreshadowing of the Lord of the Rings. Or is this just my impression? 7y
InLibrisVeritas @JazzFeathers That makes sense! I hadn't thought of it that way. 7y
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Well, l know that most people in the #YearOfTolkien readalong of Tales from the Perilous Realm are just reading one book. But why reading one, when l can read five? 😆

Daisey I love seeing all of your different editions! 7y
JazzFeathers @Daisey But l also love love your illustrate edition. Need to get that too 😆 7y
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Ok... I‘ve noticed a few people saying they are falling behind. So here‘s my suggestion, this book is technically done on Friday, let‘s wait a week or two before going on (so March 2 or 9th) to give people time to catch-up @InLibrisVeritas OR read the stories in this one that they haven‘t before @BookwormM (since Bombadil was already read). How does that sound? @Daisey @JazzFeathers

#LOTRChapterADay #YearOfTolkien

Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Rudis Are you still with us, I don‘t want to keep tagging you if you are on to other things? 7y
InLibrisVeritas I'm okay with this. I'm usually very good about catching up quickly, but I'd welcome a little extra time if I'd okay with the others. 7y
JazzFeathers Sounds fine to me. I'm actually caught up, but there are many extras in my edition and l'll welcome the possibility to read the before we move on 7y
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Daisey I got caught back up with the first section of "On Fairy Stories," but I'm also completely good with a little time in between. I've got a lot of books going on right now! Is anyone working on setting up a schedule for The Book of Lost Tales? 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Daisey nope, not yet. Mine‘s still on hold at the library, so if you have your copy handy and want to make one, that would be great! 7y
Daisey @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Ok, I'll see if I can put something together over the next few days. 7y
BookwormM Sounds good to me 7y
Rudis @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘ve kinda fell off the bandwagon at this point, I‘m sorry. 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Rudis That‘s ok, I completely understand. I hadn‘t seen you post about it lately so I thought I‘d ask. And please feel free to re-join us at any point if you want to. 7y
Rudis @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Thanks! 😊❤️ it‘s lovely to see everyone enjoying it, and I wanted to say thank you for all of your hard work. 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Rudis oh my gosh, you are very welcome. It‘s definitely been a group effort though since we continued on from the original. 7y
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Reading today's chapter of On Fairy Stories on my way to work because l want to try and catch up with the #EarthseaChapterADay tonight.

Not the first time l read On Fairy Stories. In fact, it us my bible for writing fantasy. It's spot on on what the relationship between reality and fantasy should be. Every fantasy writer should read it. IMO 😊

#YearOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay

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The perfect way to end the day 😊🧝🏻‍♀️🐉

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I'm a week behind on #lotrchapteraday 😣I normally buy the ebook and use text to speech while at work, but the ebook for this kind of pricey and I keep forgetting to make time to read it.

I'm working through Farmer Giles now. Hopefully I can get caught up in the next few days

Riveted_Reader_Melissa You can do it...take your time. 7y
InLibrisVeritas @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I finally decided to just buy the ebook😅. Hopefully I'll get caught up today or tomorrow 7y
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“Leaf by Niggle” is different from the other stories by Tolkien that I‘ve read, but I really enjoyed the autobiographical comparison to his own writing style in the methods of Niggle‘s painting. I‘m incredibly glad I waited to read this until after rereading so many of his other stories and about how they developed over time. That understanding gave me a much better appreciation for this story.

#YearofTolkien #LotRChapterADay

JazzFeathers True, eh? I don't think l'd have caught the authobiographical details in this story if we hadn't read so much of his writing lately. It would have been s shame, since l think this authobiographical examination is kind of the point of thd story, l think. (as a side note, l think l should get this edition... as if l needed one more 😆) 7y
Daisey @JazzFeathers It is a beautiful edition! 7y
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I finished “Farmer Giles of Ham” this evening with tea and Girl Scout cookies, and I loved it! This was a great story of the common man becoming the hero, and it also had plenty of humor.


JazzFeathers I really really enjoyed it. I know Tolkien is no stranger to humour, but l didn't expect the amount l've found here. Loved it! 7y
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Oh my goodness, l love this story! It made me lough! It's so witty and still not only it uses all the classic tropes of the stories of dragons and knight, it also foreshadow Tolkien's Middle Earth. I could not help but thinking to the Shire.
#LotRChaperADay #YearOfTolkien

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I really enjoyed the story of the dog Roverandom and the style in which it was written. The illustrations by Alan Lee in this edition were also fantastic as always.

#YearofTolkien #LotRChapterADay

ofbooksandme Just when you think Tolkien can be better, Alan Lee comes along. 7y
JazzFeathers I've seen a couple of edition illustrated by Alan Lee that l don't have. This read along will firce me to buy a new bookcase 😂😂😂 7y
Daisey @ofbooksandme Very true! 7y
Daisey @JazzFeathers I know the feeling! I have managed not to buy new editions of anything I already own, but I have added 6 books, 2 ebooks, and been seriously tempted to double up! 7y
JazzFeathers @Daisey There are so many beautiful edition of Tolkien's work. I suppose we can resist... but only to some extent 😆 7y
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I went to a fish fry earlier this evening, but I saved this piece of mocha chocolate cake to have tonight with a chapter of Tolkien. I enjoyed the beginning of "Roverandom" and am curious to see where the story goes. It was also great to be back in an illustrated edition.

#LotRChapteraDay #YearofTolkien

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I‘ve really been looking forward to reading the rest of this collection by Tolkien. I‘m especially interested in “Leaf by Niggle” after comments from @Riveted_Reader_Melissa and these comments in the introduction.

#LotRChapteraDay #YearofTolkien

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yes, the introduction got my attention to Leaf, and even here it sounds a bit Tolkien-esque. Starting with one story that grows and grows, then attaching other stories to that into a larger whole. 7y
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Circling back to Tales of the Perilous Realm to finish out the stories in this book.

I guess we‘ve left #LOTRChapterADay and are now closer to a #YearOfTolkien 😉

Look good? @InLibrisVeritas @Daisey @JazzFeathers ?

JazzFeathers Oh, l love it! #YearOfTolkien!!!!! 🙌🙌🙌 7y
Daisey Looks great and I love that updated hashtag! 7y
InLibrisVeritas Yes thank you! And I love the hashtag! 7y
Rudis Yes, I love it!! 7y
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This story was too adorable 😊

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I‘m still on chapter 4 of The Adventures of Tom Bombadil😳 but I have gingerbread latte ❤️💚#litsyconfessions #lotrchapteraday #booksandcoffee

BarbaraJean Gingerbread latte makes it all better. 😊 7y
mhillis @BarbaraJean Right?! I love seasonal flavors 7y
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Due to not reading for a month/finishing this entire book instead of just Bombadil, I‘m woefully behind on #LOTRchapteraday 😂.... but I can‘t complain. I began reading LOTR due to Litsy and I‘ve found a new favorite in Tolkien. 🧙🏼‍♂️

This collection is excellent. Along with creative and thoughtful tales and poems, Perilous Realm pulls back the curtain on some of LOTR‘s secrets. I‘m a sucker for completion and this series just keeps giving!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Well we are still in the Silmarillion so you‘re not far behind. And yes, I‘m glad I wasn‘t the only one who read the other short stories in this book. I enjoyed the other stories too, but I think Roverandom might be my favorite, although the Farmer one was great too! 7y
LitLogophile I‘m trying to catch up, but I‘m afraid I‘ll have to read The Silmarillion in small doses @Riveted_Reader_Melissa 😂 7y
LitLogophile And Wootton Major was my favorite! ❤️ @Riveted_Reader_Melissa (edited) 7y
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but fat cat on the mat
kept as a pet,
he does not forget.


LeahBergen Love it! 👏🏻 7y
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“Indeed it was not often that anyone went there; for though the sand was clean and yellow, and the shingle white, and the sea blue with silver foam in a little cove under the grey cliffs, there was a queer feeling there, except just at early morning when the sun was new.”

Such a treat to read Tolkien‘s beautiful writing style, outside of the #LOTR universe. 9% done with this treasure and enjoying it immensely.

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From “The Mewlips”

“The cellars where the Mewlips sit
Are deep and dank and cold
With single sickly candle lit;
And there they count their gold.”

#QuotsyNov17 #underground #poetry

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I checked this book out of the library originally for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil as part of the #LOTRChapterADay reading group, but I have to say I really enjoyed all the stories it contained, even those distantly or completely unattached to Middle Earth.

Daisey I want to read the rest of this sometime too, but I think it‘s going to have to wait until I finish all my current readalongs and challenges. 7y
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#LOTRchapteraday Poem 15: The Sea Bell & 16: The Last Ship🤔My sunny morning turned into a rainy afternoon so Max & I finished the last 2 poems & are ready to start The Silmarillion tomorrow. I expected more jolly Tom Bombadil poems but it wasn't a bad read. 🐱Max says the Cat poem was his favorite & he liked (Sam's) Oliphaunt & the Perry-the-Winkle poems too but really he likes snacks & a ribbon bookmark better than any poems. 😹#catsoflitsy😽❤️

Jinjer Max you are just too cute. 7y
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