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Hallelujah Anyway: Rediscovering Mercy
Hallelujah Anyway: Rediscovering Mercy | Anne Lamott
From the bestselling author ofHelp, Thanks, WowandStitchescomes a powerful exploration of mercy, its limitless (if sometimes hidden) presence, why we ignore it, and how we can embrace it."Mercy is radical kindness," Anne Lamott writes in her enthralling and heartening book, Hallelujah Anyway. It's the permission you give others and yourself to forgive a debt, to absolve the unabsolvable, to let go of the judgment and pain that make life so difficult. In Hallelujah Anyway: Rediscovering MercyLamott ventures to explore where to find meaning in life. We should begin, she suggests, by "facing a great big mess, especially the great big mess of ourselves." It's up to each of us to recognize the presence and importance of mercy everywhere "within us and outside us, all around us" and to use it to forge a deeper understanding of ourselves and more honest connections with each other. While that can be difficult to do, Lamott argues that it's crucial, as "kindness towards others, beginning with myself, buys us a shot at a warm and generous heart, the greatest prize of all." Full of Lamott s trademark honesty, humor and forthrightness, Hallelujah Anyway is profound and caring, funny and wise a hopeful book of hands-on spirituality. "
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A short little book! I enjoyed this meditation on mercy. Anne Lamott‘s writing is always wise and humorous. A great cleanse in between other books!

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Eggs 🧡🎶🧡 4y
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Happy Monday all! This was good, maybe not my favorite of hers but post and uplifting. Reading a few pages each morning was the perfect way to start the day off on a good frame of mind. Especially now. #MountTBR

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Quiet morning, reading to start my day. Max is watching the birds and squirrels. Wishing everyone a day of relaxing and rejuvenation. Happy Sunday! #stayathome24in48

readordierachel Hi Max 👋🏼 4y
Julsmarshall @readordierachel Max says Hi back! 4y
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OriginalCyn620 👌🏻📚🧡 5y
SilversReviews Good choices!! 5y
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My first soirée into Lamont and I‘m hooked.

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This was my first Anne Lamott, and we picked this audiobook for a short car trip. It was okay! Anne Lamott was funny and thoughtful and there were some interesting perspectives, but it felt scattered at times. I‘m probably just not the right reader for this.

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“Forgiveness and mercy means that, bit by bit, you begin to outshine the resentment.”

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“Love mercy-accept the acceptance; receive the forgiveness, whenever we can, for as long as we can. Then pass it on.”

tammysue Pretty 💚 5y
Crazeedi Lady slippers?! 5y
MEGR @Crazeedi they are orchids...I saw them at Huntington Gardens. I can‘t remember the name though. I was so taken by the pattern! 5y
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Crazeedi @MEGR yes, same species! Lady slippers are also called wild orchids! So beautiful!! 5y
MEGR @Crazeedi I had no idea! 😊 Thank you! The world of orchids is amazing and there is so much beauty! When I go back I‘ll post more! 5y
Crazeedi @MEGR I just love them, I saw all different ones at the Philadelphia flower show. 5y
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“Truth out loud is almost always medical...”

tammysue Lovely! 5y
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“Everything slows down when we listen and stop trying to fix the unfixable. We end up looking into other people‘s eyes, and see the desperation, or let them see ours.This connection slips past the armor like water past stones.”

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“God doesn‘t give us answers. God gives us grace and mercy. God gives us Her own self.”

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“We can laugh at ourselves. We have to.We have to harvest humility. Who do we think we are?”

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“God or life sets up a makeshift tent among us, and helps us work together on our stuff. This will only happen together, slowly, over time.” 📸: public art installation at the La Brea Tar Pits

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“Life can be painful, but I am right here, and you have a good heart. This heart is who you are, not your bad mind.”

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“What if we know that forgiveness and mercy are what heal and restore and define us, that they actually are the fragrance that the rose leaves on the heel that crushes it?”

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This is the first Anne Lamott I have ever bailed on. Usually I find her inspirational but this book was all over the place confusing.

annahenke Interesting 5y
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1. All Summer Long, and Hallelujah Anyway: Rediscovering Mercy
2. Tea or Books or He Read, She Read
3. Hope Rides Again

#Weekreads @rachelsbrittain

WhatWouldJaneDo I love He Read, She Read! They are so cute together. 5y
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Yes, i spelled hallelujah wrong. I am sorry Anne Lamott. But your book is helping me through today. My mother passed this morning.

Crazeedi Oh no Cindy, I am so sad to hear your mama is gone. I know your heart is breaking and probably in shock. There will never be another person like her in your life, and her voice and her love will be in your heart forever. Please know my prayers for you tonight are for God to hold you close as you grieve. Let those who love you stay close. And reach out to me or anyone anytime to talk, hugs, love ❤ 5y
Freespirit Sending hugs to you. It's such a hard time😪😘 5y
Jas16 I am so very sorry for your loss. 5y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m so sorry for your loss 💔 5y
Bookzombie I‘m so sorry for your loss. Hugs and love to you. 5y
DaveGreen7777 Oh, no! I‘m so sorry! 😔 Sending healing energy to you and your family at this time! 5y
Reggie I‘m sooo sorry. 5y
Crazeedi My email is crazeedi73atgmail.com if you want I'd love to have your address. 5y
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I have been trying real hard not to brag about finding this beautiful Anne Lamott at Goodwill today for $1.39. 🎉

merelybookish Brag away! 😉 6y
HannaPolkadots Anne Lamott is amazing! Definitely brag-worthy 👍😍👏 6y
LauraBeth Great find! 6y
sprainedbrain I think that‘s completely brag-worthy! 6y
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This was a nice reality check but it wasn't really mind blowing for me.

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I didn‘t like the book overall but the transphobia put me over the edge.

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Do I understand why this was at a thrift shop? No. But am I really glad it lives with me now? Yes.

AmyG Omg how lucky! I love Anne. 6y
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This was over a year ago, but still gives me a thrill!

My dog had eaten a good chunk of "Hallelujah Anyway" and I shared a picture on my now defunct Twitter account.

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#TBRtemptation post 2! This is a short but powerful exploration of mercy. Lamott calls it radical kindness. It requires facing big messes, however they are encountered, even if within ourselves. Then one can begin recognizing situations in which mercy can occur. She explains the massive benefits that can come from providing mercy. Whether it's forgiving a debt, absolving the unabsolvable, she argues it's crucial to us. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

minkyb Love her! 7y
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Audiobook again...a sadder tone than her previous work, but well worth the listen. #audiobooklove ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Consider me a Lamott fan now. This was the first book of hers I read, and it did not disappoint. It felt like this was exactly what I needed to hear.

She reads it, so it‘s as if you‘re sitting down with her for coffee/tea while she tells you stories and explains what mercy really means in our strange, often upsetting world. And what it means to extend mercy to yourself.

AmyG She is wonderful. Her book Help, Thanks, Wow has helped me on so many occasions. 7y
dylanisreading @AmyG Adding it to my tbr! 7y
Christy2318 I‘m a Lamott fan. I couldn‘t get into this one when I tried it but will give it another chance eventually. My favorite is Help, Thanks, Wow. 7y
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minkyb ❣️❣️❣️ 7y
Suet624 I‘ve loved every one of her books and her Facebook posts have buoyed me. Good idea to listen to the audio. I‘ll have to check that out. 7y
dylanisreading @Christy2318 I‘m definitely going to check it out! @Suet624 It was great hearing her read it. I‘d watched her TED talk and heard her on a podcast before so I already knew I liked her speaking style. 7y
Suet624 I went to hear her speak one time and she made me laugh and cry. I love people who can get me to do that. 😀💕 7y
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I simply love listening to her audiobooks! 👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻Anyone else an Anne Lamott fan? 😊

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Reading an Anne Lamott book is like sitting in front of a cozy fireplace with an old friend. She knows exactly what you're thinking and can articulate it so beautifully. This time Anne takes on the Vengeance World starving for mercy. Can we muster up radical kindness and "forgiving the unforgivable" during these times? Her heartfelt stories and deep revelations are stirring.
P.S. Still showing off my gorgeous bookmark created by @BookBabe

SassyBookworm Your fireplace looks heavenly! 7y
UwannaPublishme @Chrysta23 It does keep me toasty when I'm reading! 😊👍🏻 7y
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1. Oceanside, California 🏖
2. Anne Lamott! 🙌🏻
3. Anything Chocolate🍫
4. Morning person who loves rummage sales 😍
5. Shorter books to feel more accomplished 📚

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For someone raised in a religious family, and schooled in Christian doctrine, this book visited familiar territory. Despite the fact that adulthood has left me cynical about organized religion, the messages in this book were comforting. Anne Lamott is both self-aware and funny, using her foibles as teaching moments. Her writing is essentially about healing, compassion and forgiveness; messages cherished by all folk.

britt_brooke Nice review! 7y
Cinfhen Echoing @britt_brooke 💕💕 7y
BarbaraBB Great review! 7y
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Lovely, quick read! Anne's honesty and writing style are refreshing.

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I don't even know if I can be objective anymore since Anne Lamott and I have been Imaginary besties since Bird by Bird.

Smrloomis 😆 Bird by Bird was so great! 7y
AmyG She is so wonderful. 7y
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So I recently posted #yellowbooks for my #favoritecolor so for #sunshine I decided to broaden my sun colors to include reds and oranges! #augustlibrary17 ☀️

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty!! ❤️💛 7y
SilversReviews Great color combination!! 7y
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It's been a long time since so literally read a book in one sitting (i.e., did not move from start to finish) but I did with this one this morning. Smart, funny, warm, thought-provoking... I already want to read it again.

Suet624 She is a national treasure. 7y
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Just needed this today, so I read until I finished. Thanks Anne, for being so normal, so honest and transparent, for helping light my way.

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#jubilantjuly #minimalistcovers

Minimal AND beautiful. Enjoying slowly making my way through this one.

UwannaPublishme Anne Lamott! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
Sydsavvy @UwannaPublishme yes, sigh❣️She can always make it better. 7y
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How does one write about mercy? For Anne Lamott, the answer is by showing how it manifests in various life events. Each anecdote, whether from her own life or that of a Biblical figure, becomes a new lens through which to view mercy at work in the inner and outer life. The book rambles a bit, but I like the way Anne rambles! There is comfort in reading her words.

AmyG I adore Anne. She has helped me more than she will ever know. 7y
Louise @AmyG Yes! I think many people share your sentiment. It is so refreshing and comforting to read such honesty in her pages, such empathy and humor about the human struggle. 7y
minkyb Well said. 7y
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Finished this a couple weeks ago on audio. It should've been narrated by someone other than the author because her voice wasn't constant. The book overall had some good takeaway moments, but they were fleeting bc she talked so quickly and the thoughts so scatter brained. The book lacked consistency. I have no idea what the takeaway was supposed to be.

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I love Anne Lamott (at least her non fiction) this is just another for my list of want to buy and read

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I love Anne Lamott, so I had to go with this one. #Hallelujah #JuneTunz

Cinfhen I've only heard praise for this author 🙏🏻 7y
Louise Just started this. She's such an honest writer! 7y
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I love this woman's raw honesty. #hallelujah #junetunz @Cinfhen

Cinfhen I've heard such good stuff about this author 🙌🏻 7y
Lmstraubie @Cinfhen She is definitely one of my all-time​favorites!!! 7y
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I'm at Princeton Theological Seminary to teach at the Frederick Buechner Writer's Workshop. Anne Lamott is this evening's speaker! Can't wait to hear her and get my book signed. 😊❤️

AmyG Lucky! I love Anne Lamott. She has helped me many times. ❤️ (edited) 7y
Louise How was the evening with Anne Lamott? (edited) 7y
SophfroniaScott @Louise It was great! I typed up some of her comments on my blog so you can check it out. https://sophfronia.com/words-on-writing-from-anne-lamott/ 7y
Louise Wonderful notes! Thank you so much for sharing! Such practical advice for writers. I've just started Hallelujah Anyway and am loving it. 7y
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This post might be a little personal for a social media site, but I feel pretty safe on litsy. My faith is very important to me, I consider it part of my identity, but I have felt a little out of sorts in my faith over the past few years. From trusted recommendations, I am planning on picking up Anne Lamott looking for some #peace. #maybookflowers

Bklover I hope you find your peace. 🌸🌸 7y
Kangaj1 Love Anne Lamott! Praying for you! 7y
EllieDottie @Bklover @Kangaj1 thank you so much!! 7y
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"hallelujah anyway" - #sundaysermon

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