Love it based on what it is but it isn‘t my favorite memoir ever. But given when he wrote this it‘s excellent.
Love it based on what it is but it isn‘t my favorite memoir ever. But given when he wrote this it‘s excellent.
Having a kid is making this listen take forever but it‘s so worth it.
Good for background packing an entire house. I‘m also thankful I had all of these already since I‘ve elected to stop “donating” money to JKR.
So. Many. Audiobooks. This. Quarantine.
While I deep clean my house and try to keep my toddler quiet-ish while my husband works from home. How are you finding your reading time during this new normal?
Thank goodness for this book to keep my sanity. I had to visit 5 stores just to find both Tylenol and Ibuprofen for my toddler who has a nasty ear infection and keeps wandering around saying “ow” because we were on track to run out of both today.
He‘s found an annoying new TV character in Blippi and I can‘t listen to it, but it‘s staving off the “Mom is washing my blankie” meltdown so I‘ll just read while he watches.
I enjoyed this book overall. It covers some heavy topics, but I really only disliked that he placed the harshest things right at the end. Not everything else is in chronological order so there was no need for that to be the ending tone. Overall this was a great book that shared a lot of information about a world I am still learning about. I think listening to Trevor Noah narrate his own story very much added to the stories.
I used to never enjoy audiobooks, but now that I‘m a mom, an audible subscription became a must. Here‘s to hoping I love it!
And excellent sick day read
Introducing Jack Jack to Twisted Tales. We start them early on chapter books in our house. (For real though, we were half of the way through the illustrated Harry Potter and the Sorcerer‘s Stone by his birthday.)
Harry Potter audiobooks per family road trip tradition. The gremlin is being initiated.
I rarely give a Goodreads 5 star review (for reference: out of 101 books read in 2019, 2 got ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️), but I loved this book!
I need to finish the left book so it can be my last book of 2019 and the right can be my first of 2020 because that‘s a great way to end one year and begin another!
My hubby gave me this amazing blanket as an early Yule gift and it‘s perfect for cuddling up with a book! Plus it‘s a great book
If I‘m being honest, reading these is just confirming that graphic novels are not my thing, but it‘s the Umbrella Academy so I solider on (haha, haha, nudge, nudge). Sorry I haven‘t posted in ages. Currently chasing a toddler, working two jobs, trying to enjoy a little down time with the hubby, and marginally successfully having a social life means I‘ve found snippets of time for reading but not for summarizing said reading. Book 68/100 for 2019.
Does this qualify as cannibalism? 😆
He loves his books and is reaffirming my belief you can never start too young on a new reader.
I never read this book as a kid, and now having spent nearly two hours on it I don‘t quite understand why so many people are fascinated with it. Overall not a bad book, but it was one I found myself looking forward to the end of.
Reading this book on the recommendation of a client and already laughing out loud by the start of the second chapter and learned about two very different, but both entirely new to me, topics in the first chapter. I will have to force myself to not stay up all night reading this one as I have training for a new job around sunrise tomorrow morning. 💀
Just. Read. It.
This took me longer than I care to admit because life got in the way, but it was wonderful and I will definitely read it again after I loan it out to the friends I convinced must absolutely read this one and promised to loan it to before I was even half of the way through.
Finally starting a book for me after 6 months of children‘s books.
**Not my photo as I have the ebook from the library**
Anyone else go through a major reading failure after having a kid? He‘s 5 months old. I thought by now I‘d be back to reading more than just books with him but I‘m struggling to eke out the time for it still. Please tell me it gets better 😢
I am quite upset that this is not exactly how we meet Dumbledore in the first film.
Reading this with the kiddo and we LOVE it!
Starting a night time routine of a story or two before bed. It‘s never too early to make new readers
When not feeling well, cuddling up with this snuggle bug and working on a HP re-read is a great option. As an added bonus here‘s a picture from a photo shoot the kiddo and I did a few weeks ago. Surprisingly he seemed to have just as much fun as I did with it.
Got it from @BarbaraTheBibliophage
1. Rick Riordan
2. Naomi Novik
3. Betty White
4. Jane Austen
5. Jennifer Cruise
Seems like a good start to a book
Because no age is too young to start reading to your child. He loves this time with mom already, but that might just be because I‘ll read to him until he falls asleep while we cuddle which a two weeks old is a priority in his world.
I originally thought that I‘d get all the reading done on my maternity leave. Joke‘s on me. Not only am I always hungry and exhausted, but I finally found the thing I love more than reading: cuddling with my newborn. I am upset with myself that I had to put myself back on the library waitlist for this book since I only made it through the first chapter in 2 weeks though. (I started it in the hospital during labor.) See you in 6 months Ms Obama.
My poor hubby was so excited to think I was reading a book about working out (he‘s a power lifter and gym time is his happy time) so needless to say he was very disappointed when I explained what the “pump” in the title is. Photos of soon to be with us Tyr and the daddy he looks exactly like because they‘re both just so cute!
Super boring but truly helpful at the same time. Now off to read something more fun! I was starting to wonder which would come first, my baby or the end of the book.
This is realistically 10-15% of my TBR pile, but this is what has expanded beyond the capacity of my bookshelves. Hubby says no more shelves. #bookhoarder
I am so excited for this book. This year we got all the nieces and nephews their holiday gifts via ThriftBooks which got me a couple freebies. This is the one I redeemed as my treat to myself
The kiddos in our lives only get books as girders for Christmas/Yule. I‘m sure we will get our child more in the future, but we are that aunt and uncle and I wear that badge proudly.
If you enjoyed Uprooted definitely give this a chance. It‘s not quite as light as Uprooted was but Novik‘s fairytales are fantastic.
Pregnancy is apparently the time in my life I can‘t decide more if I‘m hungry or exhausted so a lazy lunch in bed on my day off it is
Because road trips mean audiobooks in our family and we‘re working our way through the series. Also we were given a baby shower cake that was a book and it‘s beautiful!!
No trip to visit the in laws is complete without a stop at Tattered Cover Bookstore. I love this place
When I set my goal for the year, I didn‘t realize I was about to embark on a nine month stint of chick lit and memoirs that would result in reading much more quickly, but here I am nonetheless. I broke 200 books since January 1 on September 7.
Overall this book was meh, but this description of what loving someone is? It‘s perfect
I‘m struggling here. I genuinely enjoyed the individual parts of this book, but am conflicted about the book as a whole. I think it‘s that the book both starts and ends in a sad spot, but that the story itself is not tragic. It‘s rare to find a book I don‘t have a strong opinion on, but this one is very much taking the cake on that front. The book shelf talkers at the start of each chapter were excellent however!