I've had this on hold at the public library forever, and it finally arrived! I really enjoy Mari Andrew's Instagram. ☺️
I've had this on hold at the public library forever, and it finally arrived! I really enjoy Mari Andrew's Instagram. ☺️
I am especially exhausted today. In fact, I feel like I haven't slept soundly in a week? What the heck, body? So, today I'm harnessing the energy of Ms. Marvel and Mountain Dew to keep myself awake. Ka-pow. 😴
Educated was astonishingly great, riveting, and I had such a hard time putting it down between my work breaks and lunches. If you liked The Glass Castle or works about leaving fringe religious sects, this one's for you. I can't believe Tara was born the same year I was. o.O
I'm in Chicago for the Midwest Archives Conference, and there is a Wow Bao super close to my hotel. 😍 I'm really fond of them, so reading Why You Eat What You Eat seems like good self-reflection. Spicy peanut noodles and pineapple ginger ale are also featured. ;)
Confession: I follow a ton of cooking blogs, but I don't really buy their books. I try to keep my home selection of books manageable (100-200 books) so I don't feel guilty about having titles laying around that I haven't gotten to yet. On a whim, I pre-ordered this cookbook from How Sweet Eats, which I got this week. I like Jessica Merchant's taste in savory courses and desserts, so this worked out! Hope to make a chai cheesecake in the future.