I cannot actually put in to words how much I love this book, the most beautiful writing, pictures, and message I have ever read
I cannot actually put in to words how much I love this book, the most beautiful writing, pictures, and message I have ever read
Work's letting us bring in books as the work load quietens down for the winter so Zusak and Oswald the otter are keeping me company 😂
❤ Reading, UK
🧡 23
💛 Just started a new support team job closer to home, was in a catering company in London
💚 Single Pringle
💙 She/her
💜 Had to break away from the old ciaraaawrrr handle I used for everything else and at least pretend to be a grown up 🦖
Life has been disgustingly busy but hopefully I'll be back more often!
1. The Bone Clocks - not sure how I'm feeling about it so far, but fingers crossed it gets easier to read
2. Spark of Light by Jodi Picoult, incredible!!!
3. Jessie Burton's The Confession, bought a signed copy the other day and I cannot wait to get started
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
Bit of light reading to relax for the week ahead ☕
Cannot believe I left it this long to read this book! It was incredible, and I can see why my copy is so battered from the previous readers because I could not put it down. Heartbreaking, but amazing
Whilst the stories themselves aren't exactly new, the layout and writing style makes this such an enjoyable read that I genuinely feel I've taken in more about Greek mythology than from any other book I've read. Would recommend to those both new to and already in love with Greek mythology! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Continuing the Greek theme by the Aegean sea may be one of the most OTT things I've done, but would definitely recommend
Sticking with the Greek theme on holiday 🏛
ADORED this book. Her writing is beautiful, and the story was gripping. And it helps that I was reading about the Greek gods in Greece
1. Macbeth, Animal Farm and Wuthering Heights
2. Black, but yellow all day
3. Mum and I rewatched Endeavour recently and I loved it just as much this time round 😂
4. Mermaid 🧜♀️
#FriyayIntro @howjessreads
Picked this book up because of the embroidery images on the cover but I am so looking forward to reading this!
Cannot recommend this book enough! Brutally honest without being vulgar, fleshing out characters from myths I'd not thought about. Beautifully written, you can see the scenes playing out in front of you, read it in 2 days of commuting where more than one person got walked into because I could not put it down
Been a bit quiet lately but went to Hay Festival last week, it was AMAZING.
Got to listen to the fabulous Pat Barker talk about her book and got my copy signed 😍
1. The Muse by Jessie Burton
2. 'Not all of us receive the ends that we deserve.'
3. 'You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.' CS Lewis
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
I do enjoy a book with a red sprayed edge 😍
Jessie Burton keeping me company on the train this morning. Absolutely adored The Miniaturist so I'm looking forward to this!
Now seems like a depressingly apt time to get round to finally reading this 🙃 then I can actually watch the tv series 😅
Heartbreaking, but reading this book was an experience. Words are failing me, but they did not fail in this book.
'Everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their life because we all overcometh the world.'
A really good read, showing both the kind and mean sides of humanity. Didn't see the point in Miranda's chapter, but all of the other characters were written beautifully. Would recommend and will definitely be pushing the movie up my to watch list!
Been radio silent lately but hopefully should be more on it from now on!
Planning on reading a poem a day and this little beauty seems like a good way to go about it!
Is it cliche to describe a book about magic as a magical experience? Because I was spellbound by this book; the characters were amazing, the plot was incredible, and the writing was flawless. Relieved I didn't read it when it first came out as I don't have as long to wait for the next one, but I will be first in line in Waterstones when it's released
'There are women in the world. There are men in the world. And there are beasts...And beasts are crafty. They disguise themselves like you and I.'
Relaxing with a view after an interview!
Being able to read in the sunshine was an unexpected surprise 🌞
Absolutely loved this. The characters proved to be so much more than their cliches, and you never really knew who all the characters were until the end despite the stream of consciousness.
Would highly recommend!
Only downside; what do you listen to with this, ABBA or the Breakfast Club soundtrack? 🤔
Tagged by the fabulous @Underqueen ☺
1. 'Rather be' by Clean Bandit
2. ♒
3. Megan McDonald. Her Judy Moody series are what sparked my love of reading, and I cried when I realised mum had thrown them out when I went to uni
4. @cleoh
@eggs #wondrouswednesday
1. A reading group on Facebook was shutting down and people added their litsy names on a post. Thought I'd see what it was like and I have no regrets!
2. I want my hair long again, and I'd love the courage to go blonde.
3. Most seafood dishes because I don't like most fish, but I'd like to try some.
4. Holby City, because everyone i know bar my mother judges me for it 😅
5. First and middle name, not exactly inventive
#premondayvibes @pepsicola
I really enjoyed this book! A seemingly dull protagonist that was actually incredibly interesting, trapped in his life by his choice of wife but far more passionate about everything than his outward attitude let's on. Little bit too detailed on some of the literature lectures (coming from an ex-literature student) but good!
Also finally starting a book journal for interesting quotes and my thoughts on novels. Hard copy of my goodreads account 😂
1. Cross-stitching, an odd bit of writing but nothing much, walking
2. I'd love to try kick-boxing but I am far too self-conscious to try a new class
3. Random pins for my denim jacket, ticket stubs and random things to put in my scrap book, Beatrix Potter figurines
4. I attempted crocheting and I couldn't get my head around it
5. May even try and get someone to join in with cross-stitching!
#HelloThursday @wanderinglynn
Are my TBR shelves overflowing to the point I fear I'll never actually get to read them all? Yes.
Could I say no to a good deal? Absolutely not 🤷♀️
1. Aquarius
2. Making it through the ridiculously busy month, talk about March madness!
3. I will finish it, eventually, but I haven't been in the mood to read 'Ill Will' since I read the first chapter.
4. Friend's wedding to top off a busy month.
5. Love away! #friyayintro
Belatedly seeing what all the fuss is about on the train home. Will I, a person who leaves the room during a cringey scene on the telly, be able to handle all of the second-hand embarrassment?