A really funny story about an apocalypse in Berlin😊👍📚 I laughed a lot 😊 #zombies #berlin #apocalypse #apokalypse #funny #lesenswert
A really funny story about an apocalypse in Berlin😊👍📚 I laughed a lot 😊 #zombies #berlin #apocalypse #apokalypse #funny #lesenswert
A lovestory with a lot of erotic and a happy end 😊📚💕 #lovestory #erotic #ebook #happyend #loveonthefirstsign #liebeaufdenerstenblick #lovelybooks
A nice crime shortstory 😊👍📚 #shortstories #crime #crimestory #krimi #kurzgeschichten #booksnacks
A good story who plays after a big world war!! It reminds me a bit of Mad Max😊 #sciencefiction #madmax #apocalypse
A nice crime story with a sympathic private investigator. Easy to read with a portion of humor #veranentwich #crime #humor #crimestory #krimi #kriminalroman
It was a nice book. Not really creepy but exciting. The story was a good crime. The translation was a bit annoying sometimes. #crime #graysonmanorhaunting #ghosts #paranormal #cherylbradshaw
A very exciting book. I really like the dark cover. A must for all Alien fans👽 #alien #aliencovenant #movie #alandeanfoster #horror #sciencefiction #neomorph
The book was not what i expected. It was a very exciting topic but not well implemented.
Die Kurtisane
A wonderful book full with magic, action and a wonderful and sad lovestory. I really liked to read this book📚😊💕
A great fantasy story about friendship, family and magic📚 #magic #fantasy #friendship #edgarenimrod #dasendedesbannfluchs
A cute little story💕 #kurzgeschichten #bettinamünster #costaunddiekleinenfrauen #shortstory #lovestory #lovelybooks #leserunde
It was a great book...with a cute Lovestory #thedistancefrommetoyou #marinagessner #lovestory #usa #trail