Definitely not my favorite but definitely liked the ending and knowing more about Sally. She‘s my favorite mom. Don‘t tell the other moms.
Definitely not my favorite but definitely liked the ending and knowing more about Sally. She‘s my favorite mom. Don‘t tell the other moms.
The second book of Strange the Dreamer duology. I enjoyed it very much. More background on the magical system. Dynamic resolutions. There were more snags and some questions went unanswered, and I can‘t believe I‘m saying this but the romance felt a bit much and I thought it was getting in the way of plot. BUT I still loved it and would love to see more from thjs world. I will definitely read Laini Taylor‘s other works.
Went to the movies yesterday. There was a bookstore nearby, so I decided to continue stocking up for the #CosmereBuddyRead 😂 I am OBSESSED @JacqMac 😄
Really enjoyed this. The POV character is blind but can see the gods magic, it‘s not a cure all & I appreciated the consideration given for how her life was impacted, the steps she had to take to maneuver the world around her & the accommodations she needed. The worldbuilding is still perfect & I was excited when it started coming together more directly with the plot & characters from the first book.
Finally got to Strange the Dreamer, and it was an excellent read. Well-developed characters, delightfully constructed romance, vividly imagined world. On to the second book!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ while this sequel had a slower beginning, it really ramped up and I was HOOKED. Ina and Skedi remain my favorites
A five star book that I cannot tell you anything about. This novel was so odd, graphic, and perplexing that I‘m left with no words to describe it. Definitely weird fiction. Loved it, hated it, couldn‘t put it down, begged myself to bail, guessed the ending, never had a clue of how it would end. It‘s like Schrödinger‘s cat but in novel form.
The premise was interesting, however the beginning of the book was a bit dark and I got a bit bored about a third of the way through. I might read the second volume as the story starts to pick up a little towards the end, but we will see. I did appreciate the author‘s commentary and cultural explanations at the very end as a lot of the references went right over my head.
Hooooohhh, my goodness, what on earth can I say that isn't a spoiler? This was at least as awesome a read as the first book, I continue to love the tandem audio and print book experience. I cannot WAIT until my turn with the third in the series, once my library's order arrives. Fingers crossed for a short hold list! Stellar character development for everyone involved. 1/?
“How dare he?“ Really?! And the award for the biggest hypocrite goes to Arren! 🏆