I did it! I finished the Popsugar Challenge! I sadly did not finished 52 but there‘s always 2023 🎉
I did it! I finished the Popsugar Challenge! I sadly did not finished 52 but there‘s always 2023 🎉
You know it‘s a good book when the author tells you what happens but you still question it and think it can change.
To say I need a physical copy of this book is an understatement. I love everything about this. The found family. The growth. The love. Give me more, TJ Klune.
This book had me like 🥺🥹 the whole time. I absolutely adored it and couldn‘t stop. The kids were so precious and their interactions with Linus and Arthur were the sweetest. I am definitely buying this book and reading it again.
Reid does such a great job writing characters. I absolutely adored the siblings and their strength and struggle. I cried. I laughed. I could not put this down. My only complaint, I did not like the many mini paragraphs on others characters that weren‘t important. I rather the focus be on the siblings.
Another one that has been on my tbr list for the longest and finally got my hands on it. I adore Evelyn Hugo. She was fabulous and felt so real. I‘m looking forward to read another one of Taylor Jenkins Reid‘s books.
I really enjoyed this one. So many twists and turns. And it had a murder board. Made me miss Trial & Error. I really liked how she jumped back and forth between the research and third person. It was different. Can‘t wait to finally get my hands on the sequel.
Do you ever read a really good YA novel? This one was so wholesome but also broke my heart a little. The concept was amazing and Yadriel owns my heart.
Holy shit. I couldn‘t put this book down. I watched iCarly and adored Sam. Knowing the actress behind my favorite was suffering so much made me disgusted. Disgusted at Hollywood. Disgusted at society and it‘s obsession with body image. The title is jarring but once you finish, you know why she chose it and what led her to those feelings.
These characters we so real, so heartbreaking. I wanted to wrap April in a blanket and never let her go. She was frustrating. Charming. And beautifully written. Perfect book for the Popsugar found family prompt.
Where Year of the Reaper failed with the ghosts, this one shines. I listened to it so I‘m sure I didn‘t catch as much as I should have. I would love to actually read it.
I was really looking forward to this book but it fell flat. I had to squint to find the plot and when I thought I found it, turned out to be something else. There were several mini plots that never had a resolution. The title was misleading and had nothing to do with the story. Cas can see dead people but it‘s not explained and he doesn‘t use it. I skimmed through it just to finish and check it off my Popsugar challenge.
Oh man, this one was fun. Definitely my favorite out of the two books I‘ve read from Hendrix. It was a wild ride. #wegotthebeat
While this was still a page turner like the first, I almost felt like Atwood was playing into the TV show, giving us familiar names. I‘m not sure if she wrote it to give the show more ideas or just to say “hey, here the names you are familiar with. Do with this as you please.” And hints that Offred of the first book is actually June in the show. Even though she has said that Offred isn‘t. But absolutely loved what she did with Aunt Lydia.
Can‘t believe I‘m going to say this but the movie was better. It was slow and dragged in some places. And I don‘t care about the designers and what they were wearing.
I‘ve read a lot of books set in Great Britain lately. Is this a sign? 🤔 Anyway, this was a good one. I saw most the twists coming but found Eleanor is be a fascinating character. I had a few problems with some of the things Eleanor did at the end that didn‘t seem to fit her. I didn‘t want her to change in those ways.
This was a fun one! While the pacing was off at the end and didn‘t think we needed Eddie‘s pov, I very much enjoyed this. I love me an unreliable narrator.
I was really hoping this would be better but it was just okay. There were a few twists that I didn‘t see coming but overall, I‘m just glad I could count it as Popsugar Prompt 2.
I couldn‘t put this book down. It‘s been on my TBR since the show came out. I‘ve struggled with the show these last few seasons. Mainly cause I think June is one of the most frustrating female characters on TV right now. I do not like and I think she‘s terrible. But Offred is nothing like her. The book is similar yet so different. I wanted more but also thought it ended like it should. Atwood does it again.
I enjoyed most of the book but there were some really slow parts that I struggled to get through. Once something happened, I was all in. Definitely an unpopular opinion but didn‘t love this book like others.
I wasn‘t sure about this at first but the last 100 pages really sucked me in. The connection at the end was amazing and I didn‘t see it coming. I usually don‘t though.
I didn‘t want this book to end. I came to the last page and flipped back thinking I skipped pages. I wanted more from Jude and Kennedy. I needed something else from Stella and Desiree. But Brit Bennett did a brilliant job having an open ending. It makes you hope that the characters‘ stories aren‘t over.
Starting off 2022 with a BEAST. While I liked All The Light We Cannot See more, Anthony Doerr again knocks it out of the park with jumping POVs.
I read this book in a day. I could not put it down. I had seen the show before I read it and I really wish I hadn‘t because the book provided so much more. Almost all of the characters were female and they were all so flawed, so beautiful, so amazing.
I found this book digging through 2nd and Charles. It‘s been on my list since I saw Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. I‘m so impressed that Cheryl hiked the PCT at 26, alone. Very inspiring journey.
This month‘s book club pick was a popular book and I expected more. It was an easy read but not a lot of depth with the characters. We didn‘t get enough for their motives and the choices they made. Maybe tomorrow‘s discussion will help but for now this is just a nice pool/beach book.
Okay, this was hard. I love to bake with apples but I love craving pumpkins. And I couldn‘t keep October because I love sitting by a bonfire. #thoughtfulthursday
Happy Sunday! Finally got my hands on this one
Perfect Saturday night: tea and reading. Flying through this book.