I love these goat bookends from Target. Perfect for the Doodle Bug‘s living room books. #raisingreaders
I love these goat bookends from Target. Perfect for the Doodle Bug‘s living room books. #raisingreaders
I had this on hold at the library forever. I‘m so excited to finally read it. Heard so many great things.
I love novels that focus on every day life, and this one did it so well. Frances was one of the most relatable characters I‘ve encountered recently.
I know people love this book. I just couldn‘t get into it. It‘s not you it‘s me, Ready Player One!
My friend Adam wrote a book! Everyone go read it!
Even though there weren‘t really any jaw dropping secrets revealed, I really enjoyed and appreciated this behind the scenes look at the show my friends and I have been watching together for almost ten years. I especially appreciated how candid the writer was, talking about her own experiences and how she relates to the show. Definitely a worthwhile read for any Bachelor viewers.
I keep thinking about these two together. One about women in the future, one about men in the past, they both say so much about the damage we do when one party‘s morals are forced into society. Such gorgeous examples of the need to keep fighting for reproductive freedom, LGBTQ+ rights, and remembering that everyone has a story.
My March #bookofthemonth selections finally arrived and Murphy can‘t wait to get started on them. #dogsoflitsy
Snuggling up with my Murphy and diving into this juicy read. Good night!
I loved the unexpected bits of humor in this one.
Venturing outside my wheel house for book club this month.