I think this readalong is officially getting me out of my slump... I'm already starting tomorrow's chapters 😍😍
I think this readalong is officially getting me out of my slump... I'm already starting tomorrow's chapters 😍😍
The cutest little chocolate pudding pie 😍😍
I love my healthy corner of my to go planner 🙂
I'm absolutely obsessed with this picture of Oreo snuggling his blankly 😂😂
Stay hydrated kids ❤
I have way too many books on my currently reading shelf ATM here's the one I'm currently holding 😏
Thanks for the tag @Jess7 😊 and thank you to @JenlovesJT47 😘
1. Hmm any one of Nicholas Sparks characters, they seem to get a happily ever after 😍
2. I'm not that great at remembering quotes 🙈
3. My bubba Oreo 🐶
4. @BookHookedNook ❤
Got my morning coffee and Monday night's TV on my DVR, you can find me enjoying my morning on my recliner 😁
I love spending a bit of my day with this beauty 😍
Monday morning household planning sesh 😁
Starting this one for a read-along with some of my absolute favorites 😍👸
Not having a phone really threw me off, but I'm back! And with that I bring the best book mail I think I've ever recieved!
A little St. Patrick's Day dessert 😍☘
Working my way through this one for my blog tour date 🙈 Apparently the main character gets transported into the play Macbeth 🙃
Thanks for tagging me @Jess7 ! ❤❤
1. Nyxia!!
2. Hmmm honestly no one buys me books without consulting me first 🙈
3. Splintered by A.G Howard!
4. Blogs book reviews for sure!
5. I'm a huge fan of the Illuminae files!!
It's all about portions now 😉 St. Patrick's Day boiled dinner ☘
I may have gotten my dream computer yesterday 😍😍😍
This may be the best e-mail I have EVER gotten!! This is one of my most anticipated reads of the year. I can't believe this!!
I made lemon chicken and broccoli over pasta all by myself tonight! This is huge since I'm quite (or was) useless in the kitchen 😍
These are so fun and addicting to do ❤ @RealLifeReading RANDOM FACT: my boyfriend's mom has been teaching me to cook and I'm going solo on dinner tonight 🙈 wish me luck ☘
#FRIYAYINTRO @Jess7 😙 @jesshowbooks ❤❤
2. Flora Banks 🙈🙈
3. Over as of lately. lol
4. I was a bridesmaid in my brother's wedding.
5. @Allydanielle88 @Readingwithlori @julesG (sorry if you have already been tagged ❤)
Thanks to the lovely @julesG for giving me the idea to put this awesome elephant sticker on my kindle case after seeing hers!! ❤❤
Moving on to this beauty... getting so close to Obsido 😍😍
Thanks for the tag @BookHookedNook ❤ these are so fun to do and share 😊
I'm tagging @Allydanielle88 & @jenni_elyse
Thank you for the tag @Jess7 !! Thanks for creating this one @MinDea !!
1. The rings on my faith planner and some of the cover is purple.
2. Absolutely anything chocolate is my go to.
3. I wear a necklace with labradorite crystals on it everyday.
4. Nope 😊
5. And nope again 🙈
I'm gonna tag @Allydanielle88 ❤ #humpdaypost
I'm so happy to have won both of these lovely books from a Twitter giveaway ❤ now to find the time to read them 🙈
3rd re-read before Obsidio which I probably won't get tomorrow because of the blizzard 😂😂
Only 25 pages in and already enjoying this one more than I can comprehend 😍😍 #TheAstonishingThing
First read of #2018 #Wonderwoman #warbringer #leighbardugo #bookblogger
I won a bookishfirst.com raffle and recieved a copy of Bad Call by Stephen Wallenfels!! #bookishfirst #badcall #stephenwallenfels #booksandcandles
Making my way through Anatomy of A Scandal by Sarah Vaughan, which I won in a bookishfirst.com raffle. #AnatomyOfAScandal