As of last night I‘ve finally finished the 2020 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge! Not gonna lie, this year was a little rough due to lack of motivation but I made it! #2020popsugarreadingchallenge #finished #acheivementunlocked #bringon2021
As of last night I‘ve finally finished the 2020 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge! Not gonna lie, this year was a little rough due to lack of motivation but I made it! #2020popsugarreadingchallenge #finished #acheivementunlocked #bringon2021
I didn‘t finish many books this month and the ones I finished were audiobooks. I‘ve definitely been slacking!
I keep forgetting to share this but here are the books I read in September. I read two of the books twice this year because I finished them when they released but had to include them in my reread of the series.
August first so here‘s my reading recap for July. Been making it back through one of my favorite book series (if you couldn‘t tell). I know I need to make a dent in my TBR but these books are so good and it‘s a comfort in the anxiety roller coaster that is my life right now. #readingrecap #julyreads #onabitofakick #bdb #blackdaggerbrotherhood
Totally forgot to share this earlier but here is my Reading recap for June. Five audiobooks and 1 ebook so 1 more than last month. Hoping to finish an ACTUAL book today. #readingrecap #june2020reads
Still finding it very difficult to read these days. I only finished 5 books in May and 4 of those were audiobooks
May 1 means it‘s time for my April reading recap. I only finished 7 books this month and of those only 2 weren‘t audio. I really need to work on that. #readingrecap #aprilreads #readingtracker
This book was so good! But it gave me serious anxiety at several points but I guess that‘s to be expected when the author says it‘s pivotal to the series storyline and she couldn‘t guarantee the safety of any characters 😬
I forgot to share this before but here‘s my Reading Recap for March 2020. Trying to get more read in April since I‘m home but I‘m having a hard time focusing with everything going on. Anyone else having that problem?
Getting ready for bed and just finished my last book for February so here‘s my final count. 10 books for February isn‘t too bad. I also have to add that my favorite read so far in 2020 was Regretting You. It is an amazing book. #readingrecap #februaryreads
It‘s time to get ready for bed so here‘s my final tally for the #24b4monday readathon. I hit the 24 hour goal, finished 2 books, and got a decent start on 2 others. This was a good weekend. Thanks to @SumisBooks @Andrew65 and @jb72 for letting me join! Too bad I have to go back to work tomorrow. #24b4mondayreadathon #readathonweekend
Had a lazy morning listening to an audiobook but now I‘m moving onto another physical book. The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell aka the November #onceuponabookclub selection. #24b4monday #readathonweekend #playingcatchup #readallthebooks #thefinalcountdown
I‘m ending day 2 of my #24b4monday readathon really late and well beyond the 2/3 mark. I kept saying I was going to go to bed after a couple of chapters but I had a hard time putting this one down. Poor Gizmo has been snoring away on the couch for the last couple of hours so I guess it‘s time to take home to bed. #24b4mondayreadathon #onemorechapter #liesreaderstellthemselves #seriouslythisbookisamazing
Decided on my next book: Regretting You by Colleen Hoover aka the book from my #onceuponabookclubbox NYE box and of course I needed to have a drink in the accompanying glass. #nowreading #iliketopartyandbypartyimeanreadbooks #mykindofparty #24b4monday #24b4mondayreadathon
First book down for the #24B4Monday readathon. Now to decide what to read next. #relaxingweekend #readathonweekend #readallthebooks #myweekendisbooked #playingcatchup
Getting ready for my first #24b4monday readathon this weekend. So here‘s my TBR stack. I‘ve fallen pretty far behind on my #onceuponabookclub boxes so I‘m hoping to get through a couple this weekend and I haven‘t decided which audiobook I‘m going to start for walks. My four day weekend after a 10 day work stretch is going to be nice and relaxing! #relaxingweekend #readathonweekend #readallthebooks #myweekendisbooked
Hey guys, I need some suggestions. For the past couple of years I‘ve participated in the bi-annual 24 in 48 Readathon and absolutely loved it. Unfortunately they have decided to stop for the time being and I missed having one in January. I know I could set aside any weekend to just read but it‘s not the same so I‘d like to find another.
What readathons do you participate in?
And just like that, I finished my last book for January (holy crap! Did I really read 16?) Here‘s to blowing my reading goals out of the water this month!
”Surprise! It‘s your ex-boyfriend and his boyfriend and that girl you never liked very much!” 😂
Ending the year at 75 books which is 10 more than my goal of 65. Next year I‘m planning on doing not one but 3 different reading challenges so wish me luck! #readingtracker #booksof2019 #bringonthe2020books
Forgot to share this last night but this year I decided to treat myself to the Once Upon a Bookclub Box Advent Edition and I‘m so excited to read the short stories and open these gifts over the next 12 days. #onceuponabookclubbox #adventedition #dayone #treatyoself #happylittlebooknerd
“Except for the head, there were no signs of violence in the kitchen. Of course, the head was bad enough. It was in the center of the table. On a plate.”
Got to the “A reread of a favorite book” category in the 2019 Popsugar Reading Challenge so I‘m reading one of my personal favorites. Tonight I got to my favorite excerpt (dark I know, but it‘s just so well written and perfectly placed within the story to increase the intensity).
It‘s the first of the month so here‘s my reading recap for October. Five of these books were audiobooks. #readingrecap #octoberreads #alltheaudiobooks
I almost forgot to share this earlier but here are all of the books I read in September. Five audiobooks and one ebook because I‘ve been having a hard time sitting down to read lately. #readingrecap #septemberreads
A new month means another book tracker. I haven‘t really felt like reading much but thanks to audiobooks I was able to finish 8 books this month.
Reading recap for July. Not too bad considering I had trouble focusing enough to read a lot this month (thank you audiobooks!)
Well, the #24in48readathon has officially come to a close. I only read for one day this time so I only got to finish 1 book (though I‘m SO close to finishing my audiobook too) and I gotta day, 14 hours and 40 minutes isn‘t too shabby a time considering I spent yesterday crafting with the girls! I can‘t wait for the next #24in48!
After not doing any reading yesterday, I think I‘m still doing pretty good. Just hit the 12 hour mark so I can at least say I made it over 12 hours in a 24 hour period 😁 #24in48 #24in48readathon
It‘s that time again folks. Time for the summer 24 in 48 Readathon. Since I‘m having a craft day with the girls tomorrow, I don‘t think I‘ll get through too many books so here is the stack I‘m hoping to accomplish. Starting things off with The Girl in the Ice! #24in48 #24in48readathon
I‘ve seen a lot of people posting their #top6reads of 2019 so I thought I‘d join in the fun. Only after I made my choices did I realize I‘d picked 2 books, 2 ebooks, and 2 audiobooks lol.
Should have shared this yesterday but oh well. Here‘s my reading recap for June. How many books did you read? #bookish #readingrecap #junereads
I haven‘t done a lot of reading (or sharing) the past couple of weeks because a certain pup has taken up all of my free time. Today we‘re having a lazy Sunday though so I‘m catching up. Just finished my April #onceuponabookclubbox The Deepest Blue and I‘m about to start on the May book Clover Blue.
And now it‘s time to start my April Once Upon a Book Club selection before @Shianmarie gets too far ahead of me. #onceuponabookclubbox #aprilbook #thedeepestblue #somemorereadingbeforebed
I just finished reading The Beautiful Strangers by Cammile DiMaio so OF COURSE that means I have to watch Some Like It Hot.
“If it were possible for this guy to be getting less and less my type, he‘s doing it in a hurry. Worse than a Muggle, he‘s a vanilla Muggle.” I‘m falling in love with MG!
“I know better than to upset the Muggles. Even when they are seriously inconveniencing the rest of us in line.” This book is starting off pretty relatable 😂
March was another slow month of reading for me. I only finished 4 books and one was on the night of the 31st. Here‘s to hoping I have more motivation to read in April. #readingrecap #marchreads #booknerd
Came home to find my March Once Upon a Bookclub Box waiting at my door. The only problem is I‘ve fallen ridiculously behind. I‘m only halfway through my January box! #onceuponabookclubbox #fallingbehind #somanybookssolittletime #booknerdproblems #timetoplaycatchup
When you get to the happy ending in your audiobook and realize you still have 2 hours left. #bitingmynails #ifistopherenothingbadcanhappen #booknerdproblems
February was a difficult month for me so I didn‘t get much reading done. I did finish 3 though. Here‘s to hoping I have better numbers next month! #readingrecap #februaryreads
Things have been a bit crazy for me lately so I haven‘t had a chance to post anything but that didn‘t stop me from finishing this book. Now I need to watch the movie! #RhidianRead
I didn‘t get a chance to post an update to my #RhidianRead question but apparently I posted too soon. The start of “Chapter 8” of my audio copy is the beginning of Chapter 2 in the actual book so all is well in the world! 😁
I started reading (listening to) The Aftermath last night and I have a question for @CouronneDhiver @Librarybelle and any one else doing the #RhidianRead who has a physical copy of the book: Are there actual chapters? According to Scribd, I‘m about to start Chapter 8 and there are 92 chapters but the narrator hasn‘t announced a chapter number yet. I‘m so confused right now lol
My phone and Litsy app have been fighting for the last few days so I haven‘t been able to browse or post but I finally got Litsy back!
I got my Once Upon a Book Club Valentines Box yesterday so I thought I‘d have a #literarylunch today. #onceuponabookclubbox #valentinesbox #theaccidentalbeautyqueen #booknerd #readingislife
Eight books read in January. I‘d say I‘m off to a pretty good start for this year. #readingrecap #january2019 #booknerd #readinggoals
And just like that, another #24in48 comes to a close. I completed 4 books (bottom row) and got a good start on a 5th. Final completion time was 10:35pm EST. As always, it is over too soon. Can‘t wait for the next one! #24in48readathon #missionaccomplished
Finished 2 books today, making it 3 total so far for the readathon. Currently listening to Alice‘s Adventures in Wonderland while I clean up and decide which book to start next. 4 1/2 hours to go! #24in48 #24in48readathon
Hour 36 challenge. I honestly haven‘t read many food related books (though I plan on starting The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society today) but of the few, this is my favorite. The “story” is hilarious and the recipes are quite tasty! #24in48 #24in48readathon #foodrelatedbooks