It‘s the first of the month so here‘s my reading recap for October. Five of these books were audiobooks. #readingrecap #octoberreads #alltheaudiobooks
It‘s the first of the month so here‘s my reading recap for October. Five of these books were audiobooks. #readingrecap #octoberreads #alltheaudiobooks
The hype for this book is well deserved! This sh*t is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S! I will recommend this one to anyone and everyone. PS The audiobook was well narrated! 😁👍👍 ✈️👨👦#allthebooks #alltheaudiobooks
Time to start another audiobook? Flavia to the rescue! #teamFlavia #alltheaudiobooks #favoritenarrator
December's looking like a great book month! 🙌😃 #tbr #allset #allthebooks #teamFlavia #alltheaudiobooks #wanttoreadindec #seasonsreadings2016