A rain boots weather kind of day
It's told from the perspectives of Laura and her sister Rosie thru two overlapping timelines. Throughout the story you get the idea that Laura is your typical angry woman who got into some trouble as a young girl and is trying to make a change in her life after a really bad breakup.Nothing is what it seems in this story and some of the characters aren't as crazy as you think and some are at a level of crazy that you don't quite see coming.
This was such a beautifully written story with so many aspects to it.
Great book to read during my bday lunch yesterday.
I haven‘t read very many books in an epistolary format. Once I started reading, I immediately understood that it needed to be written like this. Ms. Wood weaves a fictional account that makes it hard to believe it‘s fiction based on fact. The writing style, the way the story flowed, and Emma(one of the nurses) documenting the lives of these girls and the people around them drew me in and kept me reading and wanting to know more.
This was my first book by this author and I am glad that it was his memoir. He is open and raw about his family and his experiences growing up. His style of writing is beautiful and profound even with this being a translated work. He also has a dry sense of humor that is sprinkled throughout. I recommend this book.
She was good-natured after a few drinks and, as there was always an open bottle of champagne in her fridge, she was always in a good mood. “I‘m a little bit tipsy” was her favorite catchphrase.
This is almost too relatable.
My @bookofthemonth box came today! Since I couldn‘t get into what I was reading earlier, I‘m going to take a stab at this. I‘m a sucker for a literary fiction. I feel like this one is going to pull my heartstrings and I‘m okay with that.
What did you other BOTM subscribers pick?
#botm #bookmail
Well, I definitely planned to read way more than this but unfortunately I have been dealing with some unexpected health concerns. I hope to have everything figured out so that I can participate in my buddy reads next month. I miss reading but I‘m glad to have this community and all my other book loving communities. It‘s sucks not being able to read. Maybe today I will get some reading in since I‘m not in that much pain.
Went to Target for soup because I am not feeling well. What also does a bookworm good when they are sick? New books! I really enjoyed The Wedding Date so I couldn‘t resist buying The Proposal by @jasminepics. I don‘t read a lot of romance but I love her writing. #happypubday🎉 #booksmakethebodybetter #bookwormheaven #soupandbooks #bookstagram
It‘s that time again! Join me and so many other wonderful bookworms for the October @LitsyBuddyRead of this beautiful story.
6 books read, 5 books reviewed and a great giveaway win(thank you @booksparks). I‘d say as far as my reading went, September was a decent month for me. Ready to see what October holds. #ReaderthenBlogger #BooksharkLife #FRC2018
My last review for September! Great one to close the month out.
Thank you BookSparks and @flatironbooks
I am CONSTANTLY making lists of books, lol. All the time. I find my lists everywhere. Purse, workbag, car. #readingisalifestylenotahobby #ForevergrowingTBR
“When someone leaves, remembering the joy is far more painful than thinking about the misery.”
This quote holds so much truth. And there were so many others throughout this story. I took my time with this novel partly by choice and partly by emotional force. I could relate to this story more than I ever expected to. Review coming soon!
Review posted for Us Against You by @backmansk. Can‘t wait to discuss the ending this weekend for the @LitsyBuddyRead
Follow my link in bio to read my review.
#ReaderthenBlogger #LitsyBuddyRead
I brought her home from the shelter 3 yrs ago knowing she was a senior. I knew I wouldn‘t have a lifetime with her but I didn‘t think I‘d lose her this soon. I loved her right away and so did my boys. We loved her as if we‘d had her from a puppy. We are going to miss Brownee so much.
“Everything has its price.”
“Grief is the price we pay for love.”
Feels so good to be back in Beartown
Thank you @flatironbooks for this lovely advanced copy of The Dinner List by @rebecca_serle. I had just about given up hope, lol.
Pushed it to the top of my Sept TBR to get it read before release date. #FallReading #ReaderthenBlogger #Bookmail #SurpriseMail
Hello September! 😍😍😍 Finally put together my tentative TBR for this month. I need another long weekend soon! These books are going to take me all over the world. And these are books from my shelf 😊😊. #TBR #BookwormHeaven #ReadytoRead #LitsyBuddyRead #UnReadShelfProject2018 #BOTM
Here it is! My 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review! Of Praise Song for the Butterflies by Bernice L. McFadden.
Thank you again Akashic Books for this opportunity.
I have my review posted for Lies. Thank you @StMartinsPress for this review opportunity.
Not too bad for “end of summer” reading. I had to spend the month getting my kids and myself together for back to school. I haven‘t been in school in over 10 years, lol. I‘m looking forward to September and will attempt putting together a monthly TBR and sticking to it. Oh, I finished my Goodreads goal of 50 books!!! 😊😊😊
See anything you read or want to read?
Received an ARC of this and have posted my review on my blog. Check it out!
I‘m a bit late to the David Sedaris game. However, out of the four books I‘ve read by him, this one is my favorite. While it holds true to his non intentional comedic approach, there is a much more here especially in the stories about his family. This books shows so much depth to them as a unit and singularly at the same time. I laughed, like always, but this time I may have shed a tear or two. Looking forward to more of his writing.
Wow, what a story. You just never know what your child is going thru. Sometimes what you feel is best isn‘t always best. You most definitely have to be in the right mind frame to read and digest this one. I‘m glad I read it though. Can‘t wait to read this author‘s second novel.
I have posted my review of this book on my blog. I gave it 3.5 Stars. Thank you @ScribnerBooks
What I plan to dive into this weekend. What are you reading or planning to read? #weekendreading #summerreading2018 #bookaholic #bookstagram #readerthenblogger
Atria Books @RiverheadBooks @ScribnerBooks
I am very excited about my Book of the Month picks this month. Now the waiting game begins, lol.
Book of the month picks are up! I don‘t know what to pick. @Jess7 have you seen them??
I have been toting this stack of books around for 5 days and haven‘t had the inspiration to just dive into any of them. 2 have bookmarks but neither have kept my attention. And let‘s not talk about the stack I have next to my bed, lol. This SUCKS!!!! I need to pull thru this ASAP! #readingslump #snapoutofit #readerthenblogger #butnotrightnow
I LOVED this book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. I am so glad I finally decided to read it. I can‘t wait to see the movie. Now I‘m sitting here trying to decide if I want to jump into the second book or attack the pile of books I have to read and review. Decisions, decisions. #lifeofablogger #readerthenblogger #Bookwormlifestyle
Today I received my goodies from a giveaway I won. These are six of the books that were featured at Book Expo this year. Thank you so much @SimonSchuster. I can‘t wait to start reading these! #bookmailisthebestmail📪 #bookaholic #ReaderthenBlogger #Bookworm
WHOA!!!!! I‘m so proud of myself considering how my June started out. Reviews coming soon for a couple of these. #JuneWrapUp #booklover #ReaderthenBlogger
Bookmail? Yes, please!!!! Advanced copy? Of course!
#Sadie #ARC #bookmailisthebestmail📪
Thank you @bookbrag (Macmillan publisher)for this opportunity!
I‘m getting a Devil Wears Prada mixed with Princess Diary type vibe.
My #bookhaul from the last two weeks. I may or may not have a problem, lol. In my defense, the middle stack was free from publishers for me to read and review. And the stack on the right is from a local used bookstore. My kids also got some books(not pictured). #bookworm #confessionsofabookaholic #ReaderthenBlogger #mymailmanhasbeensideeyeingme
Loving #TheOtherWoman
Thank you @stmartinspress and @sandiejones_author for this wonderful bookmail. Can‘t wait to finish and review it. #bookmailisthebestmail📪 #ReaderthenBlogger #ARC
#Repost these buddy reads are AWESOME!!!! I can‘t wait to read these books
Maybe this beauty will pull me out of my reading slump. I really enjoyed Beartown and have been excited about reading this.
#readingslumpssuck #stresssucks #newbooksmell #readingtakesthepainaway
What a month!!! I did really well in May. 7 books!!! Whoop whoop. Although I still have 2 reviews to do, lol. Hard to get my thoughts together while I‘m in the process of moving. Good news is I‘m almost done!!!! #Bookstagram #ReadingGoals #ReaderthenBlogger
Up next for the @booksparks @popsugar summer reading challenge. How to Walk Away by @katherinecenter.
My copy is courtesy of my @bookofthemonth subscription. So glad that I am going to enjoy it with others participating in the challenge. #summerreading #SRC2018 #BOTM #MargaREADaville
I received a copy of this from NetGalley. I finished it today and I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed it even though I felt the ending seemed a bit rushed. It‘s an adult novel but because of the subject, I highly recommend to teenage girls. I‘m so glad that Emily Giffin has finally written another book. I‘ll be posting a full review on my blog.
Taking a break from ARCs to dive back into this beautiful book. I mean that literally. I love the dust jacket, the actual cover and the story. #WeekendReading #relaxed
This was such a funny read.
Can‘t wait to finish discussing it. I definitely recommend adding it to your vacation reads this summer. Also have a glass of wine while reading it, lol.
#LitsyBuddyRead #UnreadShelfProject #BOTM #SummerReading
We have 5 women all successful in their own ways. As w/ anything, you get enough estrogen in the room, add different personalities, attitudes and beliefs. Drama will follow. Each woman will do what it takes to protect her secrets, assets, and her spot on the show. This novel shows the level of viciousness and pettiness that women will go to including destroying whoever their enemy is at the time of taping.
Guess I‘ll catch up on this week‘s reading. While my a/c gets looked at. Man do I wish I were at the beach with a fruity drink. 😓😓
How I‘m spending my evening. I‘m so glad that reading is something that soothes my nerves and doesn‘t feel like work even if I know I have a review to do. Today is Wednesday which meant hump day, halfway thru the week but it felt like another Monday. #deadlineapproaching #readingtime📖 #GoldenGirlcoffeemug #currentreads #relaxationtime
Finally made my #BOTM selections. Took me all week to decide because I wanted 4 of the 5 books offered this month, lol. #Firstworldproblems #choosingbooks #bookmailcomingsoon