Soup is done and I‘m obsessed. It is officially soup season and I am very here for it!😍 #soupseason #comfortfood #cozyreads #fallreads #booksandsoup #soupandbooks
Soup is done and I‘m obsessed. It is officially soup season and I am very here for it!😍 #soupseason #comfortfood #cozyreads #fallreads #booksandsoup #soupandbooks
Enjoying a very civilised lunch in the Hideous Concrete Fortress. The soup is far tastier than its anaemic appearance might suggest. #book #books #bookstagram #ianmcewan #machineslikeme #ministryofjustice #hideousconcretefortress #booklove #booknerd #booksbooksbooks #booklove #bookcommunity #bookphotography #fiction #dauntbooks #guardianbooks #lunchtime #lunctimereading #booksandsoup #soupandbooks
Went to Target for soup because I am not feeling well. What also does a bookworm good when they are sick? New books! I really enjoyed The Wedding Date so I couldn‘t resist buying The Proposal by @jasminepics. I don‘t read a lot of romance but I love her writing. #happypubday🎉 #booksmakethebodybetter #bookwormheaven #soupandbooks #bookstagram