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#Mtcookbook Up today, variation on pumpkin pie.

I‘m using one of my vintagy Watkins pie plates I found in a secondhand shop. They are the heavy ceramic types with recipes imprinted on them. I didn‘t know Watkins ever sold pie plates! (Watkins is an old spice company in our region.)

mabell I‘ve never come across one of those plates! We have Watkins around here too. How did the variation turn out?? 5mo
SamAnne I have one! Didnt know the history. 5mo
LeahBergen We have Watkins in Canada, too. I have one of their old cookbooks that belonged to my grandmother. 5mo
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janeycanuck What a pretty pie plate! I love Watkins cinnamon, it‘s my go-to. 5mo
Tamra @mabell rave reviews from the family, which I‘m not surprised because it‘s richer and spicer than the more traditional recipe. I don‘t have a sweet tooth, but I did have a bite while serving and give it 👍🏾👍🏾. 5mo
Tamra @SamAnne which recipe is in yours? I explored the history on their website when I found the pie plates and it was fun. (edited) 5mo
Tamra @LeahBergen it‘s amazing how successful the company became given how humble its beginnings! How wonderful you have your grandmother‘s cookbook, those are the best. ❤️ Warm & fuzzy feelings. I keep my eye out for a Watkins cookbook, but no luck yet! 5mo
Tamra @janeycanuck Frequently I buy their vanilla. 😋 5mo
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#Mtcookbook Basically, a variation on Mac & Cheese. 😋 This is common cooking in my house. I look at the leftovers in the fridge and pantry and find a suitable way to use them up. This was very tasty, per the hubby. I made it quite a bit spicer than the recipe directed. 🌶️

mabell That sounds good! 5mo
LeahBergen I love a casserole! 5mo
Tamra @LeahBergen you might like this book then - it‘s a chunkster with a lot of variety and she doesn‘t use can cream soups. (Not that I‘m above using a can soup when time pressed.) (edited) 5mo
Bookzombie Sounds yummy! 5mo
Tamra @Bookzombie it was! I wish there were more leftovers. @mabell (edited) 5mo
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#Naturalitsy #MidwinterSolace

I used my wintery-est non-fiction book a few weeks ago for the solstice/equinox prompt, so for this #FridayNightShare I‘m going with a favorite winter cookbook from Brit chef Diana Henry. All of her books are delightful to read & look at & this one is especially cozy (although not great for vegan diets) with chapters on cheeses, winter veg/fruits, meats/game, smoked food, etc. Her smoked fish risotto is a favorite.❄️

TheBookHippie Well, I need this 😅👩🏻‍🍳🎯 5mo
AllDebooks This is a great book. It's just been republished for a 20 year anniversary edition, here in the UK. It's even more beautiful. 😍 https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/1783255706/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=170... 5mo
DebinHawaii @AllDebooks @TheBookHippie Well that beauty just puts my little paperback version away! Gorgeous! And available on US Amazon as well. (Also I saw the Kindle version is $1.99 right now-although much as I love reading books on Kindle I need print for cookbooks!) 😍 5mo
Chrissyreadit You have tied for most stacked for non fiction! will send something your way! 5mo
DebinHawaii @Chrissyreadit Aww. Thank you, but since I already won once before, you really don‘t have to send me anything! 🤗 5mo
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I‘d love to #LetItSnow but this isn‘t the climate for it. I picked this cookbook for today‘s prompt because of the title (the sub title is “Food to Warm the Soul”) & because it‘s a good one to get into a cozy, wintery spirit. ❄️💙❄️

Eggs Great choice! I love figs ❤️ 6mo
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This purchase means I‘m giving into the inevitable……..

Ruthiella Mmm 😋 casseroles. 8mo
Tamra @Ruthiella what‘s not to love about fat, salt and carbs? 😜😋 How we get thru a northern winter. (edited) 8mo
Aimeesue Mmmmmmmmm! 8mo
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RebelReader This looks so enticing. Except I call them hot dishes not casseroles! 🤣🤣🤣 8mo
Tamra @RebelReader I mentioned that to my husband! She is a Minnesotan, but I‘m guessing the publisher thought people outside the Midwest wouldn‘t know a hot dish. 😆 8mo
RebelReader @tamra I think you‘re right! Whatever we call them, they are delicious! 8mo
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The idiom #AppleOfMyEye describes a thing or person which someone loves above all others, someone‘s favorite person or thing, and/or a person or thing that they are proud of.

I have hundreds of cookbooks & can never pick a favorite, but this apple-titled one from Tessa Kiros has given me many delicious dishes that have become favorites & that I was proud to make & show on my blog. 🍎❤️

Eggs Looks delicious 😋🍎🥰 8mo
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FINALLY! My most anticipated #BucketList item.

This is my #ComfortFood I look forward to it every year and I usually only get one. I love a hot sandwich with the perfect gravy and, yes, ketchup and olives because...I just like it. It looks wrong and I get teased mercilessly because of it but I don't care. Paired with a good book *chefs kiss*

If I ever get put on Death Row this is my #LastMeal 💯

#Scarathlon2022 #TeamSlaughter

Clwojick Mmmmmm I‘d devour that, olives included. 2y
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Just got home from a relaxing weekend away from the grind to find this. My daughter was helping clean out my in-laws home and she found her grandmother‘s super-secret stash of recipe cards. My SIL graciously allowed my daughter to keep this treasure. Both in-laws died of Covid last year so this is so special.

Cinfhen So special 💕 2y
Cortg Wonderful find! ❤️ 2y
Dragon Those rum balls sound yummy 💚🐉 2y
Megabooks 💜💜💜 2y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 😋 2y
Eggs Thank you Sunflower 🌻💛⭐️ 2y
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When I think of #warmth I think of food that warms the belly & the soul. Although it never gets truly cold here by regular standards, I like when I can cook warming foods & this Diana Henry cookbook is one of my favorites for winter.❄️💙❄️

Eggs Love this❄️🔥💙 3y
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