Februarys pick was Hood Feminism and between thr two its going on to the next round!
Februarys pick was Hood Feminism and between thr two its going on to the next round!
Started this one yesterday and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I'm a big fan of slasher flicks so to read a book which is basically a slasher flick sounded right up my alley. Gonna give it a few more chapters then I may have to dnf it
Today's quick read. It's a modified version of the authors TEDTalk from 2012. Excellent message and it gives us a look at how feminism looks in another country.
Didn't post this week's #bannedbooksunday because I was spending the day seeing this marvelous production of Hadestown with friends. 10/10 this Broadway show is a must see in my book
I can see why this book won the awards it did. A good YA read that has a way of worming into your brain. Part funny part serious, overall an excellent read I would recommend to anyone.
1)Stressed. I have a upcoming procedure that I'm trying to get ready for and it's one mess after another getting ready for it.
2) limiting social media when possible, I have a guided journal I'm working on and of course making sure to drink water!!
3) up for anything!!
#bannedbooksunday today's book is Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. This book was banned due to passages that were "Extremely vulgar detailing sexual acts". The National Coalition Against Censorship had this to say on its banning "Removing a book with recognized literary and pedagogical merit simply because a few parents disapprove of it not only disserve the educational interests of students but also raises serious constitutional concerns."
Great read. So many good points. I recommend this to be on everyone's TBR with high priority
"There's the potential stigma attached to the idea of needing mental health treatment or cultural expectations that someone in pain seek help from religion rather than psychology or psychiatry. For those who grow up in the church, prayer is more likely to be recommended than Prozac. And while there's nothing wrong with finding prayer comforting, it can't fix brain chemistry. "
#bannedbooksunday book(s) #2 is the Shatter Me series. Another part of the school ban from post#1 this week, this is also being banned due to "sexual excitement, sexual conduct and lewd exhibition of nudity".
#bannedbooksunday Book#1 this week. This book was banned in a Virginia school as part of 21 books they removed due to "sexually explicit content". In response to the ban King wrote a tweet recommending people read books that get banned to find out why they don't want you to read it.
This book has a lot of very interesting theories. I enjoyed the stories that are included with each section, it helped show hey this is what that might look like. I buddy read it with a friend and we discussed it in sections so it was helpful to bounce thoughts off each other while reading it.
January pick was easy cause I only fully finished one book lol, oh well I should finish 2-3 books right away in February!! Thanks to @CSeydel for the bracket!!!
"Too often comments that promote toxic masculinity are masked in language that valorizes dangerous mentalities. Far too often those in relationships with men are told that they need to be submissive, to learn how to hold a man down no matter what, to be understanding and patient despite red flags ranging from cheating to outright abuse."
#bannedbooksunday book #2 is "A Stolen Life" by Jaycee Dugard. This book was banned due to references to drugs, smoking and alcohol, offensive language, sexually explicit content and being deemed "unsuitable" for the age group, as well as "adopting, supporting or promoting gender fluidity".
Hey all!! One of my goals for the year was to read more banned books so I decided to start #bannedbooksunday and will be sharing a new banned book each week with why it was banned. This week and next I'll share 2 books. Book #1 this week is "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie. Banned due to profanity, violence and situations deemed sexually explicit.
If you want to join me post the #bannedbook your reading!
@catiewithac Thank you so much for the very cute (and accurate) cup!! Olive was upset it wasn't for her lol. This was a much needed pick me up today 💗💗💗 thank you thank you thank you!!!
"We know that food deserts exist, areas where groceries are scarce and what is available may be unfit for human consumption. But food insecurity is more complicated than simply the ability to access food. There's the question of what food costs versus what people can afford. If you live near a grocery store but can't afford to shop there, then it doesn't matter your not in a food desert. Your still hungry. And hunger doesn't have an age limit"
"We rarely talk about basic needs as a feminist issue. Food insecurity and access to quality education, safe neighborhoods, a living wage, and medical care are all feminist issues. "
Started this today was recommended by the local librarian who reads similarly to me, so of course I have to read it!
I thoroughly enjoyed this comic. I'm not normally a comic person but I enjoy the story weaving of this mythology retelling. The artwork is amazing.
Anyone on Storygraph or Fable? I'm switching from GoodReads in 2025 so thought I'd see if any of my litsy friends are on there! Bonus photo of Pickles on his new favorite tree skirt lol
This book is not my favorite work of hers? I'm wondering if I'd have liked it more if I hadn't read sharp objects & dark places first? Who knows.
Not really a Christmas read but I needed something different. Pictured: Olives reaction to her first Christmas tree, it wasn't even fully up and she was ready to destroy it (it's been up for 1 week and it's been knocked over 10 times so....)
I seriously dislike the husband, but I'm also not a fan of the wife either. Picture of my cat Pickles, he is mad I'm reading and not petting him.(also yes that is a tp roll behind him, it's Olives favorite toy currently so I have half a dozen around the place lol)
Small acts of resistance: community, love, joy. Read the books they want to ban, speak to the people they want to silence, view what they want to stay hidden. Always question. Know your worth. Support those in need where you can.
I still struggle with words for what is happening. To those struggling with me: I see you.
On my journey through this land of allergy friendly baking/cooking I'm getting frustrated. This cookbook is good but why so much dairy and egg?? Help a girl out here!!!
But really, this is actually a good cookbook and easy to read in my opinion. I like that it gives you products and options.
Today's book haul!! Girl Math is when you use a gift card and B&N rewards points it means the books are free right?
My contribution to Christmas baking this year: mothman
How I am ending November, I apparently had a month of reading off the list lol. The tagged book is my favorite of the month and it was a book for a book club I am in📚📚📚📚
Tagged book was my pick for my October reading. It edges out my September choice just slightly but I still preferred my July read to it. Happy reading!!📚
Yeah I bailed on this one. Not my type of book. Good for her to tell her story its just a bit too....preachy for me. DNF
How I finished September for books (I know I won't get to read the next 3 days to finish any more)
A good book. I finished it today while cuddling my cats on my lunch break. This working from home thing is pretty cool lol
My pick for my best of August! I'm not sure which one I liked more so I'm going to leave that up to future April lol
Decided to try making a list instead of grabbing whatever lol. Hoping this helps me read more in September!!📚📚🍁