I'm only on Chapter 3 and love it.
I'm only on Chapter 3 and love it.
Franzen gets mixed reviews. I loved The Corrections. Freedom was forgettable. So far this one is holding me. 👽
My favourite auntie recommended this book/series to me. She insisted I start from the beginning. I do what my sweet, lovely auntie tells me to do ❤️
Lauren Oliver is a clever writer. The characters in this book made me cringe, and feel genuine concern. I'm looking forward to reading more of her work.
This is a fun book. Having thrown off the shackles of my firm "one book at a time" rule that I imposed on myself at the age of 12, I'm enjoying this when I need something light.
I'm tempted to keep going and finish! I'm loving #lotrchapteraday . I'm committed to the plan @freyaheart ! 😄
I'm stopping at one chapter with difficulty today! @freyaheart this is a great thing you've created but some days I just want to keep going #Hobbitlove #lotrchapteraday
Just finished chapter 3 and I agree with @Lizpixie it's hard to stop! ❤️I love this book so much. I smile while reading it.
I'm in for #lotrchapteraday !! Thanks for putting it out there @freyaheart 😘
I can't believe I'm reading this for the first time! It's got me so far.
By the end of this book I disliked EVERY CHARACTER. And the ending? Don't even talk to me. ✋🏻I've already ranted to @shawnmooney so most of my vitriol has been spewed. And yet I'm giving this book a So-So rating. I'm weird like that.
Imagine how jazzed I was to see this after being away for a week? So happy for my little town...it's grown so much, not in size, but in love. ❤️
On my long drive home today, i heard Shelagh interview Zoe Whittall on CBC.
It made me want to start this book immediately. Which is one of the best things about e-books. No waiting.
Read in honour of the 20th anniversary. I may read the whole series again. Right now I need some adult lit. I've been on a YA binge lately.
Just finished it. I couldn't put it down. Perhaps because it was set in the 80's and reminded me of my own awkward youth. I recommend it to anyone who is now in their 40's and didn't have a charmed childhood. ❤️
I'm loving this book! My friend (an amazing English teacher) insisted I read it. It's a nice change after reading The Exorcist 😄
This book made me want to read more Sherlock Holmes. That's a good thing. Charlotte irritated me a bit but that's not her fault 🙄I want to say this is Flavia de Luce with drugs and a pedigree and a human sidekick instead of a bicycle, but that seems trite. I will read the second book in the series if only because I have a wee crush on Watson.
This book has been on my list forever. I'm enjoying it but the damn thing is heavy.
Re-Reading in anticipation of the series starting April 30th. I will be watching it with a group of friends. I first read this book as a teenager, when I gobbled up everything Margaret Atwood wrote. It's a different book this time around.
I enjoyed this book. It's one of those reads I want to pass on to someone but I can't quite decide who because it certainly wouldn't work for everyone 🤔
This made me remember how much I loved James Herriot when I was a child. I still have vivid pictures in my head of a breech birth calf ❤️
We lost Richard Wagamese recently. I'm reading this in his honour ❤️
Fun, funny, quick read. I binge watched the series and then read the book so of course I noted changes. And pictured the actors in the roles. Except for Renata. Which is odd. But there you have it.
My best friend and I binge watched the series over the last two days. It was great. So curious about the book! And Stephen King liked it :) Also, movie tie-in covers, ewwwww, but 10 dollars less! 💰
Got up for two seconds. Place stolen. ❤️
I loved this book. I felt sadness for everyone, even the straight up bastards. That's quite a feat for an author to pull off.
Started this one this morning. It's going to be a treat, I can already tell.
Just finished Case Histories by Kate Atkinson and starting this one immediately because I get panicky if I'm not reading something. What if someone called right now and asked what I was reading? I would have to say " Nothing" and that's not cool.
I love everything Kate Atkinson writes. Even the books I didn't love love, like Emotionally Weird, I still kind of loved, know what I mean? It's Kate. I love her. ❤️
I love this book. Couldn't put it down. Oh, Ian, I love you so. You've broken my heart again. ❤️
Just starting this one. I used to read every new McEwan the minute it came out. I love his writing. ❤️
I loved a few of the characters, but the book didn't grab me in the way I thought it would. I would still like to watch the series. Sometimes it's not the fault of the book. Sometimes it's my state of mind. So I'll not pan this book. I blame myself. If I read it at another time I would likely love the f&$k out of it.
I have read every one of them :) Most beloved is the beautiful illustrated one my husband gave me with these words "Now you can visit Hobbiton any time you want" ❤️
Loving this book so far. I'm interested in watching the series. Gotta read the book first #bookwormrules
Had to buy this. I love 70's music and it's the year I was born :) aaaand it's 2.99 today .
In September my sister went to the University of Maine to see Stephen King talk about this book, Hearts in Suspension. Stories, essays, etc about King's experience at university. I was thrilled to open it Christmas morning ❤️
Just got the ebook. Looking forward to digitally cracking the spine on this one :)
I'm enjoying this book but I'm so friggin distracted by all the other books I want to read. I wish I could be more like @shawnmooney who blissfully has 47 books on the go at all times and manages to comment thoughtfully on all of them. 💜🙊
Just got this on Kindle for 1.99! Black Friday Deal! 💚💙
Found an unused Indigo gift card while cleaning! I know! Wtf? Ordered this one. I've been dying to read it. The Birth House and The Virgin Cure were amazing!
This one didn't grab me like the last three. There was a lot of crazy in this one. You know what they say, a little crazy is fun, a lot of crazy is well....crazy. 😜