This is exactly what my heart needed after this week. #truegretch #gretchenwhitmer #governors #womeninpolitics #glassceilings #nononsense #womenleaders #leadership
This is exactly what my heart needed after this week. #truegretch #gretchenwhitmer #governors #womeninpolitics #glassceilings #nononsense #womenleaders #leadership
Full disclosure, I‘ve had this book checked out for almost a year (perks of working at the library oops), so I figured it was finally time to actually read it. I‘m three pages into the prologue and I‘m already sitting here like “yaaaaas Madam Speaker.” 😍🤷🏻♀️ #pelosi #mollyball #nancypelosi #madamspeaker #speakerofthehouse #resistancequeen #womeninpolitics #herstory #awomansplaceisinthehouseandthesenate #womenincongress
This book exceeded my expectations. The writing is engaging and compelling. And best of all, I loved how the author, Kara Cooney, draws parallels between these women rulers of Ancient Egypt and the way women continue to be viewed and treated in leadership roles today due to the ongoing patriarchy.
I can not recommend this book enough! #feminism #womeninpolitics #educateyourself
Friday evening, I picked Notorious RBG up off our table to casually flip through it. I kept gravitating to it in between weekend errands & chores. I just finished it & it is way past my bedtime 💤 I had great respect for Ruth Bader Ginsburg before the book. Now, I‘m awed. #RBG #WomeninPolitics
These are my book choices for the #WOMENINPOLITICS 💙prompt of #SpookyOctober 📚 #ElizabethWarren #RuthBaderGinsburg - #RBG and #HillaryRodhamClinton - #HRC 💙 #ImSTILLwithHer and #IllAlwaysbewithHer 💙 #Democrat #Donkey #Blue #liberal #strongwomen I loved The Notorious RBG and I‘ve read (and enjoyed) a couple of HRC‘s books, but I am really looking forward to reading Elizabeth Warren‘s book👆🏼. #politics #women #equality #feminist #feminism