These are my book choices for the #WOMENINPOLITICS 💙prompt of #SpookyOctober 📚 #ElizabethWarren #RuthBaderGinsburg - #RBG and #HillaryRodhamClinton - #HRC 💙 #ImSTILLwithHer and #IllAlwaysbewithHer 💙 #Democrat #Donkey #Blue #liberal #strongwomen I loved The Notorious RBG and I‘ve read (and enjoyed) a couple of HRC‘s books, but I am really looking forward to reading Elizabeth Warren‘s book👆🏼. #politics #women #equality #feminist #feminism
Readerann ❤️ 7y
mariaku21 I'm waiting for Notorious RBG to be available at the library 7y
Owlizabeth Love this!! 7y
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