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This was a solid story and was easy to listen to. The characters were also interesting especially the witches.

Cat Magic | Whitley Strieber
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This book is just weird. It's mostly about a woman, Amanda, who is destined to take over the town's coven. Except part of the town are evil Christians & want to destroy all witches, plus her uncle is killing animals & people & then trying to resurrect them. And there is a demon cat, a lot of people running around naked, & misguided ideas on Wicca and fairies.
This book is a mess, & I admit it was a cover buy.
#BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks

BookwormAHN #ReadOrDonate @julieclair I read it but I'm still donating it. 5mo
Yuki_Onna You liw-key Sold me on this! 😅 5mo
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TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 5mo
julieclair 😂😂 I don't blame you. I would donate too! 5mo
ElizaMarie Ha! So this book sounds really intense! I can see how you would pick it based on this cover! If I saw a cover like this I would definitely put it in my cart! 5mo
Nessavamusic That is a very fun cover 5mo
Reggie You had me at demon cat. Stacked! 5mo
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Cat Magic | Whitley Strieber
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My books for #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin Cat Magic and The Listening House. They are also my January books for #ReadOrDonate 📚
@TheAromaofBooks @julieclair

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Enjoy!!! 5mo
julieclair These look like entertaining reading! 5mo
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Cat Magic | Whitley Strieber
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LinesUponAPage Love this song, even though it‘s not about Zombies, but is a metaphor for dehumanization when the IRA bombings that killed two little kids in Warrington England during the early 90s. 8mo
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Every year in the town we lived in in Florida they had a Zombie walk. These are a few of our friends prepping for the zombie video they were making to psych up everyone for the upcoming event. I can‘t find pictures I only have video of our last walk. Between the blood, gore and dead eyes, all I can say is it was pretty epic!

#scarathlon #zombiewalk #photochallenge #teamcryptkeeper

wanderinglynn How fun! 8mo
LiseWorks I always wanted to do a zombie walk 8mo
LinesUponAPage @LiseWorks start one, i bet you‘d get a ton of involvement! We moved from that ZW town and there are no Zombie walks so we started a whole town Halloween event/old style carnival sans rides instead. Too many Squamish people where we live now for a ZW. 😅 8mo
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The Dunwich Horror | H. Lovecraft
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This one stood up to rereading more than the shadow over innsmouth! The ramshackle dying town was so creepy and perfectly described. Love me some cthulhu

#scarathlon #skeletoncrew

Rage | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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This was interesting. I wanted to read because I knew King had chosen to stop it‘s publication, and I was curious. It‘s fascinating to see this glimpse into a more innocent time (in school shootings), and the idea of how students might have reacted to a school shooting. Now we can look back and say nope, not like that, but it‘s intriguing in a Lord of the Flies way. I also thought the ending, while not what I expected, was really good.

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The story was fine, interesting. I can appreciate Lovecraft's influence on other writers.
As much as I wanted to be a Lovecraft superfan, I am not - having tasted two of his works (albeit not the ones he is most well known for) I have no desire to read more.
Thanks to @BookWomble and @The_Book_Ninja for getting me motivated to attempt his works -

First book for July #BookSpinBingo -

Make a great day everyone 🙂

Bookwomble He's definitely an acquired taste, even in his own day. A taste I acquired quite young which allows me to read around his flaws, and I'm not sure how taken I'd be if I was just finding him now. Well done for giving him a try, but totally cool to move on if he and his Dark Circle 🌑 are not for you - life's too short 😊 11mo
bthegood @Bookwomble 👍 🙂 11mo
The_Book_Ninja Well done for trying. Agree with @Bookwomble he‘s marmite. He‘s quite wordy, especially when setting the scene for a story. But there‘s something about his old-fashioned language that creates an authentic & surreal sense of dread. I always wondered why an old bigoted author was still so influential but I see it now. Going forward I‘ll read the books of his I bought but I‘m relishing reading contemporary authors‘ reimagining of his Cthulhu mythos. 11mo
bthegood @The_Book_Ninja 👍 🙂 11mo
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Rage | Stephen King, Richard Bachman
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I‘m not sure how to feel about this one. King famously asked for this novella to fall out of publication, so it enjoys an allure as most King fans try to locate/read it. I was pulled into the story at first despite it‘s uncomfortable subject matter, but was left disappointed and confused with the ending. There are no redeeming characters or meaning. Ultimately, I think King was right to pull this story. It doesn‘t add anything to his omnibus. 2⭐️

Pikathulhu Very well stated! 13mo
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @Pikathulhu Thank you! I read your review as well and totally agree! 13mo
5feet.of.fury Interesting! 13mo
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