Ch 21-22: George‘s family tries to push Ms Swartz on him but he won‘t have it #poorAmelia #sheisbetteroffwithouthim #andsotheymarry #shorthoneymoon #beckyistherestalkingmisscrawley #notcreepyatall #wartime #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 21-22: George‘s family tries to push Ms Swartz on him but he won‘t have it #poorAmelia #sheisbetteroffwithouthim #andsotheymarry #shorthoneymoon #beckyistherestalkingmisscrawley #notcreepyatall #wartime #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
“If I‘m ever murdered, take comfort in knowing that I ran my mouth until the bitter end.— JOURNAL ENTRY: AURORA VICRAM” #samegirlsame
Chapter 1: we meet the Brooke sisters, Dorothea and Cecelia. Be sure and tag me so I can see your book cover, there are so many! #Distheplainone #Cisthefancyone #Distheonlyonewhothinkssheisplain #Cwantsalllllllthejewels #Dlikestheemeralds #samegirlsame #pemberlittens #buddyread #chapteraday