It‘s that time again! It‘s #MayMadness #DiscussionThursday! This week we‘re talking about comic books, graphic novels, and manga!
Robin to Batman - Who‘s your favourite side character?
It‘s that time again! It‘s #MayMadness #DiscussionThursday! This week we‘re talking about comic books, graphic novels, and manga!
Robin to Batman - Who‘s your favourite side character?
I know a lot of you guys are going to relate to this one, but I would LOVE to spend a day (or a month) wandering the shelves in Beasts library. This has been on my #FictionBucketList since the first time I seen this movie as a little girl. 📚 @TheReadingMermaid
My #FictionBucketList or at least some of it. There‘s so many awesome book worlds and too much to choose from. These are just the first 10 that came to mind.
Go bounty hunting with Ranger 🔫
#FictionBucketList @TheReadingMermaid
Have you ever been reading a book and stopped and said "I wish I could do that!"? Well now is your time to tell us! Tell us things from your #FictionBucketList ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Here are some examples:
Drink tea with the mad hatter, solve a mystery with Nancy Drew, Read with Belle in Beasts Library, etc.
@Clwojick @TheReadingMermaid
I suppose a visit to Hogsmeade is too obvious? In that case: have a steampunk pet à la Katsu or Bumbersnoot.
@Clwojick @TheReadingMermaid
🎩Go to a tea party, hosted by the Mad Hatter
#FictionBucketList @TheReadingMermaid