I‘m making Tex Mex beef and riced cauliflower casserole from this book tonight. Hopefully it turns out edible. #glutenfree #dairyfree #nomnompaleo
I‘m making Tex Mex beef and riced cauliflower casserole from this book tonight. Hopefully it turns out edible. #glutenfree #dairyfree #nomnompaleo
If you love a #vegan or someone #dairyfree they NEED this #cookbook for #Christmas!
We went to a vegan ice cream shop this weekend and they had a “mitzvah board.” You could prepay for an ice cream treat and then write a description of a recipient. If you find a description on the board that fits you, you can redeem the freebie. What a fun way to pay it forward!
What are you doing with your extra hour this fine autumnal morning? I'm indulging in a little #feminist #YA and a home made #DairyFree latte in my brand new massive mug from Tiger