I adored absolutely every word
Really enjoyed the way the author highlighted everyday sexism in a humorous way but, as with the previous books in this trilogy, still managed to address serious element in a sensitive and informative way
What are you doing with your extra hour this fine autumnal morning? I'm indulging in a little #feminist #YA and a home made #DairyFree latte in my brand new massive mug from Tiger
This is my second time reading this book and it's still so amazing! It gives me strength to call out sexism like Lottie does. I'd definitely recommend this to anyone and everyone.
This is, i thick the best book I have ever read. READ IT. PUT DOWN WHATEVER UR DOING AND GET THIS BOOK. This book inspired me and it will to u I love it and u will to.
Holly Bourne is a fantastic author and the entire Spinster Club trilogy is a must-read - this one, though, is my favourite. In it, Lottie calls attention to sexism with her Vagilante project, honking her clown horn whenever she sees a new example of something sexist. It's incredibly funny at times but it's also seriously rage-inducing as she shows how many things teen girls are bombarded with on a typical day. Thought-provoking and brilliant.
just started the third novel in the #spinsterclub series and once again, I'm in love.