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Queen Victoria: born to succeed | Elizabeth Longford
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#cleaningoutmycloset Day 2. My husband finished the basement and garage overhaul and found three boxes of books . So obviously I‘m going thru the boxes. So far I‘ve rescued some books, including the tagged book that was originally my grandfather‘s and has his nameplate in it.

mrp27 Those are the best treasures to find. 6y
minkyb Lovely discovery! 6y
Cinfhen ❤️ 6y
Mdargusch Thank goodness! 6y
emilyhaldi Wait when do I get to go through the books?!?! 6y
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This I Know | Eldonna Edwards
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Though I should be #CleaningOutMyCloset - and cleaning the rest of my house, to boot! - instead I finished this highly engaging book set in a Michigan small town in the 1960s. The characters all leap off the page! And Grace‘s special Gift makes this story revolving around her #FamilyProblems impossible to put down! #Aprella @Cinfhen @Mdargusch @Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi #AprilBookishMadness @maich

Reviewsbylola Oooooh sounds good! 6y
TorieStorieS @Reviewsbylola It‘s out on Tuesday the 24th of April! I thoroughly enjoyed it!! 6y
Cinfhen Nice review!! 6y
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TorieStorieS @Cinfhen Thanks!! 😊 6y
emilyhaldi Eh, you can always clean later 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
TorieStorieS @emilyhaldi Indeed!! I frequently use Scarlett O‘Hara‘s justification to procrastinate on cleaning!! 😄 6y
Mdargusch That‘s why closets have doors. 😁 6y
TorieStorieS @Mdargusch If only there wasn‘t stuff spilling out of mine... maybe later today... 😁 6y
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Behind Closed Doors | B. A. Paris
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I‘m now hiding my overflow TBR behind closed doors. 🤦🏼‍♀️ It‘s time to be #cleaningoutmycloset / bookshelves. #aprella

rubyslippersreads Between you and @Readage I'm now looking around my house for more places to hide books! 😄 6y
TrishB I cleaned out a shoe cupboard and filled with some of my tbr 😁 6y
Cinfhen Perfect storage spot!!! 6y
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emilyhaldi Looks fine to me!! 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
Kalalalatja 😂😂 6y
Reviewsbylola Damn girl, I had no idea!! That would be a genius place to hide new books from dad but I can‘t believe he notices or cares. 😂😂 6y
LeahBergen We ALL need a secret cubby. 😆 6y
GripLitGrl 😂😂 6y
Lucy1062 Great idea...but not big enough for my tbr stash... I would need a hugh cabinet...😂😂😂😂 6y
Mdargusch Originally I had upper shelves filled and the bottom was empty @Lucy1062 and I had no idea that I would need the cabinet. Then came two Library sales 😬 6y
Lucy1062 😁😁😁😁my issue is going to the Goodwill....😁😁😁😁 6y
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My husband and I are doing some spring cleaning today and I think I‘m going to purge my TBR on my nightstand and get rid of it. I feel like I always am overwhelmed and I never have time to read from my own shelves because I‘ve always got BOTM and library books and whatever else ends up next to my bed. It‘s kind of a scary feeling (I‘ll be returning a bunch of unread library books 😬) but it‘s time. #cleaningoutmycloset #aprella

Cathythoughts You can do it 👍🏻❤️ 6y
Morr_Books You are stronger than I! 6y
Kalalalatja You go! 👏👏 6y
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Kaye The library books will be there later. See, that‘s what I was saying about piles of books. I like the ease of getting books now, but it‘s almost too easy from too many areas. You‘ve got your library, hoopla, overdrive and libby, librivox, serial reader for free online content, then Audible and others for paid audio services, then the book delivery services online, book sales, book stores, kindles. In my case, It‘s Too Much of a Good Thing. 🤪😬🤔 6y
Kappadeemom You are brave!! 😂 6y
TEArificbooks I have a very large tbr, in fact I have a library just for my tbr. But I keep very few books. If I kept them all my house would collapse under the weight probably. I figure if I want to reread them I can check them out in the library. I don't feel overwhelmed because the read pile is so small compared to the tbr. If they were both big I would have be overwhelmed. 6y
emilyhaldi Good idea, that looks overwhelming 😳 6y
Cinfhen What ya giving back???? 6y
Reviewsbylola I‘m the same way @mdm139 I rarely keep books I have read. And although I feel like my overall TBR isn‘t too bad, it‘s more than I‘ll probably get to in this lifetime. 😂😂 6y
Reviewsbylola You need to come over. Brian is cleaning the basement and garage and he found three boxes of Books. 😂 He also is begging me to throw out two antique basinettes. Maybe you can take them to Mom and dad‘s. 🤣🤣🤣 @emilyhaldi (edited) 6y
Reviewsbylola Caroline is the one that really hurts because I put it on my TBR before it was even released. Maybe I‘ll keep it and just give back the others. Populuxe, a book about the World‘s Fair, a random memoir I picked up on a whim, and Play it as it Lays by Joan Didion. @Cinfhen 6y
Reviewsbylola Yeah I agree @kaye. I had made a pledge to myself to use the library more instead of continuing to buy books, which has worked out, but apparently it never occurred to me to read the books I already bought. 🤔 6y
Cinfhen That‘s the beauty of the library, you can always go back and get it another time!!!! 6y
Mdargusch Put the bassinets in your garage! 6y
Reviewsbylola Hahahahahaha. I did not let any bassinets get harmed in the cleaning of the garage. They are all intact. Well, as much as they were before. 🤷🏼‍♀️ @Mdargusch 6y
britt_brooke I love purging books because I don‘t like clutter, but it‘s hard! 😬 I should really take inventory of the books I own that I haven‘t read. Let‘s be honest, book-buying ban would be a good idea, but ..... 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Good for you!! I can‘t part with mine!! Speaking of such matters do you know what the next #BOTM books will be? 🤣🤣🤣 6y
Reviewsbylola I haven‘t seen anything but hopefully soon!! @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Reviewsbylola idk why it matters I haven‘t caught up in most of the others!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 6y
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Reviewsbylola 😍😍😍 6y
emilyhaldi Love him ❤️ 6y
Cinfhen This is probably a brilliant read🙌🏻❤️ (edited) 6y
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I am terribly messy but love reading about organization. I was charmed by this book‘s quirkiness and have successfully used it to cull through my clothes...but have not conquered the rest of my mess. Here‘s a view of a semi-presentable part of my closet. #cleaningoutmycloset #aprella

Librarybelle Bravo!! 6y
MayJasper Good for you 😊 6y
monalyisha My husband read this & now everything in his drawers is folded in a very specific way! 😅 6y
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Blaire @monalyisha this is another piece I‘ve managed to maintain - I don‘t do it perfectly, but the fold is super helpful for seeing all your shirts and pants. 6y
Reviewsbylola It helped me cull my clothes too. 🙌🏻 6y
Mdargusch I think I need this book. @emilyhaldi 😂 6y
emilyhaldi I already know it would tell me a lot of things I don‘t want to hear 🙉 @Mdargusch 6y
Cinfhen Cute shoes!!!! 6y
chexala This book is oddly one of my very favorites. I think I've read it 3-4 times, just because I love Marie's tone so much. (Still haven't finished tidying though. 😅 ) 6y
Blaire @Cinfhen thanks!! Shoe shopping is my favorite shopping. 👟 👠 6y
Blaire @chexala agree. Surprisingly rereadable. 💗😍 6y
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