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Queen Victoria: born to succeed
Queen Victoria: born to succeed | Elizabeth Longford
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Queen Victoria | Elizabeth Longford
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The #victoriadayreadathon hosted by @melissajayne is just what's needed to fill out the upcoming long weekend! For once, we're not travelling anywhere, so I'm looking forward to a relaxing few days with lots of reading.

The Aurora Award nominees (for Canadian sci-fi and fantasy) have just been announced and I'll be reading from that list: https://www.tor.com/2023/05/15/heres-the-2023-aurora-award-ballot/

Queen Victoria: born to succeed | Elizabeth Longford
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It‘s Victoria Day here in Canada 🇨🇦 and I‘ve done nothing but read ALL DAY.


Melissa_J Nice way to spend the day 😊 6y
rockpools That sounds like a good day! 6y
CouronneDhiver Me too! I‘m not sure I would have, if it hadn‘t been for this infection... but a quiet reading day IS good for the soul 6y
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Leftcoastzen Happy Victoria Day! Happy 📖🇨🇦. 6y
Daisey Sounds perfect! 6y
Sydsavvy Happy Queen Victoria Day! 📚☕️ 6y
Currey Happy wonderfully strong women named Victoria Day 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 6y
tournevis Except in Québec. It's Patriotes Day in Québec. 6y
rabbitprincess Ooooo Murchie's tea! 😊 6y
rubyslippersreads Lovely way to celebrate! 6y
LShelby I hope all my fellow Canadians back home had a lovely holiday. 6y
LeahBergen @CouronneDhiver I hope you‘re on the mend. 😘 6y
LeahBergen @tournevis That‘s right. I knew it was called something different but still a holiday. 😄 6y
LeahBergen @rabbitprincess I bought a mixed box of their “Royal Teas” and they‘re wonderful. 👍🏻 6y
LeahBergen @LShelby Yes! 🇨🇦😄 6y
tournevis @LeahBergen Off say! 🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃 The only person I know who does not like off days is my BIL, but he's a strange man. 6y
Reviewsbylola I have no idea what Queen Victoria Day is 😬😬 but it sounds amazing!! 6y
LeahBergen @tournevis Okay, that IS strange! 😂😂 6y
LeahBergen @Reviewsbylola It became a holiday here in the 1800s to celebrate Queen Victoria‘s birthday and now it‘s just an excuse for a long weekend to kick off summer. It was our favourite camping/drinking/partying weekend as teenagers. 😂😂 6y
Reviewsbylola Love it!! 6y
tournevis @LeahBergen On the days he'll fly out to vancations abroad, he'll come into work on those mornings and leave at the last possible moment to go to the airport. Now, get this, he's not paid by the hour. He's paid by year. He has paid vacation days. 6y
tournevis @LeahBergen @Reviewsbylola In Quebec, where Empire was disputed and female leaders were liked even less, they decided to dedicate the day to Dollar des Ormeaux who was lauded as a great New France hero. Turns out he was a pig and a thief so a few yeara ago it was rededicates the Patriotes who failed to gain the-Lower-Canada independance and died by hanging or exile in Australia. Fun fact. 6y
LeahBergen @tournevis Now that‘s some fascinating history! 😮 6y
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Queen Victoria: born to succeed | Elizabeth Longford
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#cleaningoutmycloset Day 2. My husband finished the basement and garage overhaul and found three boxes of books . So obviously I‘m going thru the boxes. So far I‘ve rescued some books, including the tagged book that was originally my grandfather‘s and has his nameplate in it.

mrp27 Those are the best treasures to find. 6y
minkyb Lovely discovery! 6y
Cinfhen ❤️ 6y
Mdargusch Thank goodness! 6y
emilyhaldi Wait when do I get to go through the books?!?! 6y
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Victoria | Elizabeth Longford
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#Royals The Folio Society republished one of the classic biographies for each of these royals (and they are lovely objects, indeed!) #LyricalApril #FolioSociety

Cinfhen Oh wow! I'm sure they are beautiful 😍 7y
KerriNTurner Beautiful! I so want these! 7y
Leniverse Gorgeous! But the Roman numerals are messing with me. Making me want to rearrange them! 7y
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LeslieO Beautiful! And what a great group of biographies 7y
LeahBergen @Leniverse Well, just so you know ... I have to have them ordered according to years of reign. 😂 7y
LeahBergen @KerriNTurner @LeslieO They do some wonderful books. 🙂 7y
saresmoore So stunning! I was looking forward to your post for this prompt! 7y
Tsubame Wow! 😳 7y
Jess_Read_This Ohhh!! Those are just lovely!! 😍 7y
shawnmooney Luscious! I'm not really going to post anything for this prompt as I've posted and reposted all of my royal book stuff at least twice in the last year… I'm deferring to you, princess! 😍 7y
Jinjer I NEED THEM ALL! 7y
LeahBergen @shawnmooney I had to try to remember what I posted last time. The tagged book is actually the same one that you tagged before about Queen Victoria. 👍🏼 7y
LeahBergen @Jinjer Haha! 😀 7y
LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads Aha! I KNEW I had posted these before but I couldn‘t remember what title I posted under. 😆😆 Here they are! 5y
rubyslippersreads @LeahBergen Gorgeous! I feel another collection coming on. 😄 5y
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Queen Victoria: born to succeed | Elizabeth Longford
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This was the first biography I read of Queen Victoria. It is 900 pages long, and I think I was 11! Lol. Do you think my parents were all that surprised when, nine years later, I came out of the closet?
Reposting from last year because of #royals

saresmoore Haha! Ironically, there were probably lots of 11-year-old girls swooning over your brilliance and sophistication. Is it the same copy from childhood? 8y
shawnmooney @saresmoore In small-town Saskatchewan, I doubt that – but maybe… :-) It's the same pocketbook edition as mine and mine is similarly battered up. 8y
LeahBergen 😂😂 We'd have been bosom buddies back then. 8y
CherylDeFranceschi 😂🤣 8y
Hobbinol 😆👍🏻 8y
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Queen Victoria: born to succeed | Elizabeth Longford
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My guilty reading pleasure is books about the British royal family. Please don't judge me! I read this 900-page biography of Queen Victoria when I was 11 or 12. I'm no staunch monarchist: far from it. The royals just loom large in my imagination.