Picked up three new books at a local charity shop. Can‘t wait to get started on these soon. #newbooks #charityshop #charitybooks #tbr
Picked up three new books at a local charity shop. Can‘t wait to get started on these soon. #newbooks #charityshop #charitybooks #tbr
The children's book haul. I think they chose quite well. Love the Garfield Furry Tales. All look fun. Love sharing book joy with the kids. They were so excited bless them. The book Doris the Loris is about animals creating the first library through stories and imagination #childrens #charityshop #fairytales #adventure #magic #journies #library #booksbooksbooks
Charity shop buys of today. Monster Mission on the left. Think did quite well will post the kids haul next. I'm most excited about the tangleweed and Brine collection #charityshop #bookhaul #booksbooksbooks #YA #classics #fairytale #fantasy
Mine and the kids charity book shop finds. Can't lie I'm super chuffed lol. Happy reading and weekend everyone 📚❤📖 #charityshop #bookfinds #childrens #ya
New books 🙌🏻 am I the only person who prefers pre-loved books to brand new ones? I find it fascinating to think about who else has held the same book in their hands and wonder whether they enjoyed it as much as me. Picked these two up in my favourite oxfam bookshop yesterday. Can‘t wait to start 📖 #newbooks #preloved #bookish #charityshop
Charity shop gems! Thanks to my love for grabbing this for me ❤️
#charityshop #bookshop #goodfinds #funfinds #historygeek #japanese #hardtofind
Charity shop book haul for the boys. 10 books for £5. Most completely unused. Trying to be better with what we buy, including going second hand where possible. #sustainable #charityshop
Charity shop bargains! 75p each. #charityshop