Something special came in the mail 🥰 #thesilentpatient #alexmichaelides #breathless #amymcculloch #botm #bookofthemonth #bookclub
Something special came in the mail 🥰 #thesilentpatient #alexmichaelides #breathless #amymcculloch #botm #bookofthemonth #bookclub
Here is my entry for today‘s prompt:
#everybreathyoutake #littensdressedinblood #September #breathless #jenniferniven #romance #TBR
You have to be unique, and different, and shine in your own way.
-Lady Gaga
When sun started shining during photography session. 🌞
Books are on my tbr for this year. Can't wait to read them.
#merciless #endless #breathless #heartless #willowwinters #bookseries #romance #romantsy #naromance #newadult #paperback #litsypicture #bookstack
One ((of many)) unread shelves on my bookcases. Gotta get to these books cause they are some that I have want to read for a very long time!
#reader #read #tbr #bookcommunity #bookobsessed #bookstagram #bookaholic #booknerd #bookworm #wicked #redqueen #columbine #cathysbook #missperegrine #borne #yaya #breathless #caraval #lakings
My little thrift shop haul from Monday. :) #dutchbooks #stephenking #doctorsleep #veschwab #adarkershadeofmagic #lorinelsonspielman #forgiveme #deankoonts #breathless #tatianaderosnay #hernamewassarah
Starts on a new book this evening 📖#evening #newbook #new #book #books #booknerd #bookworm #bookporn #bookaddict #bookphotography #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #books4ever #books4life #read #reading #readaddict #lovebooks #lovetoread #booklover #cr #currentlyreading #startsonanewbook #mayabanks #fever #breathless #breathlesstrilogy
The is the best pic I could get of the #outside for Day 12 of #riotgrams, and the book I just finished! Underneath all that snow (at least 2 ft) is the backyard seating area and fire pit. I like to sit out there & read when the weather is nicer. Soon...soon!.
#breathless #beverlyjenkins #getlit #romance #blacklove
My surgery recovery kit - including my @bookofthemonthclub
selections which arrived today!
#breathless #beverlyjenkins #thefirenexttime #jamesbaldwin #themagicianking #levgrossman #msmarvel #civilwarII #gwillowwilson #lumberjanes #bandtogether #noellestevenson #behindhereyes #sarahpinborough #thepossessions #saraflannerymurphy #BOTM #getlit