Ch 8: I have so many things to say 🙄🤣 #melodeon #thiswholechapterwasbassackwards #somanyconflictingtheories #hesterprynnewantsherABack #thatsallihavetosayaboutthat #readysetgo #hashtagbrigade
Ch 8: I have so many things to say 🙄🤣 #melodeon #thiswholechapterwasbassackwards #somanyconflictingtheories #hesterprynnewantsherABack #thatsallihavetosayaboutthat #readysetgo #hashtagbrigade
Another evolving graphic. I‘ve been bad at checking in on my challenges during the month so I threw it all together for the end of the month. Only the future will tell if this changes.
#JoyousJanuary ☹️
#20in4 😄
Ready to start the #24in48 readathon! Stayed up to start right on time @24in48 😁👍 have fun everyone 📚🌈 #readysetgo