Reading my library books in a cozy warm house has been cancelled. #catsoflitsy #notmycat #reallywantedtotakeithometho
Reading my library books in a cozy warm house has been cancelled. #catsoflitsy #notmycat #reallywantedtotakeithometho
Kitty neighbor came back to visit today! He used to come over every day but we haven‘t seen him for a long time. He came over for head scratches today 😽
#petsoflitsy #catsoflitsy #notmycat
Just started this one @TrishB - based on Chapter 1 Mary Anne is a little minx - she‘d be on Love Island for sure!
@Meaw_catlady - sorry to hear you had a bad week. Here‘s one of my neighbour‘s cats enjoying my book as much as I am....
This audiobook is sitting on my OverDrive ‘shelf‘. On a scale from 1 to F that ish, how creepy is this book? #imnotscared #imcautious #googleimage #notmycat
Update: Shakespeare's a no-go, too. I guess Inara doesn't want me to do ANY homework today. Anyone else find it hard to read with cats? #NotMyCat #CatsOfLitsy
Enjoyed this magical take on crime families and public fear of "workers." I liked how using the powers had a blowback effect on the user that was specific to their power, rather than just general exhaustion from focusing and grunting really hard. Full of fabulously not-nice people who still manage to make you root for their family, if only for the sake of Cassel, who at least occasionally tries to have good intentions. Thanks @AlisonC for the rec!