This one makes me thankful I have sons. It is creepy. Creepy AF! I started the Kindle version and finished it on audio. Listen to it! The audiobook brings out the real psychopath in Hanna. #creepyaf #damienstepaside #googleimage
This one makes me thankful I have sons. It is creepy. Creepy AF! I started the Kindle version and finished it on audio. Listen to it! The audiobook brings out the real psychopath in Hanna. #creepyaf #damienstepaside #googleimage
This audiobook is sitting on my OverDrive ‘shelf‘. On a scale from 1 to F that ish, how creepy is this book? #imnotscared #imcautious #googleimage #notmycat
The man in black fled across the desert and the Gunslinger followed.
The final book in this epic series is ...epic. Roland and his Ka-tet continue on their journey toward the dark tower. I ugly cried and ugly cried. The ending was unexpected. I will miss all these characters: Roland, Detta/Odetta/Susannah, Eddie, Jake and Oye. There are other worlds than these. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️❤️🤘✌️ #googleimage
The death of Lincoln's son, Willie, & the immense grief portrayed had me in tears. The writing style was a bit confusing in audio format. Once I realized the interwoven historical quotes, listening became much easier. The spirits in the cemetery reminded me of the Graveyard Book but they were much funnier & foul mouthed. Also, there are 166 narrators!! It's all incredibly sad mixed with humor & wit. Read it. Listen to it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #googleimage
This is an intriguing and alarming look at how quickly a life can change with seemingly no warning. Her eventual diagnosis of Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis is frightening. Thankfully she was provided the appropriate treatment in time and her story will help many who are suffering from similar symptoms and have been misdiagnosed. #googleimage
Short and to the point. We must all do better to demand equality for all. #requiredreading #recommendsday #googleimage
I liked this but I really wanted to love it. I may be burned out on YA dystopian/scifi/romance/etc. It was entertaining and had a few good twists, but it's too similar to a lot of other YA dystopian/sci-fi/romance that are more entertaining & written much better. Also, the ending was too neatly wrapped up. Can't say more without spoiling it. I'll probably still listen to the other books in the series but maybe I'll wait a few months. #googleimage
Halle-freaking-lujah!! I finally finished the 47+hr audiobook of "The Stand". It was great but 47 hrs was pushing it! On to lighter reads. #albatrossaroundmyneck #thereshouldbeaprizeforthis
No one does sibling rivalry and revenge like Flavia! Makes me wish I was a little more creative when I was younger and had paid more attention in Chemistry. 🔮⚗️🔬👧🔭💉#teamFlavia #googleimage