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I quite enjoyed this Aussie novel that reminds me of The Virgin Suicides, one of my fave coming of age books.

Sisters Tikka & Laura are friends with their neighbors, the three Van Apfel sisters. Mr. VA is a Jehovah‘s Witness and tries to force his religion on his daughters (including physical abuse), but middle sister Cordelia is especially rebellious. Years after the girls disappear, Tikka and Laura are still trying to figure out what happened.

Cinfhen I have this on my Kindle from years ago!! #MaybeOneDay 13mo
Megabooks @Cinfhen #MoodReader 😁😁 this had been on my list forever, too. It was on a Barbie display at the library, and it was just right book/right time. 13mo
Cinfhen Hahaha!!! I love that #LibraryBarbie 🩷🩷🩷 13mo
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Day: A Novel | Elie Wiesel, Anne Borchardt
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The final book in the loosely connected Night trilogy- this was not an easy or enjoyable read. It‘s dark & philosophical begging the reader to ask why, how?! An elderly man who has physically survived the concentration camps but who is haunted in his everyday existence is hit by a cab in NYC leaving him once again fighting for survival. Dark & depressing. Not a book I‘d easily recommend.

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BarbaraBB I never knew it was a trilogy… sounds tough. Great photo though 👌🏽😘 2y
Cinfhen It‘s a loose trilogy- we are meant to follow Eli as he navigates his way from concentration camp to freedom but the other two books were not as impactful as Night. And Dawn & Day are “novellas” where as Night was autobiographical @BarbaraBB - photo was taken in the Fez airport 🤩 2y
BarbaraBB Interesting! I‘ll be visiting Fez too. Did you like it? 2y
squirrelbrain Sounds like a tough read. 2y
Librarybelle Interesting. I had not heard much about Day and Dawn. 2y
Cinfhen I did like Fez - the only city I wasn‘t crazy about was Casablanca but it was really nice to be near the water @BarbaraBB I think 12 days was just too much - we were also traveling with a group & I started to crave my own time which I didn‘t have much of. 2y
Cinfhen Dawn & Day are very intense and definitely cover the philosophical issues about survivor‘s guilt and the meaning of living a good life/ rewarding life @squirrelbrain @Librarybelle 2y
Cinfhen I forgot this was my January #BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks 2y
TheAromaofBooks Sounds intense!!! 2y
Kitta I really want to read these. 2y
Cinfhen I‘ll be curious to hear your thoughts @Kitta if you ever pick up the books…definitely was a challenging read @TheAromaofBooks 2y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen twelve days with a group sounds pretty intense indeed! I‘ll be going with my bff for 9 days. She‘s a reader too and we‘ll be traveling by train mostly, which seems quite relaxed! 2y
Cinfhen I‘m super excited to hear more about your trip @BarbaraBB do u have an itinerary yet?? 9 days is awesome and the train system looks like an excellent way to travel 2y
BarbaraBB We‘re thinking of Fez-Rabat-Tangiers-Chefchaouet. We‘ve been to Marrakech twice already and Casablanca is not that special indeed. I‘d love to hear how your itinerary looked like! We‘ll email when you‘re settled back in ❤️ 2y
Cinfhen Your itinerary sounds amazing @BarbaraBB we focused on southern Morocco but the same tour group is going back in October and they are doing Tangiers - Gibraltar - Toledo - Cordoba - Seville ( so more of Spain) I‘m not sure I want to travel with a tour group again, but it was helpful for our first time going, especially navigating the food & language 2y
BarbaraBB That‘s a great trip too they‘ll be making. But I can see why going with a tour group once is enough. The benefit of living in a small country is having to learn many languages. My friend and I speak French so that makes traveling on our own much easier. 2y
Kitta @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Agreed about Casablanca, we stopped in Essaouria which was nicer. I‘ve heard good things about Fez and Rabat. I stayed on my own for a few days in Marrakech which was daunting. My French is so-so and being a woman alone in an Arab country is difficult. That said I‘m in Egypt now by myself, and it‘s fine. But I‘m in touristy places (Cairo, Giza, Sharm El Sheik). I hope it‘s okay for you & bff, Barbara! Where do you live btw? 2y
Kitta @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Ps sorry to drop into your conversation! But it was a very interesting place to visit (riads are beautiful) despite being a bit scared at night on my own. I travel a lot by myself and never really felt that way about being out after dark alone before, but a man twisted my arm in the souk and sprained it, which freaked me out. I ended up meeting other women travelling, a bit by accident, and joined them for dinner. Be safe! 2y
BarbaraBB @Kitta thanks for dropping in! Kudos for traveling by yourself! I can imagine that you don‘t always feel safe at night. Men in Arabic countries often grow up with a totally wrong idea about western women. I am from the Netherlands. 2y
Cinfhen Glad you shared @Kitta you‘re very brave for traveling alone 🙌🏻I agree, Morocco felt safe and almost everyone I met was super respectful and friendly but the sellers in the souk and street vendors were very forceful - PERSISTENT in their desire to make a sale😅 I was just saying I want to go to Egypt!!! I‘m glad you feel safe there. How many days do you think you need?? Did you feel the earthquake yesterday??? 2y
Kitta @BarbaraBB yes they seem to have the wrong idea. I‘m also mostly queer (not a fact I‘m broadcasting here) so no matter what they offer, I‘m not interested! One man offered me 200 camels yesterday for marriage lol. Oh the Netherlands, cool! I‘ve never been but it‘s on my list. My travel list is a lot like my TBR list, it‘s pretty big. 2y
Kitta @Cinfhen yeah most people are friendly but the sellers are crazy! Egypt is similar, people are trying to make a sale and everything requires tips. I‘m only here a week. I‘m doing Cairo, Giza, Saqqara, and Sharm El Sheik for scuba diving. I‘d add Luxor and Alexandria as well if I was doing it again but I had limited time and wanted to prioritize diving this trip. I ❤️🤿 it‘s some of the best in the world. No didn‘t feel the earthquake! 2y
Cinfhen Cool @Kitta ♥️My son was recently in Thailand and got his scuba certification there. I‘m terrified for some reason but I‘m obsessed with undersea life. I‘m sure it‘s amazing 🤩 2y
Kitta @Cinfhen that‘s so cool! I‘ve been diving in Thailand, it was great. I‘m sure he enjoyed it a lot. My dad is too scared too, but it‘s a great way to see undersea creatures, and shipwrecks! I recommend everyone tries it if they‘re a good swimmer. 2y
BarbaraBB @Kitta 200 camels lol! But I totally see why you wouldn‘t fall for it! 2y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Happy Weekend, Litsy!

So this week I finished my first Robin Hobb, and was very tempted to dive straight into the next book. But at 29 hours, I‘d best go for a break in between times!

Lots of nonfiction, thanks to #AuldLangSpine and #NaturalLitsy. And why have I not read Dorthe Nors‘s fiction yet?

And started Frankly in Love as an attempt at QuietYA for #Booked2023. I had no idea about David and Nicola Yoon‘s story.

rockpools That‘s my #BookReport. I‘m declaring 1st of Feb the start of my new year, as Dec/Jan were a write-off and I have next week as leave - so for my #weeklyforecast, mainly the same, but also finishing as much half-read stuff that‘s lying about as humanly possible. What can possibly go wrong? 😂😂 2y
TrishB Oh Rachel, I‘m so glad you loved the Hobb, you have wonderful treats ahead ♥️ (edited) 2y
rockpools @TrishB I was slightly nervous in case I hated it 🤣 - I rattled through it in no time! 2y
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TrishB That one is of course the shortest one 😁 2y
Cathythoughts That‘s a great result ♥️ 2y
Cinfhen That‘s a great endorsement for the Robin Hobb trilogy #MaybeOneDay 2y
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Another #blameitonLitsy choice - my first book by this author. A quick easy read - Jurassic Park lite - totally enjoyable- very likeable lead character. - familiar storyline . A good choice for the last book in my marathon week as back to work today. This was a great way to #Jumpstart2023 for me.

Cinfhen You‘re the third person I saw reading this book since the new year😄 2y
julesG @Cinfhen It is really good. I recommend the audiobook, read by Wil Wheaton. 2y
Cinfhen It seems to out there for me @julesG 🤷🏼‍♀️ 2y
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wanderinglynn I like Scalzi & this one is on my TBR. Two of his stand-alone novels I enjoyed were Redshirts & (edited) 2y
Dragon Thanks @Cinfhen if you like Andy Weir , I think you‘ll like this one. 💚🐉 2y
Dragon @julesG now I want to listen to the audiobook 💚🐉 2y
Dragon Thanks @wanderinglynn I will have to add those to my tbr 👍💚🐉 2y
Cinfhen I like Andy Weir but I don‘t love his novels … too much science for me 🫠although Wil Wheaton is hilarious!! So #MaybeOneDay 2y
Dragon @Cinfhen the audiobook does sound fun - the Libby App only had the ebook 💚🐉 2y
Cinfhen Darn!!! 2y
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Thank you Ann Patchett for recommending this nonfiction #audiobook gem. Buck travels from the Monongahela to the Ohio and down the Mississippi Rivers to New Orleans on a flatboat in this epic adventure full of interesting characters and fascinating history! Flatboats preceded steamboats, and Buck writes about the settlement of the West but doesn‘t discount painful parts. I even learned new things about the towns that surround mine on the Ohio!

TEArificbooks I just finished this one too. I loved The Oregon Trail as well. 2y
Megabooks @mdm139 I missed out on OT, so I‘m going to go back and read it now. 2y
Cinfhen Hmmmm #MaybeOneDay 😃I‘m intrigued 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen I actually think you‘d enjoy this if it came to hoopla or scribd. Keep an eye out! 2y
Cinfhen Will do 🙌🏻😘 2y
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Well this book wasn‘t very nice. It was just okay. I wanted to shake Anna and say, when an older guy starts off negging you, it ain‘t going anywhere good. Bonus tip: he probably has a wife.

HOWEVER, when I wasn‘t reading about the banal and totally predictable relationship, I got to hang with Anna at opera school and that part was cool and different than any book I‘ve read. Still, this is a low pick #BorrowNotBuy.

Cinfhen I‘ll file it under #MaybeOneDay 😛 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen yeah, the opera parts were interesting for sure, but not one to rush out and get. 2y
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Part memoir, part history, Fisher dives into addiction. This book is refreshing because he tackles addiction not through the lens of a specific drug but instead takes a broad look at American addiction. He shares his own story as a physician with a substance use disorder. He developed a problem with alcohol and speed during medical school. The memoir never overtakes his other research, which I appreciated. Pick for sure. 👍🏻

SRWCF Sounds like a great read! 3y
Megabooks @SRWCF it was! 3y
BennettBookworm That antiquity image on the cover is so striking 3y
readordierachel This sounds fascinating, and very timely. 3y
Cinfhen Saving it for #MaybeOneDay as I‘m not feeling The Urge at the moment (😉☺️) pun intended 😘 3y
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Wayward | Dana Spiotta
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When did I start being able to relate so well to middle-aged women losing their minds? #perimenopause

It‘s 2017 and Hillary has just made ⬆️ speech and, like many liberal white women, Sam didn‘t see it coming. She feels betrayed and buys a run down but architecturally beautiful home in a bad neighborhood. As the plot unfolds, you find out the other factors that led to her breakdown and flight from suburbia. Part of the book follows Ally ⬇️

Megabooks ⬆️ Sam‘s 17-year-old daughter, who is going through her own set of issues. The push and pull between mother and daughter is interesting, but Spiotta made some odd choices near the end that I‘m still trying to parse. Overall a definite pick!! 3y
Cinfhen Great review!!! Going on my #MaybeOneDay list 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen thank you!! I can see you enjoying this one. (edited) 3y
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This novel is part literary thriller and part coming-of-age story. Libby‘s mother puts her little sister Ellen out of a dark rural road after an argument. Ellen gets picked up by a bad man and leaps from the car. This sets in motion a chain of events that draws in their whole community.

Libby reminds me of everything I hated about being 15, perhaps that‘s why I disliked her. She tries to involve herself in things she‘s too young to understand. ⬇️

Megabooks ⬆️ Everyplace I look rates this as adult fiction. I think people who read adult or YA could enjoy this book, but it‘s a slight pick for me. (edited) 3y
FelinesAndFelonies This one is on my TBR shelf. Think I might dust it off and move it closer to the top of the pile. 3y
Megabooks @FelinesAndFelonies I really enjoyed the first half and the last few chapters, but there was a point in the middle where she lost me a bit. I hope you enjoy it! It‘s interesting book because bridges a lot of different genres. 3y
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Cinfhen Never even heard of this book before 🤷🏼‍♀️I think I‘ll pass for now 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen this was a random pick from an audible sale. Not sorry I read it, but not great either. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
Cinfhen There are plenty of those types of reads / I‘ll save it for #MaybeOneDay 3y
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Any Way the Wind Blows | Rainbow Rowell
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This makes me a little bit happy. #squee Wish I had time to reread #carryon and #waywardson before I get into the third one. #maybeoneday #rainbowrowell

Karisa Just finished it last week. So. Freaking. Good! 💗 3y
Missusb @Karisa I am so happy about how thick it is…. (edited) 3y
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